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Obstetrics and Human Development

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Presentation on theme: "Obstetrics and Human Development"— Presentation transcript:

1 Obstetrics and Human Development
17 Obstetrics and Human Development

2 Multimedia Directory Slide 18 Conception Animation
Slide 28 First Stage of Labor Video Slide 29 First Stage of Labor Video Part II Slide 30 Second Stage of Labor Video Slide 31 Third Stage of Labor Video: Part I Slide 32 Third Stage of Labor Video: Part II Slide 33 Third Stage of Labor Video: Part III Slide 49 Down Syndrome Video Slide 63 Preeclampsia Video Slide 74 Delivery of Infant—C-section Video Slide 84 Postpartum Assessment Video

3 Learning Objectives After completing this chapter, you will be able to: Define and spell the word parts used to create terms for obstetrics and human development Identify the major organs of obstetrics and human development and describe their structure and function

4 Learning Objectives (cont.)
After completing this chapter, you will be able to: Break down and define common medical terms used for symptoms, diseases, disorders, procedures, treatments, and devices associated with obstetrics and human development Build medical terms from the word parts associated with obstetrics and human development

5 Learning Objectives (cont.)
After completing this chapter, you will be able to: Pronounce and spell common medical terms associated with obstetrics and human development

6 Obstetrics and Human Development
Prenatal development The study of life changes prior to birth Includes the issues of pregnancy Postnatal development Infancy Childhood Adolescence Adulthood Old age

7 Prefixes ante- = before intra- = within micro- = small multi- = many
neo- = new nulli- = none

8 Prefixes (cont.) poly- = many post- = after pre- = before
primi- = first tri- = three

9 Combining Forms amni/o, amnion/o = amnion, amniotic fluid
cephal/o = head chori/o = membrane, chorion embry/o = embryo episi/o = vulva fet/o = fetus

10 Combining Forms (cont.)
ger/o, geront/o = old age gravid/o, gravidar/o = pregnancy hyster/o = uterus lact/o = milk nat/o = birth

11 Combining Forms (cont.)
obstetr/o = midwife, prenatal development omphal/o = umbilicus (navel) par/o, part/o = parturition, or labor ped/o, pediatr/o = child pelv/i, pelv/o = pelvis, washbasin

12 Combining Forms (cont.)
presby/o = old age prim/i = first pseud/o = false puerper/i, puerper/o = childbirth salping/o = tube toc/o = birth, labor

13 Suffixes -centesis = surgical puncture to aspirate fluids
-cyesis = pregnancy -genic = pertaining to producing, formation, causing -ician = one who treats

14 Suffixes (cont.) -lytic = pertaining to loosen, dissolve
-rrhexis = rupture -tocia = birth, labor -um = pertaining to -y = process of

15 Prenatal Development and Pregnancy
Zygote—a fertilized egg Fertilization, or conception—the process of gamete union Pregnancy—normally lasts 280 days or 9 calendar months Trimesters—3-month-long periods of pregnancy

16 Figure 17.1: Fertilization and implantation

17 Figure 17.2: Fertilization Source: Custom Medical Stock Photo, Inc.

18 Conception Animation Click on the screenshot to view an animation on conception. The animation may take a moment to begin playing. Back to Directory

19 Prenatal Development and Pregnancy (cont.)
Embryo—refers to first 8 weeks of life after conception Fetus—period of development between 8th week after conception until birth

20 Figure 17.3: Early prenatal development NOTE: View highlighted area on next slide

21 Figure 17.3 (continued): Early prenatal development NOTE: View highlighted area on next slide

22 Figure 17.3 (continued): Early prenatal development

23 Figure 17.4: Prenatal growth

24 Prenatal Development and Pregnancy (cont.)
Labor—a four-stage process that involves: gradual dilation of the cervix increasing strength and duration of uterine contractions Parturition—birth of child Puerperium—6-week time period after giving birth

25 Figure 17.5: Labor

26 Figure 17.5 (continued): Labor

27 Figure 17.5 (continued): Labor

28 First Stage of Labor Video
Click on the screenshot to view a video on the first stage of labor. Back to Directory

29 First Stage of Labor Video (cont.)
Click on the screenshot to view a second video on the first stage of labor. Back to Directory

30 Second Stage of Labor Video
Click on the screenshot to view a video on the second stage of labor. Back to Directory

31 Third Stage of Labor: Part 1 Video
Click on the screenshot to view a video on the third stage of labor. Back to Directory

32 Third Stage of Labor: Part II Video
Click on the screenshot to view a second video on the third stage of labor. Back to Directory

33 Third Stage of Labor: Part III Video
Click on the screenshot to view a third video on the third stage of labor. Back to Directory

34 Postnatal Development
Begins immediately after birth and continues until death Neonate—term for newborn during the first month Senescence—old age, which usually begins between years of age until death

35 Figure 17.6: Postnatal development

36 Terms Related to Prenatal and Postnatal Human Development
Adolescence Adulthood Antepartum Childhood Gravida Gravidopuerperal Infancy Intrapartum Multigravida Multipara Natal Neonate Nulligravida Nullipara

37 Terms Related to Prenatal and Postnatal Human Development (cont.)
Para Postnatal development Postpartum Pregnancy Premature infant Prenatal development Primigravida Primipara Puberty Puerpera Puerperal Puerperium Senescence Trimester

38 Word Roots amni, amnion = amnion or amniotic fluid
chori = membrane, chorion embry = embryo fet = fetus lact = milk obstetr = midwife, prenatal development par, part = parturition, or labor

39 Symptoms and Signs Amniorrhea Dystocia Hyperemesis gravidarum
Abnormal discharge of amniotic fluid Dystocia Difficult labor Hyperemesis gravidarum Severe nausea and vomiting during pregnancy that can cause severe dehydration in the mother and fetus

40 Symptoms and Signs (cont.)
Lactorrhea Abnormal, spontaneous discharge of milk Polyhydramnios Excessive amniotic fluid Pseudocyesis False pregnancy

41 Diseases and Disorders
Abortion Termination of pregnancy by expulsion of the embryo or fetus from the uterus Miscarriage or spontaneous abortion (SAB) Therapeutic abortion (TAB)

42 Diseases and Disorders (cont.)
Abruptio placentae Premature separation of the placenta from the uterine wall Results in either premature birth or fetal death

43 Figure 17.7: Abruptio placentae

44 Diseases and Disorders (cont.)
Amnionitis Inflammation of the amnion Amniorrhexis Rupture of the amnion Breech birth Abnormal childbirth in which the buttocks, feet, or knees emerge first

45 Diseases and Disorders (cont.)
Cervical effacement Progressive obliteration of the cervical canal during labor Chorioamnionitis Inflammation of the chorion and amnion Choriocarcinoma Cancer of the chorion

46 Diseases and Disorders (cont.)
Cleft palate Congenital abnormality in which the roof of the mouth fails to close during prenatal development, leaving a fissure Congenital anomaly Abnormality present at birth

47 Figure 17.8: Cleft palate and lip

48 Diseases and Disorders (cont.)
Down syndrome Congenital disorder caused by a genetic defect in chromosome 21 Results in degrees of mental retardation and other physical defects Also called trisomy 21

49 Down Syndrome Video Click on the screenshot to view a video on the topic of Down Syndrome. The video may take a moment to begin playing. Back to Directory

50 Diseases and Disorders (cont.)
Eclampsia Condition characterized by convulsions and possibly coma during pregnancy Ectopic pregnancy Pregnancy that occurs outside of the uterus

51 Figure 17.9: Ectopic pregnancies

52 Figure 17.10: Ectopic pregnancy: abdominal

53 Diseases and Disorders (cont.)
Embryotocia Expulsion, or abortion, of the embryo Erythroblastosis fetalis Condition of newborns in which RBCs are destroyed due to an incompatibility between the mother’s blood and the baby’s blood May occur when Rh-negative mother has previously had an Rh-positive child

54 Figure 17.11: Erythroblastosis fetalis

55 Diseases and Disorders (cont.)
Esophageal atresia Congenital absence of part of the esophagus Results in inability to swallow or digest food Requires surgical correction

56 Figure 17.12: Esophageal atresia

57 Diseases and Disorders (cont.)
Fetal alcohol syndrome Condition caused by alcohol ingestion during pregnancy Can cause brain dysfunction and growth abnormalities in the newborn Abbreviated FAS

58 Diseases and Disorders (cont.)
Hyaline membrane disease Diseases of newborns, particularly of premature infants, in which certain cells of the lungs fail to mature by birth Lungs may collapse and may be followed by death Also called respiratory distress syndrome of the newborn, or RDS

59 Diseases and Disorders (cont.)
Hysterorrhexis Rupture of the uterus Microcephaly Congenital abnormality of a small head Omphalitis Inflammation of the umbilicus

60 Diseases and Disorders (cont.)
Omphalocele Congenital herniation at the umbilicus Segment of small intestine pushes through abdominal wall Placenta previa Abnormal attachment of placenta in lower portion of uterus Obstructs birth canal opening

61 Figure 17.13: Placenta previa

62 Diseases and Disorders (cont.)
Preeclampsia Abnormal development of high blood pressure during pregnancy May be accompanied by proteinuria and edema, all due to toxemia during pregnancy Also known as pregnancy-induced hypertension, or PIH

63 Click on the screenshot to view a video on the topic of preeclampsia.
Preeclampsia Video Click on the screenshot to view a video on the topic of preeclampsia. Back to Directory

64 Diseases and Disorders (cont.)
Rubella Acute disease caused by rubella virus May produce abnormalities in prenatal development Also called German measles Salpingocyesis Embryo implants within the fallopian tube A form of ectopic pregnancy

65 Diseases and Disorders (cont.)
Spina bifida Congenital defect of the vertebral column Absence of vertebral arches Often leads to a severe inflammation of the spinal meninges

66 Figure 17.14: Spina bifida

67 Diseases and Disorders (cont.)
Toxoplasmosis Caused by the bacterium Toxoplasma gondii May be contracted by exposure to animal feces, most commonly from household pets such as cats Can cross placental blood barrier, causing birth defects or miscarriage

68 Treatments, Procedures, and Devices
Abortifacient Drug that induces abortion Amniocentesis Surgical puncture to aspirate, and analyze, a small amount of amniotic fluid to detect possible fetal abnormalities

69 Figure 17.15: Amniocentesis

70 Figure 17.15 (continued): Amniocentesis

71 Treatments, Procedures, and Devices (cont.)
Amniography X-ray imaging of the amnion after injecting a contrast medium Image: amniogram

72 Treatments, Procedures, and Devices (cont.)
Amnioscopy Examination of amniotic fluid and the fetus with an amnioscope, which is introduced into the cervical canal Amniotomy Incision through the amnion, which ruptures the membrane as an inducement to labor

73 Treatments, Procedures, and Devices (cont.)
Cesarean section Surgical delivery by making an incision through the abdomen and uterus Abbreviated C-section

74 Delivery of Infant—C-section Video
Click on the screenshot to view a video on C-section infant delivery. Back to Directory

75 Treatments, Procedures, and Devices (cont.)
Embryology Study of embryonic development Episiotomy Incision through the perineum, often during labor, to prevent its tearing Fetometry Measurement of size of fetus

76 Figure 17.16: Episiotomy

77 Figure 17. 17: Fetometry Source: Callen, P. W
Figure 17.17: Fetometry Source: Callen, P.W. Ultrasonography on obstetrics and gynecology (2nd ed., p. 50). Copyright 1998, with permission from Elsevier Science.

78 Treatments, Procedures, and Devices (cont.)
Geriatrics Medical discipline concerned with old age Gerontologist Physician who practices in the field of gerontology Gerontology Medical discipline concerned with the effects of aging Abbreviated GER

79 Treatments, Procedures, and Devices (cont.)
Obstetrical sonography Ultrasound imaging of the pregnant uterus to observe fetal development Image: sonogram Obstetrician Physician who practices in the field of obstetrics

80 Figure 17.18: Obstetrical sonography

81 Figure 17.18 (continued): Vaginal ultrasound probe

82 Figure 17.19: Sonogram Source: Photo Researchers, Inc.

83 Treatments, Procedures, and Devices (cont.)
Obstetrics Medical discipline concerned with prenatal development, pregnancy, childbirth, and the 42-day period following childbirth Abbreviated OB

84 Postpartum Assessment Video
Click on the screenshot to view a video on the topic of postpartum assessment. Back to Directory

85 Treatments, Procedures, and Devices (cont.)
Pediatrician Physician who practices in the field of pediatrics Pediatrics Medical discipline concerned with infancy, childhood, and adolescence Abbreviated PED

86 Treatments, Procedures, and Devices (cont.)
Pelvimetry Measurement of a mother’s pelvis to determine the potential size of the birth canal Thalidomide Drug administered to pregnant women for a brief period during the 1950s that has been shown to cause dramatic birth defects in their infants, including underdevelopment of arms and legs

87 Treatments, Procedures, and Devices (cont.)
Therapeutic abortion Termination of pregnancy by surgery or drugs Abbreviated TAB Tocolytic agent Drug used to stop labor contractions

88 Pharmaceuticals Abortifacients Anesthetics Corticosteroid creams
Fertility agents Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) Oral contraceptive pills Oxytocin

89 Abbreviations C-section DOB EDD GER HMD LMP NB

90 Abbreviations (cont.) OB OB/GYN PED PIH RDS SAB TAB

91 Classroom Response System

92 What is the meaning of the prefix nulli-?
many none after the number nine

93 What is the meaning of the prefix nulli-?
many none after the number nine

94 Which is the combining form meaning pregnancy?
obstetr/o gravid/o omphal/o puerper/o

95 Which is the combining form meaning pregnancy?
obstetr/o gravid/o omphal/o puerper/o

96 A pregnant woman who has been previously pregnant one or more times is described as being:
nulligravida puerpera gravidopuerperal multigravida

97 A pregnant woman who has been previously pregnant one or more times is described as being:
nulligravida puerpera gravidopuerperal multigravida

98 The period of a mother’s life from the termination of labor to the return of a reproductively capable uterus is: puerperium primigravida senescence nulligravida

99 The period of a mother’s life from the termination of labor to the return of a reproductively capable uterus is: puerperium primigravida senescence nulligravida

100 The developing human from the eighth week after conception to the moment of birth is called:
embryo fetus neonate amnion

101 The developing human from the eighth week after conception to the moment of birth is called:
embryo fetus neonate amnion

102 What is a breech presentation during childbirth?
the child is delivered during childbirth the child is delivered through cesarean section the child is delivered normally the child is delivered buttocks, feet, or knees first

103 What is a breech presentation during childbirth?
the child is delivered during childbirth the child is delivered through cesarean section the child is delivered normally the child is delivered buttocks, feet, or knees first

104 Classroom Response System

105 pediatrician obstetrician podiatrist urologist
Which of the following is a physician that specializes in the field of prenatal development, pregnancy, childbirth, and the period before childbirth? pediatrician obstetrician podiatrist urologist

106 pediatrician obstetrician podiatrist urologist
Which of the following is a physician that specializes in the field of prenatal development, pregnancy, childbirth, and the period before childbirth? pediatrician obstetrician podiatrist urologist

107 A false pregnancy is called a:
dystocia pseudocyesis amniocentesis polyhydramnios

108 A false pregnancy is called a:
dystocia pseudocyesis amniocentesis polyhydramnios

109 A premature separation of the placenta from the uterine wall is known as:
amniorrhexis abruptio placentae choramnionitis polyhydramnios

110 A premature separation of the placenta from the uterine wall is known as:
amniorrhexis abruptio placentae choramnionitis polyhydramnios

111 ectopic pregnancy eclampsia salpingocyesis omphalocele
What is the condition characterized by convulsions and possibly coma during pregnancy? ectopic pregnancy eclampsia salpingocyesis omphalocele

112 ectopic pregnancy eclampsia salpingocyesis omphalocele
What is the condition characterized by convulsions and possibly coma during pregnancy? ectopic pregnancy eclampsia salpingocyesis omphalocele

113 therapeutic abortion episiotomy cesarean section amnioscopy
What is the term for a surgical delivery performed by making an incision through the abdomen and uterus? therapeutic abortion episiotomy cesarean section amnioscopy

114 therapeutic abortion episiotomy cesarean section amnioscopy
What is the term for a surgical delivery performed by making an incision through the abdomen and uterus? therapeutic abortion episiotomy cesarean section amnioscopy

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