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Milford Middle School Staff Welcomes YOU!

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Presentation on theme: "Milford Middle School Staff Welcomes YOU!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Milford Middle School Staff Welcomes YOU!
School Year “Where Great Things Happen Every Day” 11/28/2018

2 What’s New at Milford? 11/28/2018

3 Milford’s New Schedule
7th Grade Per 1 - 7:15 - 8:10 Per 2 - 8:10 - 9:05 (PE, Music, Reading-Writing-Strategies, Exenstions) Per 3 - 9: :00 Period : :55 Lunch - 10:55- 11:25 Per : :20 Per :20 - 1:15 Wave - 1:15 - 1:45 Resource - 1:45 - 2:15 11/28/2018

4 PYRAMID OF SUPPORT Tier 2: Supplemental Supports
Tier 1: Classroom Supports MAP Data Common Assessments Differentiated learning Resource Time Supports Study/Note-taking strategies Tier 2: Supplemental Supports Homework support during lunch & after school Contract with student Focused remediation Instructional Support Intervention SAP intervention 11/28/2018

Tier 3 – Intense Support Intense Academic Support in Reading, Writing, Mathematics Academic Support instead of related arts class Meeting with Parents and Team to develop a plan SAP Academic/Behavioral Intervention 11/28/2018

6 Teaching Executive Functions
LEARNING APPRENTICESHIP Organizing materials Planning and organizing time and schedules Note-taking strategies Initiating work on assignments Flexible thinking Problem solving Self-monitoring Goal-setting/Reflection 11/28/2018

Benchmark Assessments that provide us with data in Reading, Language Arts, and Mathematics Occur 3-times a year. Measures growth over time Helps us provide support and challenges through Compass Lessons and other methods. 11/28/2018

8 11/28/2018

9 People are goal seeking animals
People are goal seeking animals. Their life only has meaning if they are reaching out and striving for their goals. –Aristotle, ancient Greek philosopher ( BC) 11/28/2018

Explains Learning Targets in Parent Portal Provides Grading & Evidence information Describes Homework Policy Explains remediation and enrichment information 11/28/2018

11 BLACKBOARD SITE Website for students to get all their information
Teachers add their worksheets, classwork, and resources. Provides remediation and support Provides challenging information 11/28/2018

12 PARENT PORTAL 11/28/2018

13 REPORT CARDS 11/28/2018

14 Depth of Knowledge Extended Learning Opportunities Strategic Thinking
Most important learning targets given long-term exploration Strategic Thinking Open–ended, Revise, Critique, Hypothesize, Investigate, Develop a logical argument, Draw conclusions Basic Skills Identify, Predict, Classify Recall Recall of information such as a fact, definition, term or performance of a simple process or procedure 11/28/2018

15 11/28/2018

16 Communication Parent Portal (updated regularly and CSL 2x a Marking Period) Student Tracking Sheets While You Were Out (Preview, Practice, Evidence) Blackboard Page Milford Website Facebook (under Construction) 11/28/2018


18 How can you be involved at Milford
Attend Parent Steering Committee meetings (2nd Monday of each month at 7:00 PM in Library) Ask questions of your child, his/her teachers and building principals Attend parent/teacher conferences Attend Milford functions Visit the QCSD website often for information 11/28/2018

19 Fundraisers to Support Programs
Box Tops for Education Magazine Drive 11/28/2018

20 Ways you can support your school:
Box Tops for Education Ways you can support your school: Clip your Box Tops for Education labels and bring them into school. Log onto the Box Tops for Education website at or and sign up to support Milford Middle School. Shop the Marketplace at – When shopping online, think Box Tops and earn cash for our school. Our school can receive up to a 15% donation at participating providers. Shop the Reading Room – Barnes and Noble and Box Tops have teamed up to make it easy to earn cash for your school. Earn up to 6% of qualified purchases for your school and also receive free shipping on orders of $25 or more simply by starting your purchase by logging on to click “ShopNow” and it will take you to Barnes and website. Ask your relatives and friends to take part in helping you to support your school by clipping Box Top labels and shopping through the BoxTops4 Education website. These are all ways to earn FREE money for your school and it is at NO COST to you ! 11/28/2018

21 QUESTIONS 11/28/2018

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