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Presentation on theme: "PRE-CLOSE BRIEFING M&A INTEGRATION TEAMS"— Presentation transcript:


2 01 Communication Guidance

3 Communication Guidance for CEO, SC and Leads
Three Questions Everyone Will Ask: Can I trust you? Are you committed? Do you care about me? Deliberate – Authentic – Consistent Amplifying Your Voice and Vision Visibility -- look for opportunities to be visible and face-to-face with people Boots on the Ground versus Open Door Modeling Behaviors: Set the tone for the team Say/Do: Actions always speak louder than words In times of low trust, ambiguous words and behaviors are interpreted negatively When possible, inform employees first Be transparent and timely in communicating with key stakeholders, even (especially) if the news is negative Minimize unnecessary “noise” Be ethical and honest When possible, communicate proactively instead of reactively

4 The Communication Challenge
High Your Goal Builds trust, Builds confidence, Engages team, Builds alignment, Fosters action All talk, no action; Lose confidence in leaders Say (What am I saying?) Secrets! Creates aura of mistrust – undermines efforts at transparency No information, no visibility; Climate for disengagement Ambiguity is interpreted negatively Natural consequence of mergers Low High Do (What am I doing?) Source: Based on Roger D’Aprix “Say/Do Matrix”

5 Communication Plan Objectives
“Who’s who? How do I get things done?” Protect the base business; Maintain focus on day-to- day operations Make a good first impression Deliver Day 1/Welcome Week playbook, timeline and training Support talent retention Transparent, timely communication about what matters Provide functional communication processes, tools, counsel Foster alignment around new company vision, values, goals Integrate and optimize core communication channels Align messaging to all stakeholder groups Employees Customers Suppliers Functional Cultural Transactional Investors Media Public Others “What’s happening? How am I affected?” “What does this company stand for? Do I want to work here?”

6 Communication: Never Say These Things
“We plan to take the best of both companies.” “Things will continue business as usual.” “This a merger of equals.” “Our cultures are very similar.” When possible, inform employees first Be transparent and timely in communicating with key stakeholders, even (especially) if the news is negative Minimize unnecessary “noise” Be ethical and honest When possible, communicate proactively instead of reactively

7 02 Day 1 & Welcome Week

8 Day 1 & Welcome Week Vision
Objectives Close the Deal Make a Good First Impression Communicate with Key Stakeholders Begin to Align the Organization Scope Corporate – Ensure consistent message and coordinated outreach to key stakeholders Cultural/Engagement – Positive, informative and engaging introduction Functional – Provide employees with information needed to function on Day 1 Branding/Signage – Consistent signage & branding (where required) Objectives Make a Good First Impression Maximize Touch Points Begin to Align the Organization Scope Welcome Teams: Leader & HR Authentic interaction – minimal “pomp” Connect with employees formally, informally Simple Locally Owned Welcome Week – not just fly to SLC – extend it. You need to be visible Plan executive visbility for 90 days

9 Day 1 Deliverables Game Plan Enterprise-wide Master Timeline
Employee Playbook Customer Playbook Supplier Playbook Facility Prep Guide (incl. local outreach) Resource Guide (PDF) Content driven by IMO/SBU/Functional Leads “All I need on Day 1, nothing I don’t” Company overview (scale, vision, principles) Leadership info/org chart Separated by Function “What’s Changing” sheets Key Contacts by function Day 1 Critical policies, processes Branding Guidelines FAQs Collateral Day 1 Webcast/Video Day 1 Intranet Messaging Day 1 Newsletter with Org News Day 1 Leader Presentation Key internal collateral (safety posters, etc.) updated and available Temp signage solution shipped to all locations Welcome Week Schedule CEO SBU Leaders Others Day 1 Policies Updated media policy* Updated crisis communication policy* * these items are likely out of scope for IMO, but should ensure they are on someone’s list

10 Acquirer SC & Leads Planning Involvement
Master Message/Playbook Development Access to CEO, Strategy Development, IR, Legal, HR at minimum for message creation and periodic review Meeting to socialize the communication plan with SC for buy-in, concerns, perspectives Leadership team review of playbook(s) and feedback to surface known issues SBU heads (or designees) will need to own SBU communication plans, with coaching, templates and other support as needed Critical decision-making, as needed, insofar as it pertains to communication points Will work through IMO leads where possible to minimize SC time requirements Heavy Involvement in Day 1/Welcome Week Commitment to messaging and timeline, once finalized Leadership visibility will be critical on Day 1, Welcome Week and into first 90 days Support with scheduling, logistical coordination of Welcome Week (designees) What he and the lead team need to start doing now: Need to start developing messaging now -- so

11 Communication Integration Calendar
January February March 2Q17 Shareholder Vote: Early Feb Transaction & HSR Milestones FTC “Path Forward” Guidance: Late Jan Second Potential Close Target Date: 3/15 HSR Potential 2nd Request: Early Feb First Potential Close Target Date: 2/13 Messaging Playbooks Note: Upon regulatory approval Acquirer will have 5 days to close transaction Pre-close activities will include targeted outreach to key customers Complete by 2/3 Day 1 Timeline Development Complete by 2/3 Includes: Day 1 Newsletter Webcast Presentation Intranet Content Day 1 Collateral Development Complete by 2/10 Welcome Week Prep complete week of 2/13 Execution 2/20-3/15 Resource Guide Compilation Driven by FIL input Complete by 3/15 Integration Newsletter & FAQs Initiate on Day 1, running weekly/biweekly through Day 90

12 Critical Path to Day 1 Pre-Day 1
Leadership Letter, if legally feasible Postpone newsletter to Day 1-90 February 28 – Messaging, timing lock-down Master Playbook locked down Day 1 Timeline nailed down Week of March 6 – Prep spokespeople Customer-facing prep webcast Supplier-facing prep webcast Finalize Day 1 collateral materials March 10 – Testing and Resource Guide Deadline for Resource Guide content Day 1 logistics in place and tested March 15 – Execute Day 1 March 16-17 Welcome Week prep and logistics Prep site managers March 20 Commence Welcome Week at high-value locations, brand HQs with CEO, SC and Leads By Month-End Commence visits to all remaining sites Provide internal branding electronically for site management Provide signage guidance for site managers Prepare for loop with Australia

13 Welcome Week Agendas Leadership presence and visibility is key
Agendas determined by managers T-7 (countdown) prep session to review, so they can begin setup ~4-Hour Visits to interact with employees in formal and informal ways Informal Meeting/Lunch/Dinner with Lead Team Facility Tour – maximize employee touchpoints Employee Meeting/Meet-and-Greet with Q&A Invite public officials to Employee Meet-and-Greets, as appropriate Consider media involvement as appropriate Message Focus Introduce Company Culture / Walk the Talk What Employees Can Expect

14 03 Post Day 1

15 90-Day Deliverables: Stabilization
Integration Newsletter Leadership Messages Emphasis on early wins High-level organizational announcements Changes News, Announcements Ongoing FAQs Functional, SBU Updates “Get to Know Our Business column” Executive Communication Plan Small-group sessions Facility visits & walkthroughs 1-1s with key talent Processes Communicate Organizational Announcements Integrate core communication channels and processes Ad Hoc Communication Planning Deal milestone communication plans (Announcement, leadership letter, FAQ, talking points for leaders, news release, etc.) Communication plans for implementation of large-scale change Communication on emerging issues, TBD

16 Year 1 (90+): Alignment Align Leadership Group
Joint leadership session(s) Face-time Relationship building Align around goals and year 1 deliverables Culture Refresh Post-Stabilization Create a culture statement – vision, mission, values – that reflects the combined company Communicate it consistently across the enterprise Go-Forward Communication Strategy, Resourcing* Key Channels Objectives Roles & Responsibilities * This may be out of scope for IMO involvement, but will be a critical component of locking in gains made during the transition. Communication must not fall off the list on Day 91.

17 04 Critical Path / Next Steps

18 Data Harvesting Priorities
“How Stuff Works” Imperative to get a sense of core communication norms, systems and processes in both the Acquirer and the Acquired Company in order to tailor a plan that fits within it Communication channels Policies and procedures Leadership communication expectations and norms Facility visits “Who’s on First” Need to understand key players in communication processes and begin dialogue around planning Audience Data Facility list and headcounts (HR) Stakeholder groups and any sub-groups Any existing FAQs

19 Joint IMO Session (Communication Session)
Communication Plan Overview “Buckets” and objectives The path to aligned messaging and timing Solicit feedback on Day 1 / Welcome Week concept Interactive session to identify issues, questions, risks, concerns, etc. Introduce Functional Communication Tools Resource Guide “What’s Changing” document Communication planning template Post Day 1 editorial calendar Working Session: How do we make it better??

20 05 Appendix: SAMPLE Day Before Close, Day 1 & Day 2

21 Pre-Day 1 Deliverables (TBD)
Integration Newsletter at TBD frequency Communication plan(s) for deal milestones, ad hoc (leadership letter, news release, FAQ, timeline) HSR outcome Pre-Day 1 org announcements (L1, L2) Divestitures Manage employee feedback process – FAQs shared via newsletter Functional communication planning tools What’s changing document Communication plan template Resource Guide planning Meet-and-Greet Opportunities Day 1 Training & Prep Sessions Welcome Leaders Customer-facing teams Supplier-facing teams Acquired Company Facility managers (w/HR) Prep Guides Welcome Leader Prep Guide Facility Day 1 & Welcome Week Guide Process for facility branding transition Pressure-test communication infrastructure for Day 1 distribution lists Intranet access Video capability/bandwidth issues

22 Day Before Close Date Action Owner NLT 12/29
Resolution of DOJ Review Process Announced Receive Confirmation of Close Date 12/29 (Confirming) Ship items to facilities 12/29 Prep session for Welcome Teams (walk through Welcome Leader Playbook) Finalize call/webcast logistics Send invites and final communication kits to prep session participants 12/30 Prep for Facility Managers/HR Managers (walk through Day 1/Welcome week plans, materials, timeline & expectations) Communication Prep for Company A managers (walk through Day 1 timeline, communication materials, communication tips) Communication Prep for Company B managers Communication Prep for Company A Commercial Leadership (walk through Day 1 timeline, communication materials, process) Communication Prep for Company B Commercial Leadership (walk through Day 1 timeline, communication materials, process) Supplier Communication Prep – All (walk through Day 1 timeline, communication materials, process)

23 Immediately Pre-Close
Time (EDT) Item Owner 12/30 Send invite to Company A Lead Team call with CEO Night Before Union Heads up call Heads up to international reps DAY 1 – 1/2 9:00 AM Company A Leadership Team call with CEO (hosted remotely) New Company Executive Leadership Team call with New Company CEO 10:00 AM Financial Close Begins

24 Day 1 Upon Completion of Close
Time Action Owner 12:00 EDT (Ballpark) Financial Close Completed/"Green Light" distributed (Leadership Team, Company A & Company B FILs, etc. All Communications) National Press Release (Distribute investor webcast notification attached to press release) Day 1 Newsletter - incl. Town Hall webcast invite Distribute local press releases at "new" facility communities Website Go-Live Intranet Content updates go-live Heads up to local union Call Key Customer Contacts press release and letter to government relations contacts press release to trades Call local mayors / key local officials; share local community letters, if applicable Begin contacting state officials Post/Share PDF/hard copy Day 1 Newsletter 1:00 PM Begin customer outreach (includes cascading information to internal customer-facing teams and distribution to customers) Begin supplier outreach (includes cascading information to internal supplier-facing teams and distribution to suppliers) Call critical PA/Trade Contacts Afternoon Field media inquiries; set up interviews for CEO/CFO as needed

25 Sample Day 1 Run of Show 9 a.m. CST – Financial Closing Begins
“Green Light” to Integration Team Leads Press Release Announcing Close Heads-up Calls to Public Officials, High-Value Customers, Others Enterprise Communications Immediately Following Close – CEO Letter to All Employees 11:45 a.m. – Extended Lead Team Call with CEO 1 p.m. – All-Employee Webcast / HQ Town Hall Meeting Facility Communications Distribute Day 1 newsletter to employees Update interior signage/posters/banners Unveil exterior signage Distribute hardhat stickers, shirts Info distributed through customary channels Local media inquiries / interviews Community outreach Function Communications Department Meetings, Conference Calls, Webcasts General Introductions Leadership/Org Structure/Reporting Relationships What’s Changing/What’s Not Changing High-Level 90 Day Integration Plan

26 Day 1 + Welcome Week Strawman
Day 1 – Corporate & Functional Welcome Week – Facility Engagement Events 7/1 7/2 7/3 Enterprise Communications Media Outreach Investor Outreach HQ Town Halls Employee Webcast Customer Outreach PA Outreach Community Outreach Org Announcement Functional Leaders Functional Alignment Meetings TBD based on functional needs CEO/SVP- HR Co B Headquarters Key Facility Visit Other SBU Leads, paired with HR SME Webcast/Call with Direct Reports Key Sites in their area Key Sites in their Area Designee / HR (same as above) Note: given # of facilities, this Acquirer’s Welcome Week plan would be significantly more extensive

27 Day 2 Time (EDT) Action Owner 8:00 AM
Functional communications begin (TBD) Continue customer outreach (includes cascading information to internal customer-facing teams and distribution to customers) Continue supplier outreach (includes cascading information to internal supplier-facing teams and distribution to suppliers) 9:00 Company B Headquarters Walkthrough 10:00 AM Investor Webcast** 11:00 AM All-employee Town Hall 11:30 AM Company B Employee Q&A Company A Employee Q&A 3:00 PM Other Operational HQ Walkthrough 5:30 PM Facility Communication Debrief Call 6:00 PM Strategic Leadership Team Debrief Call


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