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Sweet Adelines International
presents Task Force Chair Welcome Presentation This presentation will introduce you to the responsibilities of the role of chair on Sweet Adelines International task forces
Objective: To identify the responsibilities of a Task Force Chair
Congratulations! Objective: To identify the responsibilities of a Task Force Chair The general job description of the Task Force Chair A review of the role of the Task Force Chair in the task force process Resources available to you Congratulations on your appointment as Task Force Chair. This is an important leadership role that requires strong organizational and management skills, and your appointment reflects the confidence of the International President that you are well suited for this role. (click) The objective of this session is to identify the responsibilities of the Task Force Chair and give you what you need to get started (click) We will review the general job description of the Task Force Chair (click) We will talk about the importance of your role and how it fits within the Sweet Adelines task force process (click) Throughout the presentation, we will let you know about resources that are available to you in your role as Task Force Chair
Task Force Chair Job Description
1. Refines task force mandate and develops detailed plan 2. Provides leadership to task force resources 3. Monitors and manages task force plan 4. Reports task force progress 5. Attends task force orientation session The following are the high level responsibilities of the Task Force Chair that we will be covering in detail during this session (click) Refining the task force mandate and developing the detail plan (click) Providing leadership to the members of the task force(click) Monitoring and managing the task force plan(click) Reporting on task force progress (click) Attending task force orientation session (click) Captures lessons learned (click) Completing task force exit surveys (click) Let’s get started! 6. Captures lessons learned 7. Completes task force exit surveys
This is the overall life cycle of a task force within Sweet Adelines, showing the responsibilities of all the role involved. (click) Today we will be focusing on your role of Task Force Chair.
Once you have accepted your appointment as Task Force Chair, the most important thing is that you have a clear directive of what you need to do. (click)
Confirm Task Force Mandate
Purpose: Description of purpose of task force Objectives: List all objectives of the task force Deliverables: List of deliverables Timeline: Completion date(s) for deliverable(s) Membership: List all identified individuals or required skills if individuals are not yet known There is a document template that will help you produce a quick high level one page summary that will capture the following information. (click) What is the ultimate purpose of the task force? (click) What are the objectives that will help achieve that purpose? (click) What are the expected outcomes or deliverables? (click) and when are they expected? (click) What resources are needed or expected? This document will ensure that you and the International President, or her appointed representative are aligned on the work to be done before you get started. The Task Force Specialist will provide you with the template and an example of a completed worksheet for your reference. Budget: List high level estimate of costs
The next two steps are really about making you as confident as possible in your new role. (click)
You’ve already got a start by viewing this tutorial (click) The International Task Force Specialist will be in touch with you to provide all templates and examples of all documents and to answer any questions you may have as you get started. Remember you can contact at any time for the duration of your task force - she is there to support you throughout your appointment.
With your mandate confirmed and your orientation as task force chair complete, you are ready to begin working with your task force members. (click) Your first step will be a kick off meeting. (click)
Kick Off Meeting Ensure all task force members understand mandate
Identify stakeholders Identify specific tasks Assign specific tasks Create timeline for completion of tasks This is an important meeting as it will define the work to be done in detail. The meeting serves many purposes: Confirmation that your task force members also fully understand the objectives of the task force Identification of stakeholders of the task force; who needs to be informed, who needs to be involved and who will be making decisions Identification of the specific tasks that need to be done Assignment of specific tasks to task force members Confirmation and agreement on the timelines for completion of tasks The Task Force Specialist will provide templates and samples of agendas and worksheets for your kick off meeting.
Coming out of your kickoff meeting you will have everything you need to create a detailed plan for carrying out the work of the task force. The Task Force Specialist has a template for the detailed plan, as well as a sample for your reference. If you discovered something during the meeting that differs from your original high level plan, you will present that in your detailed plan. A couple of examples might be if you determine that your task force members require more time than originally estimated or if you identify a task that requires a skill no one on your task force currently has. Before you formally present your plan, contact the International President to discuss any significant changes, and if you do need another skill on the task force, you can work with her to find someone suitable for her to appoint. Once your detailed plan has been approved, the work can begin!
Management of the plan includes making sure resources have everything they need, identifying and addressing issues when they come up, and ensuring the work is completed well and on time. (click) The Task Force Specialist will support you during this time on any questions you have about the process, especially any part of it that is presenting a challenge to you. (click) The International President will support you to resolve any issues about the mandate, schedule or resources as they arise. Don’t hesitate to contact either of them if you do run into difficultly. They will help you maintain your task force momentum and support you in decision making.
Once the work is underway, you will need to report on the progress of the task force. You will have included the dates for reports in your detailed plan, but at a minimum a report will be expected for each meeting of the International Board of Directors. (click) When the work of the Task Force is complete, a final report will be created describing the final outcomes of the task force. If there are any tasks left to complete, for example if you have not completed your lessons learned session prior to your final report, you will include those tasks and the expected dates in your final report. Templates for these reports will be provided to you by the Task Force Specialist. (click) The final task for you to complete as task force chair is to capture lessons learned.
Lessons Learned Celebrate the successes of the task force and capture what went well. Identify opportunities for improvement Complete task force survey of your experience Complete task force survey of team members Your final task will provide great value to future task forces We want to keep on doing what we’re doing right, so it’s important to capture (and celebrate) the things that went well for your task force Anything that could potentially improved because of what you learn is also important to identify (click) You will be asked to assess your own experience as task force chair and to indicate your inclination for future involvement (click) You will be asked to assess how your task force members handled their involvement in the task force and where you think their strongest talents and capabilities lie. This will be very helpful for future successful appointments.
International Task Force Specialist
Thérèse Antonini As we have discussed throughout the presentation, the role International Task Force Specialist is to support you in this appointment, and if she has not yet contacted you, she will be doing so soon. You have access to her throughout the duration of your task force. Feel free to contact her at any time. Congratulations again on your appointment as a Task Force Chair, and thank you taking the time to view this tutorial.
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