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Unit 4 Human Geography Visual Vocabulary

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1 Unit 4 Human Geography Visual Vocabulary

2 Population The total number of people who live in a specific place
What might happen if the total number of people living in an area is too big for a small area of land?

3 Population Density Shows the average of how many people are living per sq mile or kilometer Where is our map key and what does it tell us?

4 Migration The process of relocating to a new region or place
What current event do we know of that explains large groups of people migrating to a new place?

5 Pull Factors Things that attract people to migrate to a new region (Money, jobs, resources, etc) What might pull you to live in a new neighborhood?

6 Push Factors Things that cause people to leave and migrate to a new region (War, bad economy, harsh government, etc) In our current events, what are some push factors causing people to migrate to Europe?

7 Refugee A person who flees their country for safety

8 Immigrant A person who leaves one country and settles in another
Were some of your older family members immigrants? Where did they migrate from?

9 Rural Areas that relate to the country or farms.
Have any of you visited or live on a farm? What things do you see?

10 Urban Refers to cities Describe the city of Charlotte.

11 VS Habitable Lands Areas of land that are suitable for human living
How would you describe a place that is suitable for human living? VS

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