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Please get ready to fill out your Vocabulary Study Sheet.

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1 Please get ready to fill out your Vocabulary Study Sheet.
Vocabulary Lesson 7-6 Please get ready to fill out your Vocabulary Study Sheet.

2 Vocabulary Lesson 7-6 Guess the meanings of the italicized stems by looking at the word in context. 1. His story was credible; the teacher believed his story about why he didn’t have his homework. 2. My parents want me to keep my bedroom immaculate. They can’t stand my room being messy. 3. Make sure to send your holiday cards out early so that the post office can transmit them. 4. Teachers are asked to disperse information through their 9th period classes. 5. Are you conscious of the fact that you constantly tap your pencil in class?

3 Vocabulary Lesson 7-6 Stems and Meanings
“Cred” – believe “Im” – into; not “Mit” – sent “Per” – against; through “Sci” – to know

4 Vocabulary Lesson 7-6 Example Words and Definitions
Credible (adj)—believable Discredit (v)—not to believe Immaculate (adj)—not having spots or stains Impromptu (adj)—not prepared Emit (v)—to send out Transmit (v)—to send Disperse (v)—to drive or send away Exasperate (v) —to irritate to a high degree Conscious (adj)—knowing one’s self Prescient (adj)—knowledge of things before they happen

5 Vocabulary Lesson 7-6 Created Sentences
Can you develop 5 sentences on your own with a lesson 7-6 stem or example word in each? Let's hear your examples!

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