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Activity of the USER GROUP (January October 2012)

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1 Activity of the USER GROUP (January 2009- October 2012)
G.Cardella Coordinator of the user group: G.Casini, P.Figuera, V.Rosso, M.Taiuti (July December 2010) A.Capone, N.Leneindre, S.Romano, V.Rosso (January October 2011) TASKs: G.Casini / N.Leneindre – CS beams P.Figuera / S.Romano – Tandem Beams V.Rosso Applications M.Taiuti / A.Capone - NEMO S.Romano NEW WEB master

2 What was the user committee activity during these years?
FROM 2009 presentation Our task is to collect suggestions from the users and report them to the Laboratory We should contribute to improve the quality of this laboratory with our work Looking at what other laboratories do, and following a very old idea of one of the first Directors of this Lab ( G.Pappalardo), we decided to prepare the END of EXPERIMENT FORM We have collected about 90 forms However this last year I was unable to press users to send their forms so we collected only few of them during 2012

3 End of run results: 2011 June-October 2011 November-December 2012

4 END of run forms I hope next user committee will push again these forms they were very useful to improve the LNS efficiency From these forms we had for instance suggestions on: the power and ground connections of the o° beam line the rules of the guest house the difficulties for disable users problems of preparation and test with irradiated samples problems of rains inside some acq halls problems of power failure The largest part of forms (>90%) agree on the quality of the support offered by the LNS technical staff

5 USER mailing list FROM 2009 presentation:
“Another important objective is to maintain in good status the list of users” The mailing list from the old coordinator Sara Pirrone was with 270 users now we have a user mailing list with more than 530 addresses The address list was updated using again the post experiment form asking to all peoples to put the address of the participant to the experiments However the increase in mailing list do not correspond to increase in interest During the 2008 election of the user committee we had 146 voting users in 2010 we had 160 voting users - but there were only 5 candidates and 5 places – we will see this year if we will have more candidates and more interested users

6 We will clean the lists before elections
USER database FROM 2009 presentation: “Another important objective is to maintain in good status the list of users” We now have also a user database collecting information about the last PAC to which the user was included in a proposal, the name of the proposal , , institution, and institution nationality - This database is filled using the data from proposals and completed using the address from the end of run Therefore we have in this user list more peoples than in the list 802 users however we must check the status of about 60 users that do not results in any proposal or end of run after 2008 ( we have to check for possible errors ) We will clean the lists before elections

7 USER statistics 30 countries Total 802

8 LNS-NEWS From last user meeting there was a suggestion:
Try to enhance the exchange of information between users Following this we decided to prepare the LNS NEWS The idea was to exchange information between the users on the experiments performed at LNS – The purpose was to do a LNS News each 3-4 month we were at the end able to prepare only two numbers that can be downloaded from our web site Next week I will send to collect the news for the third number that we hope to publish at the end of December

9 Future perspectives This lab has many experimental activities with and without beams and many interactions with others international labs as also reported by the Director We have many problems also due to the economical constraints and in this moment is not easy for instance to have new projects for the accelerators The task of next user committee is to solicit and collect the user suggestions and to encourage discussions using all available methods ( and inventing new ones ) hoping to see a new future when the economical situation will improve


11 Next elections Committee I suggest V.Rosso, G.Cardella that cannot be elected and P.Finocchiaro Dates: Submission of candidates November 1st-24th Election December 3rd – 7th Meeting new committee January 2013

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