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FRED L. Borch Regimental Historian & Archivist 26 July 2017

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1 FRED L. Borch Regimental Historian & Archivist 26 July 2017
The Judge Advocate General’s Corps: Writing the History of Recent Operations FRED L. Borch Regimental Historian & Archivist 26 July 2017

2 Assumption Significant (large scale) US Army involvement in both Afghanistan and Iraq will end within five years (hard to write a good and complete monograph if you don’t know the end of the story)

3 But even if our Army’s involvement does not end within five years, it will at some date Not too early to get started writing about the two conflicts

4 Vision Two volumes: “Judge Advocates in Afghanistan: Law in Military Operations from 2001-XXXX” “Judge Advocates in Iraq: Law in Military Operations from XXXX”

5 Challenges / Decisions
Author(s)? Research team(s)? Theme ? Organization? Sources? Timeline?

6 Author(s) & Team(s) One overall history project manager
One principal author for each book? Two research/writing teams Who? (Active/Reserve/Guard) How many? How long?

7 Theme Operational law Strategic level Operational level Tactical level

8 Operational law topics
Law of Armed Conflict Targeting Detainees & interrogation War crimes Rules of engagement

9 Courts-martial & Civilian Courts
U.S. v. Bales, Lorance Blackwater killings

10 Contract/Fiscal Law Construction Combat related contracting
Contract fraud

11 Administrative law ‘green-on-blue’ investigations
Friendly fire investigations Other investigations (COP Keating)

12 Claims Solatia (goodwill) payments Combat & non-combat related claims

13 Rule of Law building Afghan, Iraqi judicial systems

14 Sources Interviews Identifying subjects (i.e. all staff judge advocates/legal advisors; selected individuals) Conducting interviews

15 Documents Unclassified Electronic?

16 Timeline? Backwards planning
Six years (research to finished manuscripts) Start: September 2017

17 Conclusion Two volumes (Afghanistan & Iraq) on Army lawyers in military operations Long term (six years plus) Challenges will be finding the right authors/researchers and continuity

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