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A hero’s Journey -Cinderella

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1 A hero’s Journey -Cinderella
Sample Student Work A hero’s Journey -Cinderella

2 The ordinary World Cinderella is a daughter of a rich and wealthy man, and she is very pampered. She is loved by everybody she knows.

3 The call to Adventure After her father dies, she lives with her stepmother. They get an invitation to a royal ball. But Cinderella makes a “deal” with her step-mother that if she finishes her chores she can go.

4 Refusal of the Call When Cinderella actually finishes her chores, her step- mother refuses to let her go to the ball, and breaks her promise with her.

5 Mentor Cinderella’s mentor was her “fairy god mother,” because she gave her everything she needed and was able for her to go to the ball.

6 Crossing the first Threshold
Cinderella is transformed from a servant to a beautiful girl. She steps out of her house, and into the palace.

7 Tests, Allies, and Enemies
She isn’t allowed to tell the prince who she is, even though she left at the stroke of midnight before all the magic wore off. She returned to dreadful family after one of her best nights.

8 Approach to the Inmost Cave
While her running out the palace to return home, she lost her glass slipper on the way out.

9 The Supreme Ordeal The prince searches for his “princess” that lost her glass slipper at the ball. He shows up at their house, and the step-sisters crave for his attention. But, Cinderella is only allowed to try the slipper on as a afterthought.

10 Reward The slipper actually fits Cinderella.

11 The Road Back The step-sisters and step-mother are insanely jealous of her.

12 Return with the Elixir An unloved servant girl who didn’t have anything, is transformed in a beloved woman, married to a prince.

13 Citations
m/2011/11/10/russian-roulette-conversations- with-a-step-mom/ come-true-the-art-of-disneys-classic-fairy-tales vies/movie1.htm

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