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Acetylene Dynamics at Energies up to 13,000 cm-1

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1 Acetylene Dynamics at Energies up to 13,000 cm-1
By: Jonathan Martens, David S. Perry Dept of Chemistry, The University of Akron Michel Herman, Badr Amyay Laboratoire de Chimie quantique et Photophysique, Université libre de Bruxelles

2 Computed dynamics based on Michel Herman’s spectroscopic Hamiltonian
Acetylene Computed dynamics based on Michel Herman’s spectroscopic Hamiltonian trans bend ν4 cis bend ν5 2 Michael Kellman’s movies:

3 Acetylene Hamiltonian
Badr Amyay B. Amyay, M. Herman, A. Fayt, L. Fusina, A. Predoi-Cross, Chem. Phys. Lett. 491, (2010) additional lines! Normal mode basis set: (v1 v2 v3 v4 v5, l4 l5 ) with e/f g/u symmetries Polyad numbers: Nr = 5v1 + 3v2 + 5v3 + v4 + v5 conserved Ns = v1 + v2 + v not conserved Vibrational angular momentum: k = l4 + l not conserved Four coupling types: Vibrational l-resonance: Δvn = 0, Δl4 = ±2, Δl5 = ∓2, Δk = 0 Anharmonic (e.g., DD4455): Δv4 = ±2, Δv5 = ∓2, Δk = 0 Rotational l-resonance: Δk = ±2, ±4, ~J 2 Coriolis: Δk = ±1, ΔNs = ±1, ~J Fit included 19,582 lines up to 13,000 cm-1, ~150 off-diagonal parameters Polyads studied in this work: {Nr, e, g} { 8, e, g} – 5682 cm states {12, e, g} – 8415 cm states {16, e, g} 10,421 – 11,076 cm states {18, e, g} 11,808 – 12,379 cm states 3

4 Acetylene: n Coupled Levels
Express zeroth order basis states in terms of eigenstates Bright state is zeroth order state j = 1 After a coherent excitation of a bright states, calculate the time dependence of the wavefunction. Project the time-dependent wavefunction onto various zeroth-order states to monitor its time evolution.

5 Acetylene Detailed IVR Dynamics
Δl4 = ±2, Δl5 = ∓2 Badr Amyay Δv4 = ±2, Δv5 = ∓2 Δk = ±2 Normal Mode Bright State , 0 0 e g E = 10,534.7 cm-1 in Polyad {16, e, g} Δk = ±1, ΔNs = ±1 5

6 Acetylene Detailed IVR Dynamics
J = 2 J = 30 J = 100 ν1+ ν3 = 3 Acetylene Detailed IVR Dynamics Δl4 = ±2, Δl5 = ∓2 Δv4 = ±2, Δv5 = ∓2 Ns = 3 Δk = ±2 Normal Mode CH Stretch Bright State , 0 1 e g E = 10,421.3 cm-1 in Polyad {16, e, g} Δk = ±1, ΔNs = ±1 Δk = ±1, ΔNs = ±1 6

7 Acetylene IVR Rates 7

8 Normal Mode Bending States
cis bend 16ν5 cis bend 12n5 cis bend 18ν4 cis bend 8ν5 Wavenumber / cm-1 trans bend 18ν4 trans bend 16ν4 trans bend 12ν4 trans bend 8ν4 8

9 Transformation to DD4455 Eigenstate Basis
Polyad {16, e, g} DD4455 Eigenstates Normal Mode Bright States counter rotator cis bend ν5 trans bend ν4 local bender 9

10 Acetylene Computed Spectra
Polyad {16, e, g}; J = 30 Normal Mode Bright States DD4455 Bright States cis bend ν5 counter rotator local bender trans bend ν4 10

11 Acetylene Detailed IVR Dynamics
Δl4 = ±2, Δl5 = ∓2 Δv4 = ±2, Δv5 = ∓2 Δk = ±2 DD4455 Bright State 10,538.0 cm-1 in Polyad {16, e, g} Δk = ±1, ΔNs = ±1 11

12 Acetylene IVR Rates Polyad {16, e, g} 12

13 Acetylene Summary Detailed Dynamics Initial IVR Rates
Hierarchies of sequentially coupled states: 20 fs to 20 ps. Dramatic enhancement with rotational excitation Qualitative differences between CH and bending bright states. Initial IVR Rates Increase with polyad number Depend on the nature of the bright state Bend vs CH stretch Normal mode vs local CH, local bender, etc Faster for interior states than edge states for normal mode bright states Faster for the local bender than for the counter rotator 13

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