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Presentation on theme: "UNSCRAMBLE b R b a i t GAME!."— Presentation transcript:

1 UNSCRAMBLE b R b a i t GAME!

2 Scrambled Word Unscrambled Word 10/20/30/40 Seconds / 1 Minute
1) Choose to use clues or not 2) Choose time: 10/20/30/40s/1/2m. 3) Copy/Paste multiple slides. 4) Add clues this size and ‘move to back’. 5) Complete text. 6) Delete this slide. Students could shout/write/act answers. Unscrambled Word 10/20/30/40 Seconds / 1 Minute

3 pntaleeh Example: No Clue Ready? GO! elephant 10s

4 rifut Ready? GO! fruit 10s

5 keil Ready? GO! like 10s

6 kocosie Ready? GO! cookies 10s

7 cie eamrc Ready? GO! ice cream 20s

8 bpolrme Ready? GO! problem 30s

9 odnoles Ready? GO! noodles 20s

10 liidlecosu Ready? GO! delicious 20s

11 geebvletsa Ready? GO! vegetables 20s

12 lflu Ready? GO! full 10s

13 I keli cei mcear. Ready? GO! I like ice cream. 30s

14 od uyo natw mseo rome? Ready? GO! Do you want some more? 30s

15 No hnkats. Ready? GO! No thanks. 10s

16 I’m lufl. Ready? GO! I’m full. 20s

17 lehp lfeoryus. Ready? GO! Help yourself. 20s

18 I keli geebvletsa. Ready? GO! I like vegetables. 20s

19 hwta od uyo keli? Ready? GO! What do you like? 30s

20 ti oklos ryev liiducoes.
Ready? GO! It looks very delicious. 30s

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