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Please Bring a Composition Notebook to School Monday.

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Presentation on theme: "Please Bring a Composition Notebook to School Monday."— Presentation transcript:

1 Please Bring a Composition Notebook to School Monday.
She’s a WOMA PYTHON if you are interested and want to look up her species

2 Welcome Back to Astronomy 3 days down, 177 to go!!!
Open up your laptops, go to, and do today’s bellwork

3 During class….. Take notes Create Foldables Record Lab Data
In science journal Draw pictures Take notes Create Foldables Record Lab Data Glue graphs, pictures, charts, etc.

4 On Laptop Do Bellwork Do some homeworks Take Quizes/Tests Do research
Visit Links Do activities

5 Part 1 for today Lets try taking a quiz on our computers
I have no idea how this will work This is new to me too! I’ve shared a link to your quiz in google classroom Ps. Today is as much for me to learn as it is for you!!!

6 Practice makes……

7 Practice Question 1: I am a girl! True or False

8 Dr. Phillips High School is located in:
Practice Question 2 Dr. Phillips High School is located in: New York Wisconsin Michigan Florida

9 Practice makes……

10 Practice Question 3 What is the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow? All swallows are unladen, so this question doesn’t make sense Swallows normal travel between 7 and 12 meters per second It depends on if it is an African or European swallow What is a swallow? IDK

11 Practice Question 4 If you chose an answer to this question at random, what is the chance you will be correct? 25% 0% 50%

12 Practice Question 5 If you planted the seeds of Quercus robur, what would grow? Vegetables Trees Flowers Grains

13 Question 6 a) mud flows and bodies of liquid water existing in the past. b) water, rather than dry ice, at the south polar cap. c) the spectral signature of chlorophyll. d) the face on Mars. e) volcanoes that are still active. The possibility of life existing once on Mars was supported by the discovery of Answer: a

14 Question 7 What is the name of the theory that is currently used to describe the formation of the solar system? a) perturbation theory b) condensation theory c) differentiation theory d) close-encounter theory Answer: b

15 During a test or a quiz….. Lets try another Look at only your computer
Don’t go to any other websites I can see your screens on my computer! ;) I can also see what programs/websites you’ve gone to and when. ;) Lets try another


17 So lets practice! Practice Quiz 2

18 You are inside right now
Question 1 You are inside right now True or False

19 Question 2 This is a: Triangle Circle Square Dodecohedron

20 Today is: Question 3 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

21 Question 4 Solve for X: 2X = 8

22 Question 5 Rate yourself I could build one of these computers.
Scale Scale Description 4 I could build one of these computers. 3 I feel comfortable using these computers in class and for GRADED quizzes. 2 I will probably get there eventually, but I need a bit more practice with these computers. 1 Where am I? How did I ge ….. WHA? …. SQUIRREL!!!

23 Part 2 of today! Make sure that everybody is in the correct google classroom If you switched classes, un-enroll from your old class, and join the new class

24 How to Complete EDpuzzle Assignments

25 Go to and click Sign up

26 Sign up as a student

27 Click Sign up with Google

28 If you’re not already signed in to your school Google account, sign in to it now.

29 Click Accept to give EDpuzze the permissions it needs to work with your Google account.

30 Click Join New Class (if you haven’t joined the teacher’s class yet)

31 Enter the code the teacher gave you.

32 Here are the codes to join my classes on EDPuzzle.

33 To begin the assignment, click Start.

34 Press play to begin. Each question mark represents a comment or question added by the teacher.

35 After the video stops, read the comment or answer the question
After the video stops, read the comment or answer the question. Then, click continue.

36 Read the questions carefully
Read the questions carefully. You can answer the question and submit your answer, or you can rewatch the last section of the video and then answer the question.

37 After you submit your answer, EDpuzzle will tell you which answer is correct with an arrow.

38 After the video ends, the status on the assignment will be “Turned In

39 If you click on “Progress” you can see your score (before the teacher grades your written responses).

40 Here is the score before the teacher grades the written answers.

41 Some tips to make your life easier…
Do your best to keep your google drive organized I recommend having at least one folder for each class It is probably best to use folders and subfolders, however you best stay organized Practice with creating, sharing, naming and working with google drive Then remove all of your practice documents If you are having a problem with your computer, restarting it often fixes it

42 Part 3 of today How do we turn things in here?
If we are turning in something, we need to name it the same way, so that I can keep track. Name of assignment.yourname.classperiod Head to our google classroom













55 Then add it to your google drive and turn in!

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