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Leading Change Wood Badge S

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1 Leading Change Wood Badge S7-602-13
Beginning of slide show intro that visually sets tone for Leading Change presentation Wood Badge S

2 Beginning of slide show intro that visually sets tone for Leading Change presentation

3 Beginning of slide show intro that visually sets tone for Leading Change presentation

4 Leading Change Mike Wilson – Rick Bragga Troop Guide & SPL
Beginning of slide show intro that visually sets tone for Leading Change presentation Leading Change Mike Wilson – Rick Bragga Troop Guide & SPL

5 Someone must lead the way
Slide 17- Last slide of intro with JFK/flag Rick- Good afternoon. This session, Leading Change, will cover the following- Mike- Understanding the value of change and developing the skills to lead it successfully Rick- Learning the 6 steps for leading change with groups and individuals Mike- Appreciating the value of leading change through lifelong learning. Someone must lead the way

6 Slide 18- Cub crossover Rick- How many of you have experienced changes during this Wood Badge course? What are some of the changes you’ve experienced? (solicit several answers) How about one of your first experiences, when you crossed over, the change from being a Cub Scout to a Boy Scout? How about this- How many of you now find yourselves wandering to the stuffed animal section when you go into a store, perhaps looking for a Bobwhite, or an Eagle or such. Did you imagine 3 months ago you would proudly associate yourself with a group of critters? Change...has…happened. And it’s a positive change, you’re having fun with something associated with youth. Share your critter stuff with the youth of your unit, explain what it’s all about. They might say you’ve changed.

7 Slide 19- Blue Angels Mike CHANGES IN TEAM DEVELOPMENT (BLUE ANGELS) Each patrol has been going through the stages of becoming a high-performing team-changes that lead to important goals.

8 Rick- Can you see change coming?. Yes, if you know what to look for.
Slide 20- Clouds You’ve experienced changes in location. The first weekend we were comfortably settled inside, with 4 walls and a roof, someone else was cooking for us, weather was not a concern, we were warm dry and cozy. But now, what if it rains, or gets too hot, or too cold. We have experienced significant change from the first course weekend. Now we’re outside in the woods, with fewer of the comforts we’re accustomed to, and some elements out of our control. But we knew change was coming, and hopefully prepared for it Mike CHANGES WITH YOUR SCOUTING RESPONSIBILITIES BACK HOME (SKY) Perhaps a Cubmaster has moved away, or perhaps you are the one who has moved and you are joining a new unit. You might be changing your meeting place, or have perhaps you have schedule issues that conflict with your meetings. Changes don’t just happen at the unit level. Changes are happening just as often beyond scouting, also. In our workplace, in our families, in our communities, or maybe even at church. Everywhere.

9 Slide 21- Mike (RE LEE TO HOV) Change is a fact of life! Click to R.E. Lee Council strip Change can be a source of anxiety for many people, but it doesn’t have to be. Change can be a valuable tool of leadership. Click to Slide 22

10 Change Happens Rick- Change happens, it is inevitable. Throughout our lives change is happening at an ever increasing speed. It used to take days to send a letter to someone, now we can send an halfway around the world almost instantly. It used to take a week to get pictures developed, now you can click a few on your digital camera, place it on a docking port, hit a button and Presto- Pictures! A couple more clicks and you’ve ed them halfway around the world! * How do we react, or handle change? - We can be afraid, or resistant, usually both. - We can accept and make the most of change. Slide 22- Cub crossover Let’s look at this Webelos Scout again-This boy looks a little apprehensive. He’s facing an intimidating Scout Master, while two older, bigger boys are stripping his uniform. Yet I believe there’s some eagerness there. He knows he’s moving on to adventure and challenging experiences. He’s facing change and he’s willing and ready for it.

11 Objectives of Leading Change
Slide 23- Slide 4-5 We need to be open to change, and responsive to it’s effects. In other words- Making of change what we want of it. Have you been asked before “What do you want?” * We can lead change. We know it’s happening and we can direct it to achieve positive results. This approach accepts the inevitabity of change and is proactive in determining it’s outcome. Let me give you an example- When I went from a Webelos I leader to a Webelos II leader, I was going to lose half my boys to sports. Change was happening. I met with the parents to see what we could do.There seemed to be no solution until I said “What if we meet Sunday evenings at 7:00?” “But we always meet on Thursdays” was a reply. “Is there a reason we cannot meet on Sunday? I asked. They thought about it, we switched to Sunday’s, and I kept all 8 boys and crossed them into Boy Scouts. I led change to a positive outcome. CLICK TO NEXT SLIDE (24) Objectives of Leading Change When change is needed, leading change can make it happen. When change is inevitable, leading change can make it positive.

12 Recognize that change happens.
(SLIDE BEGINS AS STEP 1, THEN CLICK TO MEERKATS) – Mike Lets talk about HOW TO LEAD CHANGE STEP 1 RECOGNIZE THAT CHANGE HAPPENS 1. Anticipate change Change happens, and once it happens, it will happen again, and again. Knowing this, or realizing this, can prepare you and help you look for ways to shape the results of change. 2. Accept change. When you see it happening, try to adapt to it. The quicker you let go of the old, and accept the new the sooner you will begin to enjoy the new situation. Ask yourself: What are the advantages of changing? What may happen if there isn’t change? How can I move ahead to something new? 3. Move along with change. Enjoy it for what it is. Savor the adventure that changes bring, and look at it as an opportunity to grow and learn. And once change has happened, get ready, because it’s going to happen again! STEP 2 Recognize that change happens. TROOP GUIDES ANTICIPATING!

13 Empower others to help you lead change.
(SLIDE BEGINS AS STEP 2, THEN CLICK TO STOOGES) Rick Step 2 Empower others to help you. You, don’t, and shouldn’t have to go it alone, you really can’t and be successful. Why? It’s easier to lead when others buy into new ideas and come aboard as supporters looking to develop a positive future. They will be more supportive if they have a stake in the process. Who needs to be involved? Click to 3 Stooges These guys? I don’t think so, although this may remind you of your fellow leaders sometimes. Look for those with a willingness to effect change for improvement. They should have the position, experience, and credibility to assist in enacting change. They need to be someone others will follow. - They need the leadership and management skills to guide change. STEP 2 Empower others to help you lead change.

14 Slide 26- Founding Fathers - How about these fellow’s?
They were effective at leading change for a positive outcome, at least for us. They were able to get others to follow, and these guys proposed change way beyond anything we’re likely to experience.  Build relationships with others through shared experiences. You and your fellow Patrol members experienced that your first day with the “Who Me?” game. It facilitated learning about your fellow Patrol members. How about C.O.P.E., which stands for Challenging Outdoor Personal Experience. Have any of you done that? (Ask for feedback) When you go through a C.O.P.E. experience, you will not succeed without some team building occurring. Sometimes you can build your group helping lead change, such as Al did in choosing this staff, but usually the people you need, and already have to work with are already in place, and you must lead change with them, even if they are initially reluctant. The relationships you create through shared experiences will lead to the most positive opportunities for change to occur. This has been happening since you first arrived. The better you’ve gotten to know your Patrol mates, the stronger your team has become. Our shared experiences provide the foundation for trust, teamwork, and improved performance.

15 Lead change based on values, mission, and vision.
Slide 27 - Jim STEP 3 LEAD CHANGE BASED ON VALUES, MISSION, AND VISION STEP 3 Lead change based on values, mission, and vision.

16 (ALICE IN WONDERLAND) CLICK TO SLIDE 28 (ALICE) Alice in Wonderland comes to a fork in the road and asks the Cheshire Cat which way she should go. “That depends a good deal on where you want to get to,” the cat says. “ I don’t much care where,” Alice replies. “ Then it doesn’t matter which way you go,” the cat says. To lead change, you need to know where you are headed. The tools for finding that direction and staying on course are vision and mission, based on a clear sense of personal and organizational values.

17 Mike Slide 29- VALUES are core beliefs or desires that guide and motivate our attitudes and actions (This is a slide text) Values are core beliefs or desires that guide and motivate our attitudes and actions

18 Slide 30- Scout salute The values of scouting, for example,(CLICK TO SCOUTS) are embedded in the Scout Oath and Scout Law (Norman Rockwell) Values are the standards we use for leading change. They keep us moving in the right direction. If our change is wrong our values will serve as our moral compass, and lead us back on course for a better solution. (CLICK TO VISION)

19 Slide 31- acorn/oak tree – Mike VISION is a picture of future success
Slide 31- acorn/oak tree – Mike VISION is a picture of future success. Of what can be. A vision forms when we think far enough ahead to realize there are going to be challenges for us and we can prepare for them now, perhaps by doing something as simple as planting a few acorns.(CLICK TO ACORN) (I pull acorn out of pocket, with acorn picture) What does vision have to do with leading change? (Picture of oak tree ) It allows us visualize and see an end result, and inspires us with what might be. (CLICK TO OAK TREE) VISIONS President John F. Kennedy’s challenge of going to the moon. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s dream of a more inclusive society. Margaret Thatcher’s understanding of vision as a tool of leadership or perhaps a scout leader’s vision to help his troop develop a stronger program.  On day one, we talked about both vision and mission. How would you accomplish that vision? With a plan. Having a plan are the steps that help us to realize our vision. A plan with goals is the nuts and bolts of leading change. It is the foundation for making change become our vision. If you are an effective leader with a defined plan you have the potential for making your vision a reality. When we talked about vision and mission on day one, we did so in the context of values. What are values? ( Bullet point on VALUES again)  Vision

20 STEP 4 Establish Urgency.
SLIDE 32 Rick Step 4 Establish a sense of urgency. Without a compelling reason to change, many great ideas languish. -         television was invented in the late 30’s, but did not become widespread until the 1950’s -         Bar codes were devised in the 1950’s but did not really catch on until the 1980’s -         The advent of Aircraft carriers in WWII made battleships obsolete, yet it was a half century before the world’s navies fully adjusted to that fact. We must share our Vision in such a way that others SEE what the results of changing will bring about. Some key techniques in communicating urgency are- Simplicity, Analogy, leading by Example, Explanation of deficiencies, COMPROMISE STEP 4 Establish Urgency.

21 STEP 5 Move Ahead, Regardless SLIDE 34 Mike (STARTS AS STEP 5 …)
STEP 5 MOVE AHEAD, REGARDLESS CLICK TO Ashe Statue STEP 5 Move Ahead, Regardless

22 Some people are so resistant to change that, they just decide, they are not going to change, no matter what. They are just not going to accept change and they don’t like change at all. It takes them out of their comfort zone. Coming out of our comfort zone, can be very unpleasant for us. We like things that are familiar to us. Encourage them anyway. They may discover that changing isn’t as difficult as they thought it was. They may discover that when they come out of their comfort zone, and change, that these are the times that we learn and grow the most. CLICK TO SLIDE 35 (STEP 6) I have tried to keep on with my striving because this is the only hope I have of ever achieving anything worthwhile and lasting”. Arthur Ashe

23 Create a culture that embraces change
SLIDE 35 Rick Step 6 Create a Culture That Embraces Change Your group as gone through an experience that resulted in a positive change. Will you have to start from step 1 the next time? Maybe, but maybe not. If the group was involved in the process it’s likely they learned a lot about themselves and their abilities to create positive changes.   Being ENABLED tends to do that to people. Leading change on a large scale is much the same as working with a small group. Creating change within a culture, such as a District, or Council, may seem slower and more incremental than working with a small group like a Pack, Troop or Crew, but positive change can occur when brought about in the right manner for the right reasons. A key item to leading change is to have a goal you share with those you are working with. STEP 6 Create a culture that embraces change

24 SLIDE 36 - Rick There are 3 characteristics of a good goal-
CLICK TO SLIDE 36 (APOLLO ROCKET) -It’s visible -It’s unambiguous It’s clearly related to the change effort When John F Kennedy told the nation “We choose to go to the moon”, He encapsulated those 3 characteristics in 7 words- “We choose to go to the moon” It’s a visible goal, something substantial that we can see progress towards. It’s definitely unambiguous. He did not say “We are going to try for the moon”, he said “We choose to go to the moon. We choose to go to the moon in this decade”. It was clearly related to the change effort, which was….(ask participants) Beat the Russians, take the lead, become the best! We had become passive, and let others take the lead. Until one day this thing called Sputnik came arcing over our heads, going beep, beep, beep, and we were frightened. Change Happened. But we did not lead it. Not until we heard those words- “We choose to go to the moon!”

25 SLIDE 37 Small steps can lead change toward remarkable goals - Arthur Ashe
He was a child born into a segregated city, who now has a statue on Monument Avenue, an area he would have been unlikely to walk through as a child. He was a man whose body lay in state in the Governor’s mansion, the first to do so since General Stonewall Jackson’s in 1863. Arthur Ashe won the first U.S. Open in 1968, and is the only African American male to do so. He applied to South Africa for a Visa to play in the South African Open, and was denied. This began his advocacy against the South African policy of Apartheid, a battle which lasted over 2 decades and resulted in his being arrested protesting outside the South African Embassy in He was a major influence in bringing the world’s attention to the policies of Apartheid, and influential in bringing about its end. Arthur was a straight A student in High School, graduating in 1961 first in his class, and accepting a full scholarship to UCLA. He had a lifelong belief in the importance of learning and education. Among some of Arthur’s efforts for positive change were the Ashe-Bollettieri Cities (ABC) tennis program, The Safe Passage Foundation, the Athletes Career Connection, the Arthur Ashe Institute for Urban Health.

26 We Cannot Become What We Need To Be By Remaining What We Are Today!
SLIDE 38 - Rick He died in 1993 of complications brought on by AIDS related pneumonia, he contracted AIDS from a blood transfusion in 1983 during heart surgery. I recommend following up on your own in learning about this man. He was a man of integrity, conviction and action. He helped lead change for a positive outcome in his community, his nation, and his world. AND - He did this one step at a time. Mike- WE CANNOT BECOME WHAT WE NEED TO BE BY REMAINING WHAT WE ARE( Arthur Ashe picture is still up) I love this statement! This has a lot of personal relevance for me. The world around us is constantly changing, at a very fast pace. Think about what life would be like if everything was always the same. It would be comfortable, and it would be easy. But by not changing, we remain stagnant and will never grow. Take advantage of change! Grab hold of it! Look at it as an opportunity to grow and learn! Make lifelong learning a personal goal. To be an effective leader we must grow and learn, and adapt with change. Leaders are educators, but they are also continuing their own education. And that is why we are here. We Cannot Become What We Need To Be By Remaining What We Are Today!

27 Steps for Leading Change
Mike Let me reemphasize the 6 steps for leading change Recognize that change happens. Empower others to help you lead change. Lead change based on values, mission, and vision. Establish urgency. Move ahead, regardless. Create a culture that embraces There are some MENTAL HABITS THAT SUPPORT LIFE LONG LEARNING They are  $ Risk taking $ Humble self-reflection $ Solicitation of opinions $ Careful listening $ Openness to new ideas Steps for Leading Change Recognize that change happens Empower others to help you lead change Lead change based on values, mission, and vision Establish urgency Move ahead, regardless Create a culture that embraces

28 How Do We Support Our Future Leaders and Change?
Mike - How do we support our future leaders and change? If we have a clear vision of what can be How Do We Support Our Future Leaders and Change?

29 We choose to go to the moon
Rick- We can choose to go to whatever moon, planet or goal we want. Then leading change can help make it so. Thank you for your time and attention. We choose to go to the moon

30 Rick- We can choose to go to whatever moon, planet or goal we want. Then leading change can help make it so. Thank you for your time and attention.

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