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Student rights in Finnish universities

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1 Student rights in Finnish universities
Perspective of a student

2 Contents Legal protection Inclusion Equality Right to participate

3 Legal protection Finnish Constitution University Act
Administrative Procedure Act Non-discrimination Act, Act on Equality between Women and Men The Finnish constitution basis of equality, access, participation guarantees “for everyone equal opportunity to receive other educational services in accordance with their ability and special needs, as well as the opportunity to develop themselves without being prevented by economic hardship.” University Act student selection, student representation to some extent, student unions Administrative Procedure Act basis of all due process in administration most administrative processes in universities fall under this legislation Acts on non-discrimination, equality between women and men aims at removing discrimination and inequality between genders, minority groups and so on also applies to basically any process in universities EXAMPLE: Selection of students Constitution guarantees everyone the right to apply University Act gives universities the right to choose their own students as they will, imposes some practical limits Administrative Procedure Act legislates the administrative process, e.g. written decisions, the right to appeal Non-discrimination Act stipulates that education providers must have planned measures for promoting equality Equality between Women and Men, e.g. gender ratios in teacher training not allowed

4 Inclusion Legislation gives everyone a right to apply and study…
...but in practice inclusion is limited by many factors Universities still not as diverse as society in general (The same applies to the student unions!) Legislation guarantees a right to apply and study, but many factors limit the inclusion of students Physical access, learning aids and so on Finnish universities still do not mirror the society in terms of diversity Which also applies to the student unions - though significant progress has been made in this decade Which brings us to the next subject

5 Equality In this context not limited to gender equality
Significant segregation in job market Socio-economic background matters Underrepresentation of minority groups in HE Equality in this context concerns everyone, not just gender matters Finnish has two different words, basically translates to equality and equity but let’s not go into exact definitions Finnish job market is clearly segregated Mirrors the segregation of different fields, e.g. teacher studies vs. ICT Socio-economic background plays a huge part in likelihood of partaking in HE Already clearly visible during childhood Secondary education a huge watershed, HE basically just a continuity Many minority groups are still very much underrepresented in Finnish HE Ethnic groups such as the Roma Immigrants in general, including descendants of immigrants Disabled people

6 Right to participate Stakeholder participation in political decision-making Legislation incl. statutes of universities Strong culture of student participation Everything from strategy to course planning Student participation makes, well, everything better! Finland has a rather strong culture of involving stakeholders in political decision-making Applies to nearly every field of politics SYL, for instance, is involved officially or unofficially in basically everything involving university students Dirty corrupted lobbying vs. staunch advocacy Legislation lends its support in principle and in practice (Most) university boards have student members Students represented on all levels of university administration Underlying the legislation is a rather strong culture of student participation and advocacy SYL and the student unions have a 100-year history, close contact with universities Most staff in universities want to involve students in all sorts of work Students can participate in every level of university, from strategy to course planning to ergonomy! Benefits of student participation Students feel involved, ownership of their studies and learning Different points of view e.g. for administration (example of OTM development in ) Strengthens the sense of university as a community rather than hierarchical factory

7 Thank you! Questions? Fire away! Tapio Heiskari
Educational Policy Advisor @tapioheiskari

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