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Learning Objective: Differentiate between physical and chemical weathering and identify the agents of erosion and deposition by analyzing characteristics.

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Presentation on theme: "Learning Objective: Differentiate between physical and chemical weathering and identify the agents of erosion and deposition by analyzing characteristics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning Objective: Differentiate between physical and chemical weathering and identify the agents of erosion and deposition by analyzing characteristics of the weathered substances and eroded sediments. Think-Pair-Share: What is the difference between weathering, erosion and deposition?

2 Weathering: Breaking down rock
Erosion: Moving rock from one place to another (transporting) Deposition: Where the rock ends up (where it lands)—usually into the mouth of a large body of water

3 Think-Pair- Share Which of the following pictures illustrate weathering and erosion? Why?

4 Weathering: Erosion: Deposition:

5 Shaping Earth’s surface
Through weathering and erosion, Earth’s surface is shaped into different physical features such as mountains, plains, plateaus, hills, valleys and dunes. Mountains that are created by collisions of tectonic plates are being weathered and eroded.

6 Types OF Weathering Chemical weathering Physical weathering

7 Types OF Weathering Chemical weathering Physical weathering
- Rock material is changed into another substance. Ex: Oxidation (exposure to air), Acid (acid rain), Hydrolysis (Water) Physical weathering -Rock material does NOT change Ex: Hitting, frost action, scratching (abrasion), breaking from changes in temp., pressure or living organisms

8 Physical Weathering Frost action: when water seeps into cracks in rocks then freezes and expands causing the rock to crack. Example, pot holes

9 Physical Weathering-Plant or Root Action

10 Chemical Weathering Acid rain on limestone Oxidation in Granite

11 Chemical Weathering-Hydrolysis
Feldspar combines with water to form the clay Kaolin. Feldspar Kaolin

12 Soil - The end product of weathering
Soil- rocks, minerals and organic material Soil forms layers: The oldest layer at the bottom.horizons.

13 Factors affecting the rate and type of Weathering
1) Climate: Hot and dry=more physical Cold and wet=more chemical 2) Particle Size/Surface Area: greater surface area &/or smaller=faster weathering 3) Mineral Composition (what rock is made up of)

14 Erosion The process by which water, ice, wind or gravity moves fragments of rock and soil.

15 Erosion Monument Valley, Arizona Sea Arch-Santa
(wind erosion) Cruz, California (water erosion)

16 A. Gravity: AKA mass movements
Materials falling down Steeper slope=more erosion Examples of Mass Movements: Slump Mud Flow Landslide Avalanche (very fast)

17 B. Wind Erosion:. 1) takes place primarily in desserts and beaches
B. Wind Erosion: 1) takes place primarily in desserts and beaches. 2) moves small, light-weight particles.

18 D. Running Water: the most powerful agent of erosion.
Running water rounds and smoothes the rock, making the rock smaller. Abrasion: process that breaks off pieces of rocks when they bang into something (making it rounder)

19 C. Glaciers Glaciers are large pieces of ice.
Moves sediments of ANY size. The white areas show glaciers and ice sheets.

20 Deposition Sediment can be deposited by wind, water, glaciers, or gravity. Deposition in a stream is rapid at the mouth of the stream (where the velocity of the stream suddenly decreases). Steeper, faster river or stream = more erosion Most final deposition suddenly occurs in large bodies of water such as likes or oceans.

21 Deposition by wind and water (stream or river)
Sand dunes-wind River-water deposits sediment

22 Activity-Independent & Group Work
Use your notes to answer the questions on the worksheet in groups. Extension- Use the textbook to answer the following questions: 1-Describe three landforms that are shaped by weathering and erosion. 2- Explain how the velocity of a stream affects the suspended load (amount of sediment it contains).

23 Share-Out & Reflection
Let’s share out the answers to the questions. Reflection- How are the processes of weathering and erosion similar? Different? How does deposition relate to weathering and erosion?

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