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Thinking Outside The Box

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1 Thinking Outside The Box
Dr Baldish Chaggar ST5 Forensic/CAMHS Psychiatry

2 Aims Impact of Kidney Disease on Mental Health What does CAMHS do?
What else can be done?

3 Impact of Kidney Disease on Mental Health
Upto 1 in 3 patients with kidney disease will experience depression at some point. This is more common than in the population in general Young people with chronic illness rated as having relatively higher levels of: Anxiety Depression Conduct-related issues (Pinquart & Shen 2011)

4 CAMHS Liaison Team Consultant Specialist Registrar
2 Mental Health Nurse Practitioners SKILL SET: Assessments Pharmacological Management Psychotherapy: CBT, DBT, Family Therapy, Motivational Interviewing

5 Biopsychosocial Model
Family School Biological Factors Psychological Factors YP Social Factors

6 Schools: SENCO: Special education needs co-ordinator
ELSA: Emotional Literacy Support: recognising emotions, self-esteem, social skills, friendship skills, anger management, loss and bereavement Educational Psychologist Pastoral Support Counselling Support: No limits

7 Low mood/self-esteem Mild/ early onset:
ELSA, SENCO, Pastoral support, Counselling If anonymous support: childline, mindfull, young minds (also have a parent line) Self-help books/ websites: mood juice, kids health If support has been provided and problems persist OR if chronic, severe impacting functioning, suicidality, co-morbidity: REFER TO CAMHS

8 Anxiety General worries, phobias, panic, anxiety without significant impairment: ELSA, Counselling websites/books: “Overcoming’ series of books If prolonged or severe, refer to CAMHS

9 Behaviour Difficulties
Mild difficulties: support from school Southampton family Trust: support for families No limits: parents support

10 Questions & Discussions

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