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In the future, “much of the instructional time learners spend will consist of interaction with a computer.” -Chapelle, 2003 What do you think about this?

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Presentation on theme: "In the future, “much of the instructional time learners spend will consist of interaction with a computer.” -Chapelle, 2003 What do you think about this?"— Presentation transcript:

1 In the future, “much of the instructional time learners spend will consist of interaction with a computer.” -Chapelle, 2003 What do you think about this?

2 Douglas cronyn Teachers using technology
ENG 724 Tech for TESOL October 27, 2015

3 We live in a society exquisitely dependent on science and technology, in which hardly anyone knows anything about science and technology -Carl Sagan

4 Agenda

5 Agenda Tech skills teachers need

6 Agenda Tech skills teachers need Teacher resistance

7 Agenda Tech skills teachers need Teacher resistance
Virtual learning environments (VLEs)

8 Agenda Tech skills teachers need Teacher resistance
Virtual learning environments (VLEs) Interactive white boards

9 Agenda Tech skills teachers need Teacher resistance
Virtual learning environments (VLEs) Interactive white boards (IWBs) Teacher roles ----- Meeting Notes (10/27/15 13:03) ----- how have teacher roles changed from traditional to blended or distance learning?

10 Agenda Tech skills teachers need Teacher resistance
Virtual learning environments (VLEs) Interactive white boards (IWBs) Teacher roles Educating teachers ----- Meeting Notes (10/27/15 13:03) ----- professional development polling software new ideas of standards also, look at mesh & cross-over between these different areas

11 Tech skills teachers need Skills pyramid (from Hampel and Stickler 2005)

12 Tech skills teachers need
Basic ICT competence Information and Communication Technology… Used to be: Keyboarding, mouse use, word process, and internet Has expanded just in past few years to include: Ability to download images, audio,and video files Rudimentary knowledge of social networking Tech skills teachers need

13 Tech skills teachers need
Specific technical software competence Basic ICT competence Blackboard, turnitin, interactive whiteboards Free open source programs like Skype Tech skills teachers need

14 Tech skills teachers need
Constraints of system Specific technical software competence Basic ICT competence Know limitations of your system What kinds of learning can software facilitate Tech skills teachers need

15 Tech skills teachers need
Online socialization Main interest of Hampel and Stickler Main aim of technology should be promoting communicative competence Learners need know each other outside the learning space. Ts needs skill in building trust and making good rules Tech skills teachers need

16 Tech skills teachers need
Facilitating communicative competence Online socialization After online learning community has been established Good task design and tutor intervention needed Tech skills teachers need

17 Tech skills teachers need
Creativity and choice Will be discussed in Chapter 11: using skills to make good lessons Tech skills teachers need

18 Tech skills teachers need
Own Style Creativity and choice Highest level Tech skills teachers need

19 How useful is this skills pyramid to you?

20 ? How useful is this skills pyramid to you?
Necessary for basic skills before creativity and choice? ?

21 ? How useful is this skills pyramid to you?
Necessary for basic skills before creativity and choice? Previous classroom experience an important consideration? ?

22 Discuss. Usefulness of pyramid?
-image courtesy of Collective Commons Usefulness of pyramid? Learn basic computer skills before developing own style? Previous teacher skills important to consider?

23 Tech skills teachers need
Own Style Creativity and choice Communicative comp Socialization Know limits of tools/medium Technical software competence Basic ICT competence 1. Usefulness of pyramid? 2. Basic skills before style? 3. Previous experience impt? Ss discus this in dyads 30 seconds one S, then 30 for next. Pick a q to answer. Have until 5 minute portion of show Tech skills teachers need

24 Forming a learning community: Tucker
From 1965, traditional

25 Forming a learning community: Tucker
Group 1st comes together, establish relationships, make rules, test boundaries Online: introductions, ice breakers, “virtual café” established, outline of course

26 Forming a learning community: Tucker
Storming Traditional: group may be in conflict with each other, people trying to get their way On-line: Ss performing first tasks, encourage participation, support, tech help, smooth over conflict

27 Forming a learning community: Tucker
Storming Norming Traditionally: group develops cohesion, accepts idiosyncracies, etc. On-line: (this and next stage) remind Ss of requirements, point out language errors, give praise & suggestions, suggest resources

28 Forming a learning community: Tucker
Storming Norming Performing Traditionally: group has become a “single problem solving unit? On-line: addressed in previous slide. A problem with this model for on-line? Have another model suggested by Salmon

29 Contrasting Group Forming Theory
Tucker Salmon: blended learning Forming Storming Norming Performing Access and motivation Ss can log-on Motivating Ss Contrasting Group Forming Theory

30 Contrasting Group Forming Theory
Tucker Salmon: blended learning Forming Storming Norming Performing Access and motivation Culture building Getting individuals to establish online identities Find other people to interact with Contrasting Group Forming Theory

31 Contrasting Group Forming Theory
Tucker Salmon: blended learning Forming Storming Norming Performing Access and motivation Culture building Co-operation Ss exchange info with each other Contrasting Group Forming Theory

32 Contrasting Group Forming Theory
Tucker Salmon: blended learning Forming Storming Norming Performing Access and motivation Culture building Co-operation Collaboration Interactions become collaborative Contrasting Group Forming Theory

33 Contrasting Group Forming Theory
Tucker Salmon: blended learning Forming Storming Norming Performing Access and motivation Culture building Co-operation Collaboration Development Ss establish personal goals, reflect on learning process Contrasting Group Forming Theory

34 Contrasting Group Forming Theory
Tucker Salmon: blended learning Forming Storming Norming Performing Access and motivation Culture building Co-operation Collaboration Development Contrasting Group Forming Theory

35 Contrasting Group Forming Theory Where do the differences lie?
Tucker Salmon: blended learning Forming Storming Norming Performing Access and motivation Culture building Co-operation Collaboration Development Ss discus, 30 seconds each in dyads, report back Have until 10 minute mark Contrasting Group Forming Theory Where do the differences lie?

36 Teacher Resistance!

37 …or incalcitrance?

38 Places teachers frequently utilize tech
Learning management systems (LMS) Post messages Post audio and video resources

39 Areas of teacher neglect
Discussion boards

40 Areas of teacher neglect
Discussion boards Wikis

41 Areas of teacher neglect
Discussion boards Wikis Blogs

42 Areas of teacher neglect
Discussion boards Wikis Blogs Online tools for: quizzes, surveys, tests 10 or 12 minute mark

43 Traditional vs Distance-learner Teacher Roles

44 Traditional Teacher Role

45 Traditional Teacher Role
Controller Prompter Participant Resource Tutor -Harmer, 2007

46 Distance-learner teacher role
Flip back to other & back to show differences. Overwhelming?

47 Distance-learner teacher role
Integrator Flip back to other & back to show differences. Overwhelming?

48 Distance-learner teacher role
Integrator Salesperson Flip back to other & back to show differences. Overwhelming?

49 Distance-learner teacher role
Integrator Salesperson Negotiator Flip back to other & back to show differences. Overwhelming?

50 Distance-learner teacher role
Integrator Salesperson Negotiator News reporter Flip back to other & back to show differences. Overwhelming?

51 Distance-learner teacher role
Integrator Salesperson Negotiator News reporter Confidant Flip back to other & back to show differences. Overwhelming?

52 Distance-learner teacher role
Integrator Salesperson Nervous parent Negotiator News reporter Confidant Flip back to other & back to show differences. Overwhelming?

53 Distance-learner teacher role
Integrator Salesperson Nervous parent Negotiator Teaches teaching News reporter Confidant Flip back to other & back to show differences. Overwhelming?

54 Distance-learner teacher role
Integrator Salesperson Nervous parent Negotiator Teaches teaching News reporter Trouble shooter Confidant Flip back to other & back to show differences. Overwhelming?

55 Distance-learner teacher role
Integrator Salesperson Nervous parent Negotiator Teaches teaching News reporter Trouble shooter Confidant Human being Flip back to other & back to show differences. Overwhelming?

56 Distance-learner teacher role
Integrator Nervous parent Salesperson Teaches teaching Negotiator Trouble shooter News reporter Human being Confidant Student Flip back to other & back to show differences. Overwhelming?

57 How do you feel about students teaching each other?
Is this list too long, too many responsibilities & skills? Ss discus in dyads, 30 seconds each. Flip back to other slide

58 Teacher Education & Professional Development

59 What do you think about these resources?
Interactive white boards (IWBs) Polling and voting software

60 Interactive White Board
interactive-whiteboard-systems/ Play some or all of video depending on time 3:34 Interactive White Board

61 Critiques of IWBs “Technologically-damaged learning”

62 Critiques of IWBs Ss paying attention to each other or the screen?
“Technologically-damaged learning” Ss paying attention to each other or the screen? Student or teacher –centered?

63 Critiques of IWBs Ss paying attention to each other or the screen?
“Technologically-damaged learning” Ss paying attention to each other or the screen? Expense About $3000

64 Critiques of IWBs Ss paying attention to each other or the screen?
“Technologically-damaged learning” Ss paying attention to each other or the screen? Expense Ability for multiple Ss to use Technology has advanced to allow multiple learners, no longer a consideration

65 https://www. surveymonkey. com/welcome/looking- around/done/
around/done/?bankquestions=just_for_fun&survey_ready=NOT_READY&survey_not_ready_goal=CREATE_SURVEYS Survey Monkey

66 Take a survey!!!

67 While Ss fill out surveys, consider Wang

68 Where are you? (Wang, 147) Stage 1: Wow-this is exciting!

69 Where are you? (Wang, 147) Stage 1: Wow-this is exciting! Stage 2: Uh-oh, problems

70 Where are you? (Wang, 147) Stage 1: Wow-this is exciting! Stage 2: Uh-oh, problems Stage 3: Anxiety: using with real Ss

71 Where are you? (Wang, 147) Stage 1: Wow-this is exciting! Stage 2: Uh-oh, problems Stage 3: Anxiety: using with real Ss Stage 4: Internalizing

72 Where are you? (Wang, 147) Stage 1: Wow-this is exciting! Stage 2: Uh-oh, problems Stage 3: Anxiety: using with real Ss Stage 4: Internalizing Stage 5: ??


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