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#MomentMarketing Micro-moments & Macro-moments

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1 #MomentMarketing Micro-moments & Macro-moments
The Right Ad, The Right Time!

2 LET’S TALK CONTENT The term ‘content marketing strategy’ gets tossed around a lot, but what does it really mean? It is a plan that’s both comprehensive and cohesive, comprised of many forms of media to tell your brand’s story Think big, think broad, think long-term


4 Ads, social media, search results and more create a ‘Zero Moment of Truth’
Brands and products can gain favourability and authority (or a negative reputation) with the click of a button. The “Zero Moment of Truth” creates a new research stage in the buyer cycle nested between stimulus and response.

5 intent-driven decision within a real-time timeframe is the key
MICRO MOMENTS In a micro-moment, users are in a semi-urgent need-state, like ‘I-want-to-know’ or ‘I-want-to-buy’ content that is immediate, informative and straightforward is valuable to users intent-driven decision within a real-time timeframe is the key



8 MACRO MOMENTS In a macro-moment, need-state is much less urgent than in a micro-moment it is the ‘I’ve got time to kill”, or the ‘I wonder what’ moment curiosity, boredom and relaxation fuel macro-moment search and engagement maybe the user has 20 minutes to kill before a doctor appointment, or is unwinding from a long day by sitting on the couch scrolling through social media it is important to recognise that these macro-moments happen often and are perfect marketing opportunities for your business or brand to convert sales

9 Why Moment Matters? The right digital content at the right time packs a powerful punch with real-world results Motivations vary, but sharing content helps consumers connect to a brand, strengthen their relationship and gain a greater sense of self-fulfilment According to the New York Time’s study, 68% of people share content because they want to give others a better sense of who they are and what they care about A whopping 94% of people carefully consider how what they share will be helpful to their audiences

Keep an eye on the trending moments, and start your campaign at the right moment AD Use contextualized creatives DEVICE Choose the right right device MARKETING CHANNEL Focus on the most relevant marketing channel

11 Examples of #MomentMarketing
In 2012, Red Bull signed up Austrian daredevil Felix Baumgartner for a record breaking skydive from the stratosphere, more than 20 miles above the surface of the earth.

12 Examples of #MomentMarketing
A year later, when a power outage at the Super Bowl caused some lights to go out for 34 minutes, Oreo jumped on the cultural moment by tweeting the ad:

13 Examples of #MomentMarketing

14 Examples of #MomentMarketing

15 Examples of #MomentMarketing

16 IN CONCLUSION Content consumption varies from person to person, day to day, from industry to industry Meeting consumers in both micro-moment and macro-moment need-states can prove to be invaluable Understanding the psychological motivation behind your consumers’ needs and moment-to-moment will help you plan and create a content strategy that’s multifaceted, diverse and effective.

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