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2 WEEK 7 TECHNOLOGY AND MEDICINE Follow directions: treasure Chest
make a pirate hat/ pirate ship write A FOLLOW DIRECTIONS ADD MUSIC TO CAPTAIN’S LOG document glossary

3 Week 7 Do not copy the information from a friend.
Follow directions: treasure Chest make a pirate hat/ pirate ship This is your research. write A FOLLOW DIRECTIONS ADD MUSIC TO CAPTAIN’S LOG It must fit your topic. document Examples are included. glossary Work on Documentation from Monday, Work on Vocabulary for the week. Syllabus Fill in the Assignment Sheet for the Week Your Hopes and Dreams Insert 4 pictures of activities of the 1600’s. Monday: Explain Technology and Medicine of the time What was going on? Use this information and 2 self-Created projects Technology and Medicine: Complete all research

4 Week 7 Tuesday Wednesday:
Find Appropriate Websites to fit your CAPTAIN'S LOG; Review Documentation Documentation General Rules MLA Format 7th Edition Your Hopes and Dreams for the future (job) Page of CAPTAIN'S LOG all of the questions answered – see rubric -- Your Hopes and Dreams: You got the job you wanted. What kind of job is it? What costs do you have? Can you put any money in the bank? Where do you live? How do you get to work? Etc… Insert 4 pictures of activities of the 1600’s. What was going on? Use this information for the 2 self-Created projects. Tuesday AND Wednesday:

5 Week 7 Thursday & Friday Your Hopes and Dreams: You got the job you wanted. What kind of job is it? What costs do you have? Can you put any money in the bank? Where do you live? How do you get to work? Etc… Thursday: Assessments Vocabulary and Insert 4 pictures of activities of the 1600’s. What was going on? Reading Comprehension; Finish your work from the week. Use this information for the 2 self-Created projects. Friday: Assessment: Writing; Finish your work from the week Documentation Quiz Vocabulary Assessment Grammar AND Writing Assessment Reading Comprehension Review Documentation Documentation General Rules MLA Format 7th Edition Your Hopes and Dreams for the future (job) Page of CAPTAIN'S LOG all of the questions answered – see rubric --

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