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Welcome to Jeopardy!.

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1 Welcome to Jeopardy!

2 Directions: This game will be like real Jeopardy except for a few changes Each team will participate in every question After each question is read, teams will have time to discuss amongst themselves and write their answer on the dry erase board Every team will provide and answer for each question There is no penalty for providing an incorrect answer, EXCEPT during Final Jeopardy and a Daily Double question Team getting to pick the question will rotate, since everyone participates in every question The group that picks a Daily Double answers the question on their own and can wager any amount of their total points $ amounts will be tracked on the PowerPoint, but designate someone within your group to monitor your own score and someone to mark off categories and questions asked You MUST wager at least half of your total points in Final Jeopardy The winner of the game will be the team with the highest $ amount at the end

3 Final Jeopardy Round 1 Round 2 Team 2 Team 1 Team 3 Team 4 Team 5

4 Start of Cold War WWII 1950s JFK Wildcard Round 2 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 Final Jeopardy $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 Scores $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

5 This was the immediate cause of U.S. entry into WWII
$100 This was the immediate cause of U.S. entry into WWII

6 $100 Attack on Pearl Harbor

7 $200 This was the name of FDR’s plan to help Britain fight in the early years of WWII

8 $200 Lend-Lease Act Scores

9 $300 Who is this?

10 $300 Rosie the Riveter Scores

11 $400 The _______________ (3 words) increased taxes, sold war bonds, and oversaw factory production

12 $400 War Productions Board

13 $500 U.S., France, Britain, Soviet Union. Which one was the last to join the Allied Powers?

14 $500 United States Scores

15 The Cold War was between what two countries
$100 The Cold War was between what two countries

16 $100 U.S. & Soviet Union Scores

17 $200 The production of these created tension in the Cold War, but also prevented the two powers from going to war against each other

18 $200 Nuclear Weapons Scores

19 The U.S. policy of preventing the spread of communism was known as
$300 The U.S. policy of preventing the spread of communism was known as

20 $300 Containment Theory Scores

21 Daily Double

22 The Marshall Plan was an attempt to help what area of the world
$400 The Marshall Plan was an attempt to help what area of the world

23 $400 Europe Scores

24 $500 The Soviet Union angered the U.S. by building this symbol of the Cold War in Central Europe

25 $500 Berlin Wall Scores

26 $100 During the 1950s more and more people were leaving the cities to move to the __________

27 $100 suburbs Scores

28 $200 This is this most memorable senator of the 1950s because of his false accusations

29 $200 Joseph McCarthy Scores

30 $300 Beaver Clever, Ed Sullivan, & Lucille Ball can thank the explosion of purchases of this product in the 1950s

31 $300 Television Scores

32 $400 During the 1950s population 1) _________ (increased/decreased) while the economy 2) __________ (increased/decreased)

33 $400 Increased Scores

34 In the 1950s the Soviet Union launched this into space
$500 In the 1950s the Soviet Union launched this into space

35 $500 Sputnik Scores

36 JFK was the first President of this religion
$100 JFK was the first President of this religion

37 $100 Catholic Scores

38 This person is believed to be the lone assassin of JFK
$200 This person is believed to be the lone assassin of JFK

39 $200 Lee Harvey Oswald Scores

40 JFK beat this future President in the 1960 election
$300 JFK beat this future President in the 1960 election

41 $300 Richard Nixon Scores

42 $400 JFK used this strategy to end the Cuban missile crisis without an attack or invasion

43 $400 Naval blockade Scores

44 $500 JFK approved the final plans of the JFK invasion, but the plan was first put together during this man’s Presidency

45 $500 Eisenhower Scores

46 This type of music exploded in the 1950s
$100 This type of music exploded in the 1950s

47 $100 Rock n’ roll Scores

48 President at end of WWII
$200 President at end of WWII

49 $200 Truman Scores

50 Date of Pearl Harbor attack
$300 Date of Pearl Harbor attack

51 $300 December 7, 1941 Scores

52 $400 During the 1950s more and more _____________ were used to try to get teens to by products

53 $400 Commericals Scores

54 $500 When JFK was elected, he was the youngest President ever ELECTED, who was the youngest person ever to serve as President (NOT ON TEST)

55 $500 Teddy Roosevelt Scores

56 LBJ Vietnam Civil Rights Wildcard 1970s Round 1 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 Final Jeopardy $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 Scores $600 $600 $600 $600 $600 $800 $800 $800 $800 $800 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000

57 $200 LBJ was from this state

58 $200 Texas Scores

59 LBJ won his first election in this year
$400 LBJ won his first election in this year

60 $400 1964 Scores

61 $600 This LBJ program was an attempt to help pay health insurance for those over 65

62 $600 Medicare Scores

63 LBJ wanted to help the poor with this reform program
$800 LBJ wanted to help the poor with this reform program

64 $800 The Great Society Scores

65 $1000 LBJ signed this act in 1964, making discrimination based on race or gender illegal

66 $1000 Civil Rights Act of 1964 Scores

67 $200 Rosa Parks’ civil disobedience on a bus, led to a boycott in this Alabama city

68 $200 Montgomery Scores

69 Daily Double

70 $400 Regulations that separated blacks & whites in public places were called this type of laws

71 $400 Jim Crow Scores

72 This court case eliminated segregation in public schools
$600 This court case eliminated segregation in public schools

73 Brown v. Board of Education
$600 Brown v. Board of Education Scores

74 $800 This civil rights activist was a one-time member of the Nation of Islam

75 $800 Malcolm X Scores

76 $1000 This group went into the South, and broke segregation laws in bus stations

77 $1000 Freedom Riders Scores

78 In Vietnam, which side favored communism
$200 In Vietnam, which side favored communism

79 $200 North Vietnam Scores

80 This President was the first to send ground troops into Vietnam
$400 This President was the first to send ground troops into Vietnam

81 $400 Lyndon B. Johnson Scores

82 He was the President who ended U.S. involvement in Vietnam
$600 He was the President who ended U.S. involvement in Vietnam

83 $600 Richard Nixon Scores

84 This country controlled Vietnam off and on until 1954
$800 This country controlled Vietnam off and on until 1954

85 $800 France Scores

86 What incident gave LBJ the power to send troops into Vietnam
$1000 What incident gave LBJ the power to send troops into Vietnam

87 Gulf of Tonkin incident
$1000 Gulf of Tonkin incident Scores

88 He was President during the 9/11 attack
$200 He was President during the 9/11 attack

89 $200 George W. Bush Scores

90 This is the economic plan of reducing government & lowering taxes
$400 This is the economic plan of reducing government & lowering taxes

91 $400 Reaganomics Scores

92 Daily Double

93 Name two Presidents who have faced impeachment charges
$600 Name two Presidents who have faced impeachment charges

94 Andrew Johnson- Clinton
$600 Andrew Johnson- Clinton Scores

95 $800 Number of Presidents who have been impeached in the history of the U.S.

96 $800 Zero Scores

97 $1000 This is the term for increased inflation with an economic recession that occurred in the 1970s

98 $1000 Stagflation Scores

99 In 1970, this incident forced Richard Nixon out of office
$200 In 1970, this incident forced Richard Nixon out of office

100 $200 Watergate Scores

101 $400 This agreement between the U.S. & Soviet Union reduced the number of nuclear weapons & missiles

102 Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT)
$400 Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT) Scores

103 $600 In the 1970s many Americans had to wait in lines because of this shortage

104 $600 Gas (OIL) Scores

105 This person succeeded Nixon as President
$800 This person succeeded Nixon as President

106 $800 Gerald Ford Scores

107 This person won the election in 1976, but lost in 1980
$1000 This person won the election in 1976, but lost in 1980

108 $1000 Jimmy Carter Scores

109 Final Jeopardy Question
Korean War Final Jeopardy Question Scores

110 The U.S. was prepared to overtake all of communist North Korea, until this country stepped in and sent troops to push the Allied forces back

111 China Scores


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