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Integrating Language Arts & Science for Third Grade Presented by

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1 Integrating Language Arts & Science for Third Grade Presented by
Jessica Jennings and Jennifer Johnson John Gandy Elementary School August 2014

2 What are some ways that you already integrate science and language arts in your classroom?
What are some of the books and materials that you already have that you are using to do this? Take a few minutes to write them on the post-it note.

3 How do we choose what to focus on?
1. Use science S.O.L.s. 2. Use reading S.O.L.s 3. Use what materials you have to integrate science and language arts. Note....The integration of science and language arts can naturally occur during a reading lesson (small group or whole group).

4 Where do I begin to organize this lesson?
Lesson Template can be found on Blackboard Elementary Curriculum Resources 3rd Grade Science Science Integration Thinking and Planning Guide Template (1).doc


6 b) sources of renewable energy Reading Standards:
For this lesson: Science Standards: The student will investigate and understand different sources of energy. Key concepts include b) sources of renewable energy Reading Standards: 3.6 G & H: To determine main idea and details using nonfiction 3.6C: Preview and use text features

7 Science Integ Thinking and Planning Guide Template (3).doc


9 Boy Who Harnessed the Wind Anticipation Guide
Agree Disagree Statement 1. A drought is when you have lots of water to drink. 2. William was able to go to the store and buy all of the materials he needed to make the perfect windmill. 3. William was determined to help his village. 4. When William first started making his windmill, the people in his village thought that he was crazy. 5.William succeeded in saving his village with his windmill. 6. William’s father told the children that they could only eat one meal per day.

10 Making Generators

11 Example of writing integration with making generators

12 Guided Reading *Use Delta Readers about energy *2 different levels of books (red and purple) It is okay that the books aren't on the student's specific reading level for this lesson. It can be used as a mentor aloud, etc.

13 Using main ideas and details
graphic organizer

Before What I already know about this topic: I want to learn more about . . . I predict that . . . The question I want to answer is . . .

During I observed . . . It looks (smells, sounds, feels) like . . . What would happen if . . . This reminds me of . . . My results show . . . New words I learned:

After I still wonder about . . . My evidence for this idea is . . . I was surprised by . . . I’m not sure I understand . . . I think I could teach someone how to . . . I act like a scientist when I . . . Next, I plan to . . .

17 Example of writing integration with making generators

18 .....see you in 15 minutes.

19 Video clips

20 Planning Time using Delta Readers
Username: HCPS Password: HCPS

21 Thank you for attending our session!
If you have any questions, please send us an . Have a great school year!


23 Attachments Science Integ Thinking and Planning Guide Template (1).doc Science Integ Thinking and Planning Guide Template (3).doc

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