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Pick a science word and write the definition. Chapter 19

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1 Pick a science word and write the definition. Chapter 19
Bell work 3 minutes Pick a science word and write the definition. Chapter 19

2 Title of notes: Waste management p. 35 & 36

3 learning about waste management and the recycling process.
Learning target I can describe what happens to our trash and what can/can’t be recycled in Phoenix. Today I am… learning about waste management and the recycling process. So that I’ll be able to… understand what happens to our trash. I’ll know I’ve got it when… I can list the three methods of waste disposal and one item that can and can’t be recycled in Phoenix.

4 What is waste? Any unwanted material or substance that comes from a human activity or process.

5 There are three main categories of waste:
municipal industrial toxic

6 Municipal waste Non-liquid waste that comes from homes, institutions and small businesses.

7 Municipal waste: Facts
In the U.S. paper, yard, food and plastics are the main components of municipal waste.

8 Waste that comes from the production
Industrial waste Waste that comes from the production of consumer goods, farms, factories.

9 Industrial waste: Facts
Each year U.S. industrial facilities generate 7.6 billion tons of waste and 98% of that is wastewater. (Fully grown male polar bears can weigh a ton)

10 Hazardous waste Solid or liquid waste that is toxic, chemically reactive, flammable or corrosive.

11 Hazardous waste: Facts
Paint and household cleaners are considered hazardous waste!

12 Current waste disposal methods
dump it (landfill) bury it (landfill) burn it (incinerator)

13 Dumped or buried trash Municipal landfills regulated locally or by state. Federal regulations prevent them from being near wetlands and earthquake prone faults and be 20 ft. above the water table.

14 Chemicals are released into the air.
Incinerated trash Toxins still remain. Chemicals are released into the air. Some nations have banned incinerators.

15 Runoff and groundwater?
Leachate: Liquid that results when substances from the trash dissolve into water as rainwater percolates downward. Landfill managers are required to maintain leachate collection systems for 30 years after landfill has closed. Regulations also require that groundwater be monitored regularly for contaminations.

16 Sanitary landfills are an improvement over open dumping.
Comparison Sanitary landfills are an improvement over open dumping. Incineration is an improvement over open-air burning.

17 Video: Landfills (7 mins)

18 Reading assignment Write down two important facts or definitions
from the reading. Bullet point the facts

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