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Corsica’s Seaweeds Valorization

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1 Corsica’s Seaweeds Valorization
Competitive Intelligence University of Corsica Henri Dou 29 Mai 2018

2 University CTC Enterprise(s) Stand by before the CTC decision
Idea: create a PPP (University – CTC – Enterprise(s)) Stand by before the CTC decision University Evalutate the potential of the seaweeds valorization CTC Enterprise(s) This presentation deals with the first steps of the CTC Evaluation

3 Setting up the problem Information available
Scientific literature (free access Google Scholar) (Web of Science, or Scifinder commercial sources) Patent literature EPO World patent database (Free) Google Patent (US Patents, Free) Patent Pulse (commercial software, low cost) Matheo Patent (commercial software, low cost) Other patent commercial databases (extremely costly) In the same time  detect the university’s potential in the field dectect the potential enterprises partners

4 The Queries and first tries
Set up a limited time interval: 2000,2018 Semantic restricted description: seaweed OR seaweeds OR algal From a first search with seaweed, and looking up for new descriptors (algal, seaweeds) Semantic wide description: « North Western Mediterranean » query as string search or mediterranean To do first 1 - Exploring the patent database analyzing the results  query strategy 2 – Using Google Scholar (Expert mode) analyzing the query -> query strategy

5 Semantic problems In a patent, the description (title, abstract, claim, …) are done in a certain way which is peculiar to the patent field. This is why the term Corsica will not necessarily be used Wider terms such as « north western mediterranean », or « mediterranean » can be used in the description. Possibly only the name of the algal specy will be used. The problem, when you will query the patent database is that you do not known the names of the seaweeds.

6 Query strategy Ask a specialist for the names of the Corsica seaweeds (as wide as possible) do not believe the opinion of the specialist, only ask for weaweed’s names. Query Google scholar* and look for scientific publications which will fit with the subject. Get the full text take out the seaweed names Query the patent database (EPO Worldpatent database) with all the seaweed’s names. Get the patents full text if any Analyzed the results * Using Google Scholar with also give access to US patents

7 Google Scholar 29 Mai 2018

8 Queries with Seaweed and corsica -> 0 Seaweeds and corsica -> 0 Algal and corsica -> 0 Obviously we have to enlarge the search



11 The number of hits Is too low, indicates That you must use The seaweed names







18 This is a French patent It could be still active

19 First page of the patent
This patent must be still active Information is missing Move to google with the applicant’s name to get more information if present.


21 Thank you for your attention
The ultimate step is to query with all the names of various seaweeds! Thank you for your attention

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