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Sermon on the Mount The Citizens of the Kingdom (5:1-16)

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Presentation on theme: "Sermon on the Mount The Citizens of the Kingdom (5:1-16)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sermon on the Mount The Citizens of the Kingdom (5:1-16)
The Righteousness of the Kingdom (5:17-48) Sincere Devotion in the Kingdom (6:1-18) Trusting God in the Kingdom (6:19-34) Relating to Man in the Kingdom (7:1-12) Entering the Kingdom (7:13-27)

2 The Kingdom of God Sermon on the Mount Matthew 5-7 The Message
Matt. 4:23 – preaching gospel of kingdom “Kingdom” repeated throughout: (5:3, 10, 19, 20; 6:10; 33; 7:21)

3 Sermon on the Mount Citizens of the Kingdom (5:2-16)
Outline Sermon on the Mount Citizens of the Kingdom (5:2-16) Characteristics [Beatitudes] (5:2-12) Their influence on the world (5:13-16) Righteousness of the Kingdom (5:17 - 7:12) Harmonizes with the Old Testament (5:17-19) Exceeds the righteousness of the Scribes & Pharisee (5:20-48) Relationship to God (6) Relationship to man (7:1-12) Exhortation to Enter the Kingdom (7:13-27) Enter the narrow gate that leads to life (7:13-14) Don’t let false prophets turn you aside (7:15-20) Only the obedient enter the kingdom (7:21-27)

4 The Citizens of the Kingdom
(Matt. 5:1-16) Review Characteristics of the Citizens (5:2-12) The Influence of the Citizens on the World (5:13-16) Sermon on the Mount

5 The Righteousness of the Kingdom
(Matt. 5:17-48) Review Harmonizes with the Old Testament (5:17-19) Exceeds the Righteousness of Scribes and Pharisees (5:20-48) Sermon on the Mount

6 Sincere Devotion In the Kingdom
(Matt. 6:1-18) Review Giving to the Needy (vv. 1-4) Prayer (vv. 5-15) Fasting (vv ) Sermon on the Mount

7 Trusting God In the Kingdom
(Matt. 6:19-34) Review Trust in God – Not in Earthly Things (vv ) Trust in God – Do Not Worry (vv ) Sermon on the Mount

8 Relating to Man In the Kingdom
(Matt. 7:1-12) Review Don’t Judge Hypocritically (vv. 1-5) Be Gracious to Other as God is to Us (vv. 6-11) Treat Others the Way You Want to Be Treated (v. 12) Sermon on the Mount

9 Point: Plea to enter the kingdom
Entering the Kingdom (Matt. 7:13-27) Point: Plea to enter the kingdom Having described the kingdom – challenges those who hear to enter his kingdom Sermon on the Mount

10 Entering the Kingdom (Matt. 7:13-27)
Enter the Narrow Gate That Leads to Life (7:13-14) Don’t Let False Prophets Turn You Aside (7:15-20) Only the Obedient Enter the Kingdom (7:21-27) Sermon on the Mount

11 Entering the Kingdom (Matt. 7:13-27)
Enter the Narrow Gate That Leads to Life (7:13-14) Sermon on the Mount

12 Enter the Narrow Gate That Leads to Life (7:13-14)
Sermon on the Mount Enter the Narrow Gate That Leads to Life (7:13-14) Two Gates – The Beginning of the Way Wider gate – allows many through with all their baggage! Narrow gate – admits one at a time – as a turnstile Not just anyone can enter Beatitudes show the kind of person (5:1-12) A contrast to the common idea of “just believe”

13 Enter the Narrow Gate That Leads to Life (7:13-14)
Sermon on the Mount Enter the Narrow Gate That Leads to Life (7:13-14) Two Gates – The Beginning of the Way Two Ways – Progress on the Way Broad way – room to do as you please Confined way – narrow Makes it clear that the road ahead is a demanding one It may at times be restricting – May not be able to carry all we want with us.

14 Enter the Narrow Gate That Leads to Life (7:13-14)
Sermon on the Mount Enter the Narrow Gate That Leads to Life (7:13-14) Two Gates – The Beginning of the Way Two Ways – Progress on the Way Two Kinds of Travelers – Few will Enter the Kingdom Many – Most of the world is not in the kingdom (lost now and in eternity) Only a few will be saved This is obvious from the kind of people listed as citizens (5:1-13)

15 Enter the Narrow Gate That Leads to Life (7:13-14)
Sermon on the Mount Enter the Narrow Gate That Leads to Life (7:13-14) Two Gates – The Beginning of the Way Two Ways – Progress on the Way Two Kinds of Travelers – Few will Enter the Kingdom Two Destinations Life – Heaven Destruction - Hell

16 Enter the Narrow Gate That Leads to Life (7:13-14)
Sermon on the Mount Enter the Narrow Gate That Leads to Life (7:13-14) Two Gates – The Beginning of the Way Two Ways – Progress on the Way Two Kinds of Travelers – Few will Enter the Kingdom Two Destinations Exhortation to Enter Because of the benefits and results Because of tendency of man to do what is easier

17 Entering the Kingdom (Matt. 7:13-27)
Enter the Narrow Gate That Leads to Life (7:13-14) Don’t Let False Prophets Turn You Aside (7:15-20) Sermon on the Mount

18 Don’t Let False Prophets Turn You Aside (7:15-20)
Sermon on the Mount Don’t Let False Prophets Turn You Aside (7:15-20) Appear Harmless (v. 15) False teachers that lead astray is one of the things that makes it difficult The kind of person that cause the shallow minded to wonder, “How could such smart teachers be wrong?”

19 Don’t Let False Prophets Turn You Aside (7:15-20)
Sermon on the Mount Don’t Let False Prophets Turn You Aside (7:15-20) Appear Harmless (v. 15) Destroy your Soul (v. 15) Truth saves (Rom. 1:16; John 3:32) Error damns (2 Thess. 2:10-12)

20 Don’t Let False Prophets Turn You Aside (7:15-20)
Sermon on the Mount Don’t Let False Prophets Turn You Aside (7:15-20) Appear Harmless (v. 15) Destroy your Soul (v. 15) Know Them by Their Fruits (vv ) Fruits include: Teaching (1 John 4:1, 6) Their lives (2 Pet. 2) Lives of hearers (1 Cor. 15:32-33) Fruit will eventually be borne – all disguises removed – seen for what they really are!

21 Entering the Kingdom (Matt. 7:13-27)
Enter the Narrow Gate That Leads to Life (7:13-14) Don’t Let False Prophets Turn You Aside (7:15-20) Only the Obedient Enter the Kingdom (7:21-27) Sermon on the Mount

22 Only the Obedient Enter the Kingdom (7:21-27)
Sermon on the Mount Only the Obedient Enter the Kingdom (7:21-27) Not the Religious Who are Disobedient (vv ) Call on him as Lord – religious – makes claims of him being their ruler But don’t obey (cf. Luke 6:46) Some teach a lie (vv ) Some live a lie (v. 21) Work lawlessness – without law

23 Only the Obedient Enter the Kingdom (7:21-27)
Sermon on the Mount Only the Obedient Enter the Kingdom (7:21-27) Not the Religious Who are Disobedient (vv ) The Ones Who Obey (v. 21)

24 Only the Obedient Enter the Kingdom (7:21-27)
Sermon on the Mount Only the Obedient Enter the Kingdom (7:21-27) Not the Religious Who are Disobedient (vv ) The Ones Who Obey (v. 21) Illustrated with Two Builders (vv ) Foolish man – built on sand = those who hear and do not obey May be weak, wavering or rebellious Makes no difference who or how he builds – sand is sand! Always those who want to build quicker & easier! Wise man – built on rock = those who hear and obey

25 Entering the Kingdom (Matt. 7:13-27)
Enter the Narrow Gate That Leads to Life (7:13-14) Don’t Let False Prophets Turn You Aside (7:15-20) Only the Obedient Enter the Kingdom (7:21-27) Reaction to the Sermon (vv ) What a wonderful sermon! Greater impression – What a preacher! Why not enter the kingdom? Sermon on the Mount

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