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A compass rose is used to show directions on a map.

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Presentation on theme: "A compass rose is used to show directions on a map."— Presentation transcript:

1 A compass rose is used to show directions on a map.
Cardinal Directions are the four main directions on a compass rose: North, South, East, West. Intermediate directions are the four directions that are in-between the cardinal directions: northeast, northwest, southeast, south west. A globe is model of the Earth that is shaped like a ball. A globe shows the seven continents and the oceans. The map title tells what the map is about. The map key explains the symbols found on a map. 1

2 Appalachian Mountains
Rocky Mountains St. Lawrence River Hudson River Colorado River Appalachian Mountains Mississippi River Rio Grande River Ohio River There are 6 major rivers in the United States: Colorado River, Rio Grande River, Mississippi River, Ohio River, Hudson River and the St. Lawrence River There are 2 major mountain ranges in the United States: Rocky Mountains and Appalachian Mountains

3 Imaginary Lines on a Globe
Equator Lines of Latitude Prime Meridian Lines of Longitude

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