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Presentation on theme: "ISLAM AND CHRISTIANITY: CLASH OF CIVILIZATIONS Session 7:"— Presentation transcript:

The Woman’s Life Under Islam

2 There is an increase in the number of Muslims seeking Christian and even Jewish wives.
There are two reasons for this phenomenon: 1. Islam teaches that Allah will be pleased and love the man more if an unbeliever is converted to Islam. 2. During the marriage ceremony, the unbeliever is made, knowingly or not, a convert in Islamic law.

3 Islamic men are not always truthful when marrying an unbeliever
Islamic men are not always truthful when marrying an unbeliever. First, Muslim men are taught in the hadith that “Allah loves those who outwit (lie) the best.” Second, marriage entitles the non-citizen Muslim male to a green card for U.S. citizenship if the woman is a U.S. citizen. Male chauvenism is the way of life in Islam. “And women shall have rights similar to the rights against them…but men have a degree (superiority) over them.” Sura 2:228

4 Treatment of the wife by the Muslim husband is not always based upon love, sharing, partnership, or rights. First, the wife is viewed as a sex object. I am ashamed to read to you from the Koran, and I have only selected one disgusting passage out of many. Sura 2:223 says, “your wives are as a field to be plowed unto you. So approach your field when or how you will.” Second, the wife is subject to male abuse of whatever kind and any kind. Sura 4:34 says “As to those women on whose part you feel disloyalty and ill conduct, admonish them…beat them.”

5 Muslim families are patriarchal because of the authority of the husband, but this authority is supported by several legal and cultural advantages. 1. Polygamy is as old as recorded time and as recent as Mormon practice. In Islam “A man may marry up to four wives at one time.” Sura 4:3 2. Children must be raised according to their Muslim father’s religion. If the couple divorces, the husband receives custody of the children. Neither is adoption of children permitted. The sharia states that “in mixed marriages, the children will follow the better of the two religions of their parents.” Sura 3:19

6 3. Regarding inheritance at the husband’s death, the unbelieving wife gets nothing or for the Muslim wife a limited maximum percentage only. “In what you leave their wives’ share is a fourth if you leave no children, but if you leave a child, the wife gets an eighth after payment of legacies and debts.” Sura 4:12 4. Divorce is permitted by the husband only and is simple and legal. This is accomplished by saying, “I divorce you” three times face to face. Sura 2: 5. Finally, women can only attain heaven through their husbands. “I was shown hell fire and the majority of its dwellers were women.” Hadith

7 Islam has been a closed religion to the western world because:
1. The Koran was translated from the Arabic only in the 1960’s. 2. There is only one Christian missionary per one million Muslims. 3. The wife is the man’s possession and is not permitted to travel alone. The Koranic obligation for women is to present themselves with public modesty. This instruction is based upon Sura 24 and the dress code of the Prophet’s family recorded in the Sunna.

8 The practice is known as veiling and is carried out
in different styles of head covering in different societies. In Iran a chador is used, in Pakistan and Morocco a Niqab is used, in Syria a Hijab is used, and in Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan a burka is used. Muslims do not believe modest dress code is to subordinate women but rather is their means to have freedom of movement in society. In Egypt, veiling by women is a voluntary act, whereas in Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Afghanistan, it is mandatory under law.

9 In Christianity, a woman’s head covering is a sign of Christian order
In Christianity, a woman’s head covering is a sign of Christian order. I Cor 11:5-11 says, “But every woman that prays or prophesies with her head uncovered dishonors her head (husband).. .For this cause ought the woman to have authority (covering) on her head because of the angels.” Interestingly, the practice is the same in both Christian and Muslim teaching but the reasons are different and the actual practice is different.



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