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Cloud Enables Quick, Easy Delivery of Training

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1 Cloud Enables Quick, Easy Delivery of Training
Worldwide to Any Device in Many Languages MINI-CASE STUDY “mLevel's success would not be possible without the foundation of Azure. The scale and security that Azure provides allows us to quickly and easily deliver these award-winning learning programs in multiple languages, on any device, and in any region across the globe.” – Dave Cutler, CEO, mLevel SITUATION As mLevel was forming, it quickly made the decision to build its solution in the cloud. It met with Salesforce, Google, Amazon, and Microsoft to review their offerings and determine the best fit. The clear winner was Microsoft Azure because of its robust security, development tools, and scale. MICROSOFT AZURE ISV: mLevel WEB SITE: LOCATION: Chicago, USA ORG SIZE: 23 MICROSOFT AZURE ISV PROFILE: mLevel provides mobile, social, and engaging learning platforms that support the delivery of fun and effective training. Common business uses include sales training, customer support/call center training, compliance training, and new hire orientation. mLevel is used by global Fortune 500 companies to make learning fun, while improving real business results. Read about other Microsoft Azure ISVs SOLUTION mLevel leverages Microsoft data centers on three continents to provide geo-redundancy, localization, and world class SLAs. mLevel uses Azure's cloud services, virtual machines (Windows and Linux), storage, and more. It takes advantage of Redis Cache to provide the quickest response times for critical services. mLevel utilizes Azure Content Delivery Network (CDN) to present customers with their data quickly, whether it is images or by using Azure Media Services to stream video content. BENEFITS mLevel attained maximum uptime by using Azure services to host application programming interfaces (APIs) and web components. Azure was able to accommodate an mLevel customer by quickly increasing capacity and adding data center support for Asia.

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