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The Promise of Student Performance

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1 The Promise of Student Performance
Getting to the Core of Common Standards

2 “Although the development and widespread adoption by states of the CCSS mark a significant milestone in American education, successful implementation is necessary if students across the country are to realize the benefits.” — National Governors Association, Issue Brief, October 2012 Presentation Title runs here l 00/00/00


4 The Pearson Difference
We help you manage the real implications of change to student performance, classroom instruction, and monitoring classroom instruction — those things that will either enhance or impede your ability to achieve the goal of the Common Core: the development of college and career ready students. When thinking about the implementation of the Common Core, we hear a lot of talk about needing to address the changes reflected in the standards—the various content shifts, the new performance assessments, and desired student academic behaviors. • Our almost 100 grade-banded services recognize the need for a strong understanding of these fundamental changes, but then we take you further. • We help you manage the real implications of these changes to student performance, classroom instruction, and monitoring classroom instruction — those things that will either enhance or impede your ability to achieve the goal of the Common Core: the development of college and career ready students.

5 the Common Core like this.
Many still see the Common Core like this. 5

6 the English Language Arts Common Core is about:
On the surface, the English Language Arts Common Core is about: • Emphasis on increasing text complexity • Focus on informational texts (non-fiction) over literature • Focus on argumentation • Standards for social studies, science and technical subjects that stress “disciplinary literacy” – the ability to think and write like an historian or scientist • Competencies of the literate individual – CCR standards • Emphasis on increasing text complexity levels of meaning, structure, language conventionality and clarity knowledge demands word frequency and sentence length students' knowledge, motivation and interests • Focus on informational texts (non- fiction) over literature • Focus on argumentation • Standards for social studies, science and technical subjects that stress “disciplinary literacy” – the ability to think and write like an historian or scientist • Competencies of the literate individual – CCR standards 6

7 the Mathematics Common Core is about:
On the surface, the Mathematics Common Core is about: • New content standards: fewer, deeper, more rigorous • “Practices” for students • Focused topics at each grade and embedded “coherence” – the progression of content across grades • Significant content shifts from grade-to-grade

8 the new Common Core assessments are:
On the surface, the new Common Core assessments are: • Performance-based

9 the deeper implications.
What’s on the surface is important… but it’s really about the deeper implications. For Students: applying knowledge — student performance — as a true measure of understanding For Teachers: 1) identifying what students must know and be able to do; 2) determining acceptable evidence of that performance; and, 3) planning instruction to get students there For Administrators: bridging the relationship between the adoption of common standards and observations of “educator effectiveness”

10 the deeper implications are all about performance.
…and, the deeper implications are all about performance. When Students can demonstrate desired academic behavior by using their knowledge in new and increasingly more challenging situations When Teachers know how to plan real units of study that emphasize student performance and teach differently to develop desired academic behavior When Administrators know to look for evidence of instruction that supports the development of student academic behavior

11 ...and understanding of performance?
How do you develop an appreciation for... ...and understanding of performance?

12 100+ services across the implementation continuum help you develop a deep appreciation for and understanding of ‘performance.’ We listen to your needs and then collaborate with you – meeting you where you are – to help you achieve your goals with grade-banded workshops and services that are cohesive, flexible, and differentiated. Pearson’s Unique Response includes: A continuum of almost 100 grade-banded workshops and services that are: • cohesive • flexible • differentiated to help meet customers where they are in their implementation process. The most comprehensive and structured array of services in the industry.

13 Presentation Title runs here l 00/00/00
Expertise on the ground and in our halls 1,000s of Authors, Researchers, and Consultants with Major Common Core Expertise Our close work and association with key Standards architects, authors, and assessment experts ensures: Spirit and pedagogical approach of CCSS initiative is embodied in our educational materials, assessments, and professional learning and consulting services Our next-generation products and approaches connect instructional, assessment, and efficacy resources with personalized and connected learning for students and educators Our nationwide network of Pearson educational consultants – lifelong educators, trained and certified content experts, and school leaders – provide access to quality individuals with local knowledge of the college and career readiness challenges in your schools and districts Presentation Title runs here l 00/00/00

14 Dr. Robert Marzano now a Pearson Common Core Author
Renowned and respected “thought leader” that has made effective instruction and student learning his life’s work.

15 Working with Professional Development Leaders like…
Connecting Teacher Effectiveness to Leader Effectiveness Balanced, formative assessment strategies Improving student learning Implementing effective elements of teaching Strategies for leading, building, and sustaining system-wide change and student achievement Defining the competencies of effective school leadership Using Value Added Analysis Identifying highly effective teachers Dr. Robert J. Marzano – Instructional Development & Leadership Rick Stiggins – Assessment Training Institute (ATI) Jon Saphier – Research for Better Teaching Michael Fullan – Change Leadership & System-wide Transformation

16 Planning Implementation
Time- and budget-sensitive tools to help you determine specific implementation needs, including: Pre-training survey 3 Intensity Levels of College and Career Readiness Assessments Technology Infrastructure Assessment Partner with us to analyze your current instructional practices and infrastructures, using our tools and resources, and then collaboratively develop recommendations and timelines for customized training and the implementation of initiatives

17 Pearson’s College and Career Readiness Assessment Levels
Pre-Training Survey quickly gauge educators instructional practice, content knowledge, and pedagogical content knowledge: $2,500 College & Career Assessment Level I off site analysis of student data: $8,000 College & Career Assessment Level II off Site analysis of student and school data: $15,000 College & Career Assessment Level III off site and on site data collection and analysis of student, school, and classroom data: $25,000 Technology Infrastructure Assessment consultative services to analyze the ability of a district’s technical infrastructure environment to support online assessments associated with the Common Core: $25,000 A variety of pre-training assessments that help customers determine their professional development needs and plan their implementation pathway Our assessments focus specifically on high leverage indicators supported by research on college and career readiness in K-12, including: Academic Achievement: grades, AP, IB, etc. Course/ Grade Completion of a CCR course of study Attainment: early college, dual enrollment, etc. Engagement and School Climate Systems, PD, Supports and Alignment to CCR metrics We collect multiple sources of information and synthesize the data to produce a report that includes research-based recommendations for getting all students on target for college and career readiness. Data points are selected to be grade-span appropriate SELLING POINTS You don’t need this offering if you are simply assessing what PD to sell them. Position the $25k version first since it gives the most accurate reading and offers the most up-sell potential. Since it is about college and career readiness, it is equally appropriate for Common core and non-Common Core states. Not a comprehensive needs assessment as defined by SIG Requirements Not a new version of the old Pearson K-12 Solutions Needs Assessment Not an CCSS alignment analysis of curriculum Not the same as the needs analysis that is part of SIM . All levels include a report with written recommendations and a sharing session with the Pearson Assessment Specialist. The report places the school on a continuum of college and career readiness (more data = deeper analysis and more specific recommendations) Pearson can provide a District-wide College and Career Readiness Assessment, priced based on number of schools and level selected.

18 Building Knowledge and Skills
Develop a thorough understanding of the Common Core and its impact on instructional and leadership practices through our extensive professional development offerings, covering such topics as: Integration of Dr. Robert Marzano’s research-based teaching strategies Text complexity Increasing rigor Performance-based assessment Instructional leadership Train the Trainer “plus” Through professional development that provides the foundational knowledge and skills to help math and ELA teachers make the instructional shifts that will develop desired student academic behavior. • More than 500 unique school and district implementations across the country over the past two years The fundamental services and workshops that are necessary to understand the Common Core and help administrators and teachers make the instructional shifts that will lead to improved student performance • Training materials that are so respected, they were adopted for use by the Hamilton Co (OH) ESC

19 Measuring Student Understanding
Gain a deep understanding of how to use performance tasks as the foundation for measuring ongoing student performance, and develop a shared understanding of the evidence of performance that demonstrates mastery of the standards. Focuses on the characteristics of student performance, the development of performance tasks, alignment of tasks to the CCSS, and the analysis of student learning using performance tasks • the “un” test-prep, on-going assessment-preparation solution Through a unique workshop sequence that was specifically created to help teachers develop and measure their students’ real understanding — their ability to use their knowledge in new and unrehearsed situations. It is essential for educators to: • Identify desired results – What do they want students to know and be able to demonstrate? • Determine acceptable evidence of performance – How will they know that students really do understand? • Plan instruction – How do teachers have to change their instruction to provide students with sufficient opportunities demonstrate real understanding?

20 Developing Curriculum Models
Increase the impact of Measuring Student Understanding by learning how to plan CCSS-aligned instructional units and how to make the changes in teaching that enable students to demonstrate understanding and develop strong academic behaviors. • Increases the likelihood of student achievement by planning CCSS-aligned instructional units that focus on performance • Outlines instructional strategies that enable students to demonstrate understanding and develop strong academic behaviors Through a unique workshop sequence that was specifically created to help teachers develop and measure their students’ real understanding — their ability to use their knowledge in new and unrehearsed situations. It is essential for educators to: • Identify desired results – What do they want students to know and be able to demonstrate? • Determine acceptable evidence of performance – How will they know that students really do understand? • Plan instruction – How do teachers have to change their instruction to provide students with sufficient opportunities demonstrate real understanding?

21 Implementing Instructional Change
Ensure the application of professional knowledge through ongoing, job- embedded support for teacher workgroups engaged in designing CCSS-based curriculum and instruction. • Ensures the application of training through ongoing, job-embedded support for teacher workgroups engaged in designing CCSS-based curriculum and instruction • Provides Math and Literacy observation frameworks and coaching tools to help teachers develop the desired instructional shifts; already deployed in CT and PA

22 Classroom observation frameworks and coaching tools help administrators see and bring rigor to life in the classroom. • Link instructional behavior indicators to the 8 Mathematical Practices and the CCR competencies • Create a “transparent” environment for growth • Promote inter-rater reliability • Link instructional behavior indicators to the 8 Mathematical Practices and the CCR competencies to help administrators observe for instructional behaviors demanded by the Common Core. • Creates a “transparent” environment for growth – provides coaching tools to help develop teachers’ ability to support college and career- ready student academic behaviors. • Promotes inter-rater reliability so that all teachers are being observed in a consistent way; helps to establish a common language in the district.

23 Sustaining and Growing Capacity
Build and sustain internal capacity for enhancing and maintaining the success of the CCSS implementation through our job-embedded support and collaborative services for leaders and teachers. Tools and services that help school leaders and teachers to own their own learning. Provides districts with the tools they require to grow and sustain the internal capacity needed to successfully implement the CCSS implementation, e.g., Capacity Builder PlusTM successfully deployed in AZ, DE, PA, TN, WA • Provides job-embedded support to reinforce changes in classroom

24 Pearson’s Common Core Services
Let us train you… …or,… …do it yourself with help! do it yourself with help Capacity Builder Plus Workgroup & Network Facilitator Training Leadership Coaching & Leadership Networks 6 categories of service include an extensive array of Common Core Services to help you build the deep understanding necessary to change classroom instructional practices in a way that positively impacts student performance. Developed with a range of services - from implementation planning to the on-going facilitation of instructional planning workgroups where aligned curriculum units are developed - we provide services that are cohesive, but flexible enough to be combined in unique and custom ways to create the “just right” solution for schools, districts, and states. YOU PICK WHERE TO START. WE’LL HELP YOU GET THERE. Note that we can help you do it in your schools; or, we can provide “do it yourself with help” training and materials at multiple levels, including: Capacity Builder Plus options are available for many services in multiple categories with train-the-trainer models, plus Pearson-licensed materials so districts can build capacity with less cost. Instructional Planning Workgroup & Network Facilitator Training and materials to help build capacity for teacher leaders to facilitate the process of developing CCSS-aligned curriculum and instruction on their own, and, through the companion service, for Network facilitation that generates ongoing training for leading and supporting workgroup facilitation of changes in instructional practice. Leadership Coaching & Leadership Networks build school and district capacity to sustain improved performance.

25 Licensed Pearson Materials
Capacity Builder Plus™ Do it yourself with help! Use Pearson’s training materials for teachers and leaders to help build district Common Core capacity effectively and quickly. Orientation Workshop Participation Development Extended Content Training & Deep Review of Pearson Materials Implementation Use of Licensed Pearson Materials Coaching Optional On-site Coaching & Modeling Capacity Builder Plus™ accelerates your Common Core implementation timeline. Research shows that real change in classroom practices takes place when learning is sustained over a period of time. So it makes sense to start building internal capacity now to ensure effective implementation of the Common Core State Standards. With Pearson’s Capacity Builder Plus, your staff trainers receive Common Core training and licensed Pearson training materials— PowerPoints and applicable videos, Facilitator Guides, and Participant Workbooks—to help them facilitate the development of their colleagues. That all adds up to saving you time and money while building capacity toward effective Common Core implementation.

26 Sample Common Core Services Implementation Plan
Plan Build Develop Sustain Implementation Planning Building Knowledge & Skills Job-Embedded Services and Specialist Support Measuring Student Understanding Developing Curriculum & Student Understanding Instructional Framework Teacher Workgroups An EXAMPLE of how services can be implemented in a district. Everybody has course of study. Different schools might need to take different pathways. Leadership Coaching & Leadership Networks Sustaining & Growing Capacity Services Research Services to Inform Planning and Monitor the Effectiveness of Classroom Implementation

27 Common Core Mini-Clinics
“A Slice of Mathematics” FREE 3-hour experience of 3 most popular workshops Performance-Based Assessment for Mathematics Focusing on the Mathematical Practices of the Common Core Using the Common Core in a Standards-Based Mathematics Classroom “A Slice of English Language Arts” FREE 3-hour experience of 3 most popular workshops Digging into the Reading Standards Digging into the Writing Standards Performance-Based Assessments Sample Pearson’s Common Core Professional Development workshops in one of our free three-hour mini-clinics. Then, carry out information and tools to use with your teachers the very next day. We’ll offer selections from full-day workshops so you can experience and evaluate how our approach supports your Common Core training needs. Participate in these individual mini-clinics: ▶▶“A Slice of Mathematics” Participants in this mini-clinic will experience three of our most popular workshops: Performance-Based Assessment for Mathematics, Focusing on the Mathematical Practices of the Common Core, and Using the Common Core in a Standards- Based Mathematics Classroom. Topics covered include next-generation assessments, student behaviors that embody the 8 math practices, and shifts in classroom practice required to support the vision of the Common Core State Standards of Mathematics. ▶▶“A Slice of English Language Arts” Participants in this mini-clinic will get a taste of three of our most popular Common workshops: Digging into the Reading, Digging into the Writing, and Performance Based Assessments. Topics covered include text complexity, developing arguments, and evaluating assessment tasks. K-12 Virtual Sales Conference

28 A Strong Partner, Uniquely Positioned to Help
Focus on student performance and support for managing purposeful instructional shifts Reference sites with results Twenty-year history of successful educational change implementation and standards- based instructional support Expansive, fully flexible portfolio of support and specialist services Onsite and online PD and tools Collaborative and job-embedded approach to supporting you and your teams Show more results School Achievement Services Presentation Title runs here l 00/00/00


30 Framing our Unique Positioning Strategy
Customer’s initiatives, needs, problems, and gaps in understanding Pearson’s unexpected benefits UPS Framing our Unique Positioning Strategy YOU: “We’re starting to hear other districts express needs such as these. Do you have similar issues?” Here’s how we can address such issues: “We’re reading about teachers needing to make instructional shifts. What does that really mean and how do I train my teachers to make those shifts?” We have almost 100 grade-banded services to identify and address gaps in your training and classroom practices that will impede success. Our workshops “Focusing on the Mathematical Practices,” “CCR: Complex Texts” and “CCR: Writing Opinions” go into depth on the instructional shifts. “The CCSS indicate that teachers will have to teach differently. How do I observe if my teachers are doing the right things to help students become college and career ready? Our “Common Core Math and Literacy Observation Framework and Coaching Tools” will help administrators observe for and coach to the classroom practices that will develop desired student academic behaviors. “We’ve heard that the new CC assessments will focus on performance? How do we effectively prepare our students—and our teachers—for those? We don’t believe in short-term test prep. Our “Measuring Student Understanding” and “Developing Curriculum Models” sequence emphasizes the use of performance tasks and assessments through out the year to actually build real college and career readiness.

31 Framing our Unique Positioning Strategy
Customer’s initiatives, needs, problems, and gaps in understanding Pearson’s unexpected benefits Framing our Unique Positioning Strategy UPS We help you manage the real implications of these changes to student performance, classroom instruction, and monitoring classroom instruction — those things that will either enhance or impede your ability to achieve the goal of the Common Core: the development of college and career ready students.

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