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The Water:Energy Nexus Simultaneous solutions or dual disasters?

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1 The Water:Energy Nexus Simultaneous solutions or dual disasters?
Jeff Fulgham Chief Sustainability Officer GE Power & Water

2 (In billion cubic meters)
Global 2030 needs 2x Electricity 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 35,000 40,000 2008 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 Emerging Developed Billions of kW hours 19.9 U.S. 5 10 15 20 SA Algeria Korea France Spain India Japan Russia China 50.2 62.2 Brazil *at same consumption rate 3x Water (In billion cubic meters)

3 REDUCE before we PRODUCE Water:Energy Nexus
Both challenges must be addressed together

4 Nexus #1: 6-19% of a city’s energy demand used to produce, treat & transport water

5 Solution #1: Distributed water & power… right mix, right place, right price

6 Green building

7 Distributed solutions

8 * Membrane replacement, Chemicals, Labor, Maintenance
Nexus #2: Higher technology to treat impaired water requires higher energy demand WATER ENERGY Membrane Other O&M* ~33% Capital ~33% Energy ~33% Thermal (MED) Other 24% Capital 31% Energy 45% * Membrane replacement, Chemicals, Labor, Maintenance

9 Solution #2: Joint technology development driving energy and cost out
WATER ENERGY 2010 1996 1.25 0.25 0.75 Cost of Water $/m3 Cost of ‘Traditional’ Water Supply Cost Water Reuse Cost of Desalination 0.50 1.00 The cost of desalination with GE membranes has fallen by more than 80% in the last two decades

10 Opportunity #2: Technology development driving energy and cost out
$$ SHORT TERM High-Flux Membrane Systems Chem/Membrane/Equip Integration Advanced Pretreatment Next-Generation Electrical Processes Nano technologies Solar & Low Grade Heat Integration LONG TERM High-Efficiency Membrane Materials SWRO-PRO/RED Integration Renewable Energy Integration Nano-tube Active Transport Additive Particulate Separation Forward desalinationn

11 Opportunity #2: Next-gen technologies

12 Nexus #3: Declining reservoir levels reduce hydro generating capacity

13 Solution #3: Reduce consumption, replenish reservoirs, alternative energy
WATER ENERGY Bioenergy Geothermal Natural Gas Wind Hydro Solar Hydrogen Cauley Creek water reuse facility…restoring lake levels by treating municipal wastewater

14 Sustainable planning

15 Nexus #4: Power generation requires large quantities of water
ENERGY >50% of global industrial water consumption is used to generate power

16 Solution #4: Reduce water consumption per MW produced
Align optimum water source with consumption need Source To Use Water in Convert waste streams into value & minimize risk Waste To Value Waste out Optimize water & energy consumption in boiler, cooling and fuel systems Process & Utilities

17 Embracing water reuse

18 Turning waste into value

19 Nexus #5: Energy exploration & production generates massive wastewater

20 Solution #5: Advanced wastewater solutions reduce losses & enable water reuse

21 Reclaim & reuse

22 Nexus #6: Emerging market’s huge energy demand creates huge water demand
Only 5% of India’s municipal wastewater received secondary treatment…95% receives only primary treatment and flows directly to a receiving stream or the sea In 2008, India is witnessing a very high peak electricity demand deficit of 12-13% and energy shortage of 6-8%, with which it is improbable for India to sustain high levels of economic growth The Central Electricity Authority estimates that to meet it requirements, India would needs an addition of at least 161 GW of electricity generation capacity during the 11th and 12th five year plan periods. The government, on its part, has already set aside a fund of Rs 4108 billion (US$ 95 billion) for meeting new generation targets set forth in these plans.

23 Solution #6: Emerging market’s water and energy challenges can be solved simultaneously

24 Nexus #7 Water pricing & policies provide little incentive for change
High scarcity, low cost … where is the motivation to conserve? Renewable water resources per capita If water were an economic commodity, we could expect the laws of supply and demand to play out. But do they in your world? I recently looked at the cost for water in over 180 locations around the world. If all was right with the world, one would expect a somewhat linear relationship between cost, on the X-axis, and availability, on the Y-axis, something like this … In reality, there is almost no correlation. For example, in the Middle East where demand outstrips supply and desalination plants are the major source of potable water, water is almost free. Where is the motivation to reduce consumption? Water pricing is typically the same down to the last drop. Why do the economics work this way? Two reasons: First, public authorities supply most water and politicians do not like to raise water prices, a basic necessity … it can be career limiting. Second, water systems typically involve high fixed costs and low operating costs, so the capex cost can be rolled into the general public debt and the opex can be minimized and subsidized if necessary. (Kathryn Garcia) Three problems with this system: When scarcity becomes an issue, it is very important to send a signal to customers that water is valuable. Without a return on investment there is little incentive to invest in infrastructure and There is no provision for depreciation of the fixed assets. Total water + wastewater cost per m3 by country

25 Solution #7: Shift from price to value
Policies must be addressed on a national level and must be long-term and predictable. This chart lays out some examples of policies that are working today around the world for Water reuse and for renewables. In the case of water, many countries are putting in water reuse policies … In Saudi Arabia .. 11% reuse target today going to 65% by 2015. In the case of renewables, over 70 countries now have a renewable energy target. Europe: 20% by 2020, China’s goal 100 GW of wind by 2020, India just put in a goal of 20 GW solar by 2022. Clearly, many countries are taking action. The US has a tremendous opportunity to improve. Currently, only 6% water reuse and less than 3% Wind/renewables. We all know there has been tremendous focus on the US energy policy. But it is currently stalled … what can we do to move forward?

26 Many countries taking action … US currently stalled
Solution #7: National long-term policy critical China: 100GW Wind by 2020 EU: 20% by 2020 National policies n Renewables n Water Spain: 11% reuse today … 40% by 2015 India: -20 GW Solar by 2022 Policies must be addressed on a national level and must be long-term and predictable. This chart lays out some examples of policies that are working today around the world for Water reuse and for renewables. In the case of water, many countries are putting in water reuse policies … In Saudi Arabia .. 11% reuse target today going to 65% by 2015. In the case of renewables, over 70 countries now have a renewable energy target. Europe: 20% by 2020, China’s goal 100 GW of wind by 2020, India just put in a goal of 20 GW solar by 2022. Clearly, many countries are taking action. The US has a tremendous opportunity to improve. Currently, only 6% water reuse and less than 3% Wind/renewables. We all know there has been tremendous focus on the US energy policy. But it is currently stalled … what can we do to move forward? Saudi Arabia: 11% reuse today … 65% by 2016 Israel: 85% reuse today 90% by 2016 Water data source: GWI Renewables data source: REN21 Many countries taking action … US currently stalled

27 Opportunity #7: Comprehensive approach to water risk

28 We never know the worth of water till the well is dry.
~Thomas Fuller


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