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A Linear Method for Deviation Detection in Large databases

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1 A Linear Method for Deviation Detection in Large databases
Data mining A Linear Method for Deviation Detection in Large databases Presented by: Ali Triki Date: 09/30/1999 11/28/2018

2 Content What are Deviations Approach Exact exception problem
Sequential exception problem Algorithm Dissimilarity function Experimental results conclusion 11/28/2018

3 What are Deviations? Deviations are errors or noise in data
Several approaches for detecting deviations (or exceptions) in the areas of Databases and Machine Learning Statistical approach (Hoaglin 1983) Extending learning algorithms to cope with small amount of noise (Aha 1991) Impact of erroneous examples on the learning results (Quinlan 1986) 11/28/2018

4 Approach Use the implicit redundancy in the data to detect deviations.
Clustering data into 2 clusters: deviation and non deviations. Do not discard deviation as noise, but try to isolate small minorities. 11/28/2018

5 Exact Exception Problem
Problem description Set of Items I= {1,4,4,4} Cardinality function: C(I) Dissimilarity Function: the variance of the numbers in the set = 1/n (xi- x)2 Smoothing factor: C(I-Ij) * (D(I)-D(I-Ij)) By computing each candidate exception set Ij we get the following results: 11/28/2018

6 Example The candidate set = {1} is an exception because it has a large smoothing factor SF 11/28/2018

7 Sequential Exception Problem
After seeing a series of similar data, an element disturbing the series is considered an exception Given: A set of items I A sequence S of subsets:: Ij  I and Ij-1 Ij Cardinality function Smoothing factor: SF(Ij)=C(Ij-Ij-1) * (D(Ij)-D(Ij-1)) The Smoothing factor consider the difference with the preceding set instead of the complimentary set 11/28/2018

8 Algorithm 1- Get the first element i1 of the item set I making up the element subset I1I and compute Ds(I1) 2- For each following element ij in S, create the subset Ij taking Ij= Ij-1U {ij} and compute the difference in dissimilarity values dj=Ds(Ij) – Ds(Ij-1) 3- Consider that element ij with the maximal value of dj>0 to be the answer for this iteration. If dj  0 for all Ij in S, there is no exception 11/28/2018

9 Algorithm If an exception ij is found:
For each element ik where k>j compute dk0=Ds(Ij-1U {ik}) –Ds (Ij-1) dk1=Ds(IjU {ik}) –Ds (Ij) Add to Ix those ik for which dk0 –dk1  dj For m iterations, we get m competing exception sets Ix, select the one with the largest value of difference in dissimilarity dj scaled with the dissimilarity function C 11/28/2018

10 Dissimilarity function
Handles the comparison of the character strings, it maintains a pattern of a regular expression that matches all the character strings seen so far. Starting with the pattern of the 1st string, we introduce wildcard characters as more strings need to be covered. Ds(Ij)= Ds(Ij-1) + J*(Ms(Ij)-Ms(Ij-1))/Ms(Ij) Auxiliary function Ms(Ij )= 1/ (3*c-w+2) With c being the total number of characters And w being the number of needed wildcards 11/28/2018

11 Experimental Results 1 11/28/2018

12 Experimental Results 2 11/28/2018

13 Experimental Results 3 11/28/2018

14 A Failure example 11/28/2018

15 Why did it fail? The dissimilarity function used couldn’t catch the exception. Once 2 values ‘..,n,..’ and ‘..,y,..’ are seen , the pattern takes the form ‘...,*,…’ from then on, there is no change in pattern when ‘?’ appears in the same column as the pattern covers it. Need a more powerful dissimilarity function. 11/28/2018

16 Conclusion We presented a linear algorithm for sequential exception problem. Experimental evaluation shows that the effectiveness of the algorithm depends on the dissimilarity function used. It seems helpful to have some predefined D.F that works well for particular datasets. 11/28/2018

17 References: A. Arning, R. Agrawal, P. Raghavan: "A Linear Method for Deviation Detection in Large Databases", Proc. of the 2nd Int'l Conference on Knowledge Discovery in Databases and Data Mining, Portland, Oregon, August, 1996 S. Sarawagi, R. Agrawal, N. Megiddo: "Discovery-driven exploration of OLAP data cubes", Proc. of the Sixth Int'l Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT), Valencia, Spain, March 1998 R. Agrawal and R Srikant “Fast Algorithms for mining association rules” In Proceedings of the VLDB Conference 1994 11/28/2018

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