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It’s all about you! Using your diaphragm and fully exhaling

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Presentation on theme: "It’s all about you! Using your diaphragm and fully exhaling"— Presentation transcript:

1 It’s all about you! Using your diaphragm and fully exhaling
Taking some time out to get a different perspective Gradually increase your activity level despite your pain levels changing Asking someone to give you a hand or do it instead of you Being aware of your muscle tension and changing it Giving yourself visible reminders or using specific times to review your body and mind Checking your thinking patterns Using the most efficient posture to do the job Finding the simplest way to do something Break tasks into manageable chunks Moving your body so that your heart rate increases Telling yourself you can do it and to keep going Being honest and straight-up rather than clobbering or pussy-footing Regulate your body’s level of alertness to suit the activity Working out what is contributing to the situation, and different ways to sort the situation out Doing no more on a good day and no less on a bad Organising your activities over the week to make sure you have enough time and energy to do all the important things Thinking of something pleasant or different to transform your pain or situation Checking out what people really think and deciding whether that’s realistic Move your body through the whole range of movement and hold for five counts Working out what is important, and what is not and making choices about what to do Choosing to start new activities and working out what you need to do to get there Changing the things you do when you are sore

2 The skills Pacing Relaxation Positive self statements
Diaphragmatic breathing Self regulation Stretching Exercising Fitness Being assertive Reducing pain behaviour Planning Prioritising Posture Problem solving Delegating Positive self statements Thinking strategies Chunking Distraction Imagery Time out Visual cues Task simplification Communicating Efficient biomechanics Goal setting

3 Grocery shopping

4 Go out for a drink

5 Do the housework

6 Do the gardening

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