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Lead Facilitator for Micro & SME Development

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Presentation on theme: "Lead Facilitator for Micro & SME Development"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lead Facilitator for Micro & SME Development
to JBDC Lead Facilitator for Micro & SME Development One-Stop Facility for the MSME productive sector 1

2 Jamaica Business Development Corporation (JBDC)
The Jamaica Business Development Corporation (JBDC) has been established as the premier government business support organization for MSMEs in Jamaica. February 2001 JBDC Team

3 Inclusive Growth and Sustainable Development
The four Medium Term Themes to be addressed under MTF 2012 – 2015 are: Development and Protection of Human Capital National Security and Justice Economic Stability, Competitiveness and Employment Environmental Resilience and Climate Change Response Source :Vision 2030 Jamaica – NDP

4 COUNTRY CONTEXT- Negative issues
Global economic downturn of impact on Jamaica Economy Jamaica’s economy faced deep challenges over the period Fourteen consecutive quarters of negative growth from The period also saw increases in : Public debt Unemployment and Poverty Source :Vision 2030 Jamaica – NDP

5 The Reality A. Unemployement aprx.12.3% (151,900 )
Identify Sustainable Economic Opportunities for Productive Employment B. Poverty aprx.17.6 % (475,600) Poverty Alleviation through Income Generation from Sustainable Economic Opportunities C. Own account (Entrepreneurs) aprx 34.5% ( ) Increase Capabilities to Sustainable Economic Opportunities Sources: A. Figures 2011 (Statin) - B. Figures 2010 (PIOJ) - C. Figures 2010 Stat . Institute of Jamaica 28/11/2018

6 JBDC Integrated Services (One-Stop)
Business Development Solutions Marketing Solutions Technical Solutions F IT Services Financial Solutions JBDC Team

7 Framework for MSME sector development
JBDC Framework for MSME sector development INPUTS HR Knowledge + Finance = IT Delivering Demand Driven Services for: Technical Solutions Marketing Solutions Businesses Solutions Financial Solutions JBDC Framework OUTPUTS Quality Solutions On Time Solutions Affordable Solutions Promoting Solutions Personnel Empowerment Knowledge Transfer Improving Operational Efficiency for: 28/11/2018

8 JBDC Sustainable Development Approach for MSMEs
Strengthen the Sustainability of Integrated Services for the MSMEs Technical Support Services Business Support Services Financial Support Services Marketing Support Services Starting Points Assist the Sustainability of Entrepreneurs Which Will Lead to Sustainable & competitive Inter-Relationships (e.g. Networks, Clusters, Groups and Entrepreneurs) Which Will Lead to Sustainable & Competitive Productive Sector (Eco Friendly) Able to Serve in a Sustainable Way Demanding Markets (Local, Regional and International) This Will Lead to Economic growth (Increase Employment, Reduce Poverty) and thus Reduce Social Unrest This Will Lead to The Road of Sustainable Development for MSMEs Business

9 Targeted Groups Support Teams Project Team Multidiscipline Teams
1. Project Director 2. Coordinator 3. Technical officer 4. Business Officer 5. Network Broker 6. Designer Networks and Biz-Development Raw Materials Product Development/ Production / Technology HRD Financing Marketing Targeted Groups Multidiscipline Teams

10 JBDC Operates at all Levels
100.00 Entrepreneurs 100.00 Sector Levels 100.00 Community 100.00 National 10

11 JBDC Targeted Industry Clusters

12 Own account (Entrepreneurs) aprx 34.5% (411.600)
Groups of MSMEs Categories of MSMEs 1.Trade 1.Enterprises operated for survival (Poverty) 1a. Start – Ups for ( Survival / Employment) 1b. Skill based enterprises (Family Business) 1c. Knowledge based enterprises (Graduates) 2. Non- Trade 2. Enterprises operated for survival (Poverty) 2a. Start – Ups 2b. Skill based enterprises 2c. Knowledge based enterprises Industries / Sectors/ Clusters Fashion, Craft, Food , Furniture 3. Supportive services 3a. Start – Ups 3b. Skill based enterprises 3c. Knowledge based enterprises A.Vouranis CTA 2012

13 JBDC Delivery of Services
Business Service Providers (train.200) active 89 Technical Service Providers (train.60) active 32 Increase Outreach Jambic Incubation Process Incubator JBDC Team

14 Business Development Endogenous development "from within“. Utilization and enhancement of the local creative capabilities and resources (Raw materials). Increase market share (local & export) 14

15 Strategy for developing the MSMEs
Step 1 Audit , Strengthen and Develop Existing Skill Base and support Environment for MSMEs Step 2 Identify Opportunities or Create Market Demand Step 3 Design Prototypes Product enhancement Test Step 6 Sales Distribution Step 5 Production based on Market demands ( Enhancement of skill base) Step 4 Provision of Inputs Design Finance Marketing Raw Materials Move to another skill base

16 IRC Furniture Design Incubation Unit

17 Fashion Design Incubation Unit
IRC Fashion Design Incubation Unit

18 Natural Fiber Incubation Unit
IRC Natural Fiber Incubation Unit Paper products Straw products clocks hats boxes place mats bags bags picture frames belts stationery sets

19 IRC Computer Aided Design Incubation Unit

20 Facilitating Market Access

21 Performance

22 2010 2003 Client Growth Taste of The Caribbean $189,751 $1,158,519
511% Frazer’s Ceramics $241,608 $1,409,323 483%

23 JBDC’s performance 2002-2012 2002/3 215 2817 38 53 3123 2010/11 4500
Year Business Advice Training Marketing Technical Total Assistance 2002/3 215 2817 38 53 3123 2003 573 2220 660 268 3721 2004 1161 400 372 2506 2005 553 3701 2006 441 6734 780 594 8549 2007 262 6084 525 856 7727 2008 861 7601 750 870 10082 2009 2800 5500 3300 12350 2010/11 4500 3000 800 2000 10300 10778 37337 5363 8581 62059 2011/12 5200 3500 950 12650 23

24 Client Distribution by Sector

25 Productivity Centre (Jampro)
IT Platform Technical Services UN GOJ

26 Business, Financial and Technical Services
JBD Centre Our growth path IT Platform Business, Financial and Technical Services Marketing Services 3,000 GOJ 300 Suppliers PSDP

27 JBD Corporation JAMBICS 6,000 Info Portal TJ FSU GOJ 2,000
Our growth path Info Portal Technical Services Incubator Resource Centre Training Business Services JAMBICS 6,000 Financial Services FSU Marketing Services TJ 2,000 GOJ 500 Suppliers 85 Million

28 Red Flag Budget Gap – Impact Monitoring Framework
Factories Corporation Agreement Space for MSMEs 12 Camp Road premises – Finalize Acquisition

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