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Media Policy & Children

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1 Media Policy & Children
Laurent Mundela & Anthony Upsey

2 Why? The topic of media and it’s influence on the masses has been circulating our society since the first radio transmission. In regards to children, this topic is extremely important when you consider how much media is consumed by our generation due to the boom in new technologies. The question of how media policies affect children isn't one answered simply, in our project we aim to show the different policies aimed towards making media more positively consumable for children

3 Social Media & Children
Video link-


5 Television Children's Television Act (1990) Three Hour Rule
Bill Nye TeleCommunications Act (1996) V Chip Rating System

6 Internet The Child Online Privacy and Protection Act (COPPA)
COPA amended the Communications Act of 1934, which criminalized the online distribution of material deemed harmful to minors (NCAC, 2017). The Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA) This narrowed down its focus to implementing filters into the schools and libraries that get funding from the government for their internet.

7 Should there be policies on media technologies or media outlets?

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