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Presenter: R3 林聖哲 Supervisor: MA 周昱劭 Moderator: MA 邱德發

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1 Presenter: R3 林聖哲 Supervisor: MA 周昱劭 Moderator: MA 邱德發
72小時返診- Nov. 2010 Presenter: R3 林聖哲 Supervisor: MA 周昱劭 Moderator: MA 邱德發





6 Case 1 吳X紘, 30y/o No. 10576465 診次 1st visit 2nd visit 到診時間
11/24: 19:56 11/26: 16:35 V/S 37.8/91/20, 144/86 40.5/106/20, 126/87 離開時間 11/24, 20:10 11/26, 17:52 C.C. 全身紅疹 全身紅疹,發燒 檢查治療 藥物 藥物,抽血,CXR Diagnosis Chicken pox 出院診斷 Varcella-zoster infection 返診原因 症狀持續

7 1st visit V/S: 37.8/91/20, 144/86 C.C.: Progressive multiple papule and pasture formation last night P.I.: Headache for 2 days Fever today No skin itchy P.H.: Nil

8 Physical Examination Cons: E4V5M6, Clear HEENT: grossly normal
Chest: bil. Clear Heart: RHB, no murmur Abd: soft, no tenderness, normoactive bowel sound Ext: free movement

9 Medications: 1.Acetaminophen 2.Dexchlorpheniramine maleate 3.Sod. Fusidate cream 4.Fexofenadine

10 2nd Visit, V/S: 40.5/106/20, 126/87 C.C.: Fever for 2 days
P.I.: Cough(+), Nausea(+) SOB and chicken pox was told No chest pain PH: Nil Allergy: NKA

11 Physical Examination Cons: E4V5M6, Clear HEENT: oral ulcer
Chest: bil. Clear Heart: RHB, no murmur Abd: soft, no tenderness, normoactive bowel sound Ext: free movement

12 Admission Course Acyclovir use Moxifloxacin for suspected pneumonia

13 Final Diagnosis 1. Varicella-zoster infection
2. Suspected bronchopneumonia 3. Acute hepatitis, r/o varicella-zoster infection related 4. Thrombocytopenia

14 Varicella-zoster virus infection
Intubation period: 14~16 days Airborne disease S/S: Myalgia, headache, fever, sorethorat, otogia, skin rash Dx: Tsanck smear Late complictions: shingles Tx: acyclovir within 24~48 hrs PO: 20mg/kg QID x5d, max: 800mg QID IV: 10mg/kg Q8H x7d

15 Complications Skin soft tissue infection Encephalitis Reye syndrome
1.Acute cerebellar ataxia children 2.Diffuse encephalitis adults Reye syndrome Pneumonia 1~6 days after skin rash, adult Hepatitis


17 Case 2, 黃x民, 34 y/o, No.10484375 診次 1st visit 2nd visit 到診時間
11/02, 09:28 11/03, 15:33 V/S 36.5/77/18, 92/73 36.2/87/20, 127/92 離診時間 11/02, 11:20 11/04, 16:23 C.C. 暈厥 門診轉入 檢查治療 抽血,CT, EKG 抽血,CXR,住院 診斷 Syncope r/o vasovagal reflex Syncope r/o Brugada syndrome 出院診斷 Syncope suspected vasovagal syncope, suspected Brugada syndrome 返診原因

18 1st visit, V/S: 36.5/77/18, 92/73 C.C.: syncope episode this morning
P.I.: Sudden onset ILOC: seconds Headache/Dizziness Head trauma before syncope URI with nasal obstruction P.H.: B hepatitis Allergy: NKA

19 Physical Examination Cons: E4V5M6, Clear HEENT: neck stiffiness
Chest: bil. Clear Heart: RHB, no murmur Abd: soft, no tenderness Ext: free movement

20 Lying BP: 157/85 Sit BP: /85 Stand BP: 122/58

21 CT report: No ICH Suspected paranasal sinusitis

22 EKG, 11/02

23 MBD CV OPD follow up

24 2nd visit V/S: 36.2/87/20, 127/92 C.C.: Refer from OPD as Brugada syndrome P.I.: No specific discomfor No chest pain, no dyspnea Family hx: Sudden cardiac death: his father

25 Physical Examination Cons: E4V5M6, Clear HEENT: supple
Chest: bil. Clear Heart: RHB, no murmur Abd: soft, no tenderness Ext: free movement

26 EKG, 11/03, CV OPD

27 EKG, 01/03, ER

28 Echocardiography 11/03 EF: 65% Trivial MR, TR and adequate LVP

29 Admission Course Treadmill test: no VF induced
Cardiac MRI: no remarkable findings Holter: sinus rhythm(65~145bpm) Isolated PAC only No isolated VPC, AV block, long pulse No syncope, chest pain or dyspnea episode during admission MBD and OPD follow up

30 Brugada syndrome: genetic disease with ST seg. Elevation.
Syncope in male – let us think about Brugada syndrome! Presentation of 3 cases Kardiol Pol 2010; 68, 12: Brugada syndrome: genetic disease with ST seg. Elevation. High risks of sudden death Diagnosis due to syncope and VT

31 Be aware of ST-seg elevation in ani. Precordial leads and VT/VF
Sudden Cause of Cardiac Death- Be Aware of Me: A Case Report and Short Review on Brugada Syndrome Case Report Med. 2010; 2010: Epub 2010 Dec 14 Be aware of ST-seg elevation in ani. Precordial leads and VT/VF

32 Brugada Syndrome Pseudo-RBBB and persisted ST seg. Elevation (V1~V3)
Asian predominant Male > female Feature Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 T wave Negative Positive or Biphasic Positive ST-T configuration Coved Saddle ST seg (terminal portion) Gradually descending Elevated >1mm Elevated < 1mm

33 EKG

34 Type 1 BS EKG: ST seg. Elevation (coved type) 1 of the followings
1. documented ventricular fibrillation 2.self-terminating polymorphic VT hx of SCD < 45 y/o 4.type 1 ST seg in family hx 5.inducibility of VT by EP 6.unexplained syncope due to arrhythmia 7.nocturnal agonal respiration

35 Type 2 and 3 BS EKG: ST seg elevation (saddle-back type) >1 in V1~V6 1 of the followings 1. documented ventricular fibrillation 2.self-terminating polymorphic VT hx of SCD < 45 y/o 4.type 1 ST seg in family hx 5.inducibility of VT by EP 6.unexplained syncope due to arrhythmia 7.nocturnal agonal respiration

36 Exclusion of confounders
Atypical RBBB LVH Early repolarization AMI Acute pericarditis Athletes

37 Risks factors for SCD Male sex 3rd-4th decades Family hx of SCD
Previous SCA or syncope Fever SCD: sudden cardiac death SCA: sudden cardiac arrest

38 Take Home Messages Beware of chicken pox in adults
Beware of EKG pattern in syncope patients

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