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Linux: A Product of the Internet

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1 Linux: A Product of the Internet
Student: Xia Li St# Professor: Mort Anvari Fall, 2000 11/28/2018 Linux

2 Linux: A Product of the Internet
The heritage of Linux: Unix What’s so good about Linux? Overview of Linux Additional features of Linux 11/28/2018 Linux

3 Linux: a Product of the Internet
The Linux operating system was developed by a undergraduate student, Linus Tovalds, who used the internet to make his code immediately available to others at no charge. The system is being developed through the cooperation of many people around the world: it is a product of the internet. 11/28/2018 Linux

4 The Heritage Of Linux:UNIX
The UNIX system was developed by researchers who needed a set of modern computing tools to help them with their projects. Unix allowed a group of people working together on a project to share selected data and programs while keeping other information private. 11/28/2018 Linux

5 The Heritage of Linux: Unix
Linux is Unix work-alike: Someone who is used to using Unix will be right at home with Linux. In many ways Linux has gone beyond Unix: * It is more efficient. * in many case faster. * has more advanced development tools. 11/28/2018 Linux

6 What Is So Good About the Linux?
The Code is Free Popular with Manufacturers Run on many machines 11/28/2018 Linux

7 The Code Is Free Free to study Free to redistribute Free to modify
11/28/2018 Linux

8 Popular With Manufacturers
Minicomputers could perform the same functions less expensively. The cost of hardware continually dropping. 11/28/2018 Linux

9 Linux Run on So Many Machines
A portable operating system is one that can run on many different machines. C Programming Language is potable, standard, and powerful. 11/28/2018 Linux

10 OVERVIEW OF LINUX Linux has a Kernel Programming Interface
Linux Can Support Many Users at One Time ( users) Linux Can Support Many Tasks at One Time 11/28/2018 Linux

11 A Layered View of the Linux
Database Management System Compiler Word Processors Mail and Message Facilities Formatters Shells and Utilities X Window System Linux Kernel Hardware 11/28/2018 Linux

12 *Linux Provides a Hierarchical Files system With Built-in Security
. The Linux file system structure etc / tmp alex report jenny home bin log his notes 11/28/2018 Linux

13 The shell is a Command Interpreter and Programming Language
Filename Generation Device-Independent Input and Output Shell Functions Job Control A Large Collection of Useful Utilities Interprocess Communication System Administration 11/28/2018 Linux

14 Additional Features of Linux
Graphical User Interfaces (Inter)networking Utilities Software Development Screen-Oriented Editors Advanced Electronic Mail Running Software From Other Operating Systems 11/28/2018 Linux

15 Summary The Linux operating system grew out of the UNIX heritage to
become a popular alternative to the traditional systems available for microcomputer(PC) hardware. UNIX system users will find a familiar environment in Linux; Distributions of Linux contain the expected complement of UNIX utilities, contributed by programmers around the world.The Linux community is committed to the continued development of the system. Support for new microcomputer devices and features is added soon after the hardware becomes available, and the tools available on Linux continue to be refined. With many commercial software packages available to run on Linux platforms, it is clear that the system has evolved well beyond its origin as an undergraduate project to become an operating system of choice for academic, professional, and personal use. 11/28/2018 Linux

16 Thank You! 11/28/2018 Linux

17 Next Steps Summarize any actions required of your audience
Summarize any follow up action items required of you 11/28/2018 Linux

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