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Comparing two novels Attwood uses Offred as her narrator in order to present how the abuse of power by the hierarchy depends upon the repression of most.

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Presentation on theme: "Comparing two novels Attwood uses Offred as her narrator in order to present how the abuse of power by the hierarchy depends upon the repression of most."— Presentation transcript:

1 Comparing two novels Attwood uses Offred as her narrator in order to present how the abuse of power by the hierarchy depends upon the repression of most of the population, therefore creating a dystopian novel. Attwood presents a woman whom the reader can empathise with, thereby creating an engaging narrative. Shelley, on the other hand, uses multiple narrators, which interlink and blur together, in order to create an uncertainty for her reader, and enforce the Gothic form of her novel. By using three different narrators, Shelley provides distance between her tale and the reader.

2 Comparing Themes What is a theme?
How can you compare themes and ideas? What themes are there in Beloved and Dracula? What useful comparisons can we make?

3 What is a theme? an idea that recurs in or pervades a work of art or literature. "love and honour are the pivotal themes of the Hornblower books"

4 Read the texts you have in front of you
What themes do they explore?

5 Stand up if you have the following themes in your text:
Conflict Growing up Love

6 What is interesting is HOW the writers have made their texts
What is interesting is HOW the writers have made their texts. Stay standing up if you have: Significant imagery First person narrator Humour Highly descriptive Action-packed Dialogue heavy Distinctive use of grammar/syntax Dramatic tension Reflective Clear narrative voice Colloquial voice

7 Has anyone else got a text that be described in the same way
Has anyone else got a text that be described in the same way? Use examples from your text when you discuss. Consider the effect.

8 What genre/form is your text?

9 What themes are explored in Dracula and Beloved?

10 The Dehumanisation of slaves The Supernatural Naming
Religion The Dehumanisation of slaves The Supernatural Naming Science and Modernity Community and Family Immigration Law and Civilisation The Burden of the Past The New Woman Madness The mother figure Sexuality Use the notes on themes to help you Are there any connections? How are they explored? What are the differences/similarities? Themes Themes in common Why? How are they explored differently? Example/quotes. Page numbers Beloved Dracula

11 Take a connecting theme from the two novels and write a page comparing the different ways they are conveyed in the two novels. Consider context in your answer

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