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Foundations Ch. 1-6 WHAP.

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1 Foundations Ch. 1-6 WHAP

2 Agriculturalists produced more specialized material goods and art than hunter-gatherers because
Hunter-gatherers were not considered civilized. Farmers had more free time than hunters and gatherers. Agricultural societies had more sophisticated tastes. They were able to record how to make such things as pottery, jewelry, and metal goods using newly invented writing systems. Larger communities of people could spare some members from food production for more specialized activities

3 The peoples of Mesopotamia saw the world as a hazardous place because
their gods were inaccessible. the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers tended to flood unpredictably. of the constant warfare in the region. of the corruption of their government. of the scarcity of resources.

4 Define Judaism Has 5 pillars
Is monotheistic and studies the Old Testament Nirvana is reached by eliminating material things Harmony is based on relationships Largest monotheistic religion

5 A code of laws was established earliest
During the rule of King David In the reign of King Solomon While Spartan Kings ruled In the Mesopotamian rule of Hammurabai When the Vedas appeared in India

6 The pulley was established to aide in the construction of
The Pyramids of Egypt The Parthenon of Greece The Colosseum of Rome The Circus Maximus of Rome The Great Wall of China

7 Sacrifices to gods and bronze vessels were part of
The Qin Dynasty The Zhou Dynasty The Shang Dynasty The Han Dynasty

8 What was the main interest abroad for Egypt?
Gaining valuable resources Enslaving new peoples Intimidation of enemies Acquisition of new lands Developing new technologies

9 What is meant by Mandate of Heaven?
The Emperor has the right to rule eternally All citizens must give sacrifice to the Emperor All men were mandated to military service The Emperor must rule in a just and wise position The Emperor had to produce a male heir

10 The Mediterranean was considered
A freeway of trading routes A barrier for invasion Unimportant to the Greeks A barrier to trading The only route to other places

11 Define Buddhism. Good karma leads to moksha
The study of the New Testament Nirvana is reached by eliminating material things Largest monotheistic religion Families are the central core

12 What does the term “city-state” refer to?
Communities that had a mutual association A population center and areas around it A city with a wall surrounding it Political institutions that ruled kingdoms States that engaged in long distance trade

13 The trireme was instrumental for
Egyptian raiders into Nubia Athenian naval forces Spartan warriors Persian invaders Indus travel

14 The most important product of China was
Pottery Opium Salt Silk Tea

15 China & Rome established roads primarily
For quickly moving troops Establishing trade routes To allow migration of peoples Confuse invaders Allow easier construction of projects

16 How was Rome ruled? By military generals An Emperor
Administration run by the noble class A Senate and Consul None of the above

17 What was the importance of the Punic Wars?
Rome and Carthage formed an alliance Carthage devastated Roman trade with Greece It determined who controlled the Mediterranean It injected a large number of slaves into Roman service Rome lost much of its territory

18 Why was becoming Christian an act of disloyalty in the Roman Empire
Christians cannot worship the emperor as a deity Rome already had a strong monotheistic religion Christianity required overthrowing the dictator of an empire All Roman citizens had to learn world religions Christians demanded a Christian utopian society

19 Define Christianity. Moksha is attained through good karma
Largest monotheistic religion Study of the Old Testament Based on the 5 Pillars Nirvana is the ultimate enlightenment

20 The upper caste members in India feared lower caste members because
They wanted to retain Aryan dominance They feared being contaminated They didn’t want leprosy They thought they were a bad influence on upper caste children

21 Christianity became a tolerated and accepted religion under the rule of
Nero Diocletian Tiberius Constantine Claudius

22 A factor that has not contributed to India’s fractured political culture is
The many languages Competition for political power The complex structure of the society hierarchy The varied Indian landscape Different forms of cultural practices

23 Ashoka erected pillars for what purpose?
They became burial markers for his tomb They established the edicts for Ashoka’s beliefs in areas such as morality They helped establish the rise of the Ganges River during monsoons They were the boundary markers for India They were defense barriers

24 Confucianism Based on strong family relationships
Nirvana can be achieved by ridding of material things Good karma can achieve Moksha Largest monotheistic religion Study of the Old Testament

25 Why did the Gupta Empire collapse?
The Mandate of Heaven expired, collapsing the Empire Inflation due to high costs of temple construction Foreign invasion by the Huns Corruption by the administration The people overthrew the Emperor

26 Which of the these were part of the innovations of the Han?
Concrete, canals, the 3 field system Glass, alcohol, and the wheel The pulley, wheel, and stirrup The crossbow, horse collar, and watermill Bronze, penicillin, and saddle

27 Which factor was not part of the fall of the Han Dynasty?
The ideas of Buddhism Foreign invasion Hungry peasants Corruption of the government Failure of the Han to reform

28 Why was Eastern China a region of high population in the Han Dynasty?
The people needed access to sea routes This was the boundary of the Han territory Buddhist centers were in Eastern China They wanted better farmland They wanted isolation from invading nomads

29 Han used people from the gentry class and adopted
Daoism Customs and noble values A modified Confucianism to guide government Mandatory military service for all administrators Buddhism

30 The Qin standardized all of the following except
Religion Coinage Weights & measures Writing Law code

31 The abolishment of primogeniture meant that
Land would revert to the state The wealthy would own most land Conditions for women would be worse There would be more small landowners Power was tied to amount of land owned

32 Hinduism Study of the Old Testament
Nirvana is reached through ridding of material goods The highest enlightenment is moksha Largest monotheistic religion Based on family relationships

33 What happened after the Han took over?
They completely revised the Qin structure They executed former Qin administrators They maintained all Qin structures They followed Qin policies with minor adjustments They got rid of everything but legalism

34 Alexander the Great’s empire
Split into 3 macedonian dynasties Fragmented into warring city-states Reverted to Persian rule Was captured by India Remained unified under his heir

35 Which is not true about llamas?
They facilitated trade They provided meat and wool They were the only domesticated animal in South America They were first domesticated in Venezuela They had the same role as camels did

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