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Presentation on theme: "MONOTHEISTIC RELIGIONS"— Presentation transcript:


2 Islam A monotheistic religion that began in the Middle East about 1,400 years ago Founded by Muhammad (sometimes spelled Mohammed) Followers of Islam are called Muslims

3 Ramadan Holy month celebrated, month when the Koran was first revealed to Muhammad Muslims fast from sunrise to sunset

4 Mecca City where Muhammad was born
Holy city that Muslims pray to 5 times a day Pilgrimage city

5 Pilgrimage A religious journey to a sacred place

6 Mosque Muslim place of worship

7 Koran/Qu’ran Holy book of Islam
Muslims believe it contains the words of God as told to Muhammad

8 Allah Arabic word for God

9 Muhammad Founder (prophet) of Islam

10 5 Pillars of Faith Five laws that serve as a CODE for Muslims to live by.
1 The Testimony of Faith: “There is no true god but God (Allah), and Muhammad is his Prophet.” 2 Pray five times per day 3 Fasting the Month of Ramadan 5 The Pilgrimage to Mecca (at least once in a lifetime) 4 Support of the Needy


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