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AquaSpace Case Study Nova Scotia Bays, Canada: Issues and Tools

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1 AquaSpace Case Study Nova Scotia Bays, Canada: Issues and Tools
The research leading to these results has been undertaken as part of the AquaSpace project (Ecosystem Approach to making Space for Aquaculture, and has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation under grant agreement n° Horizon 2020

2 Nova Scotia Bays Where?

3 Indicators of coastal connectivity – SW Nova Scotia
Spatial connectivity, dispersal patterns (antibiotics, waste…), risk assessment for diseases: ISA, sea lice transmission (advection) Bay management Transfer time (d).- average time needed to go from one element to another TT(d) 5km Instantaneous calculations, which open the possibility of spatial optimization (MSP) Indicators of coastal connectivity – SW Nova Scotia

4 Farm, reference, and vessel instrumentation and sampling
pens CTD Turbidimeter Fluorometer Oxymeter Currentmeter

5 Habitat mapping Landscape metrics: Class Type Area (ha) % Landscape
# Patches Mean area (ha) Largest patch (%) 1 Permeable sand 887.6 29 30.6 2 Silt and mud 432.9 40 10.8 3 Mixed soft/hard 174.6 68 2.6 3.8292 4 Hard bottom/rock 147.7 8.9877 57 0.9134 5 N/A 0.2 0.0146 Total: - 1643.0 100 195 ACCESS2015

6 ‘Ammonia’ close to island – chronic release, t = 5 hours
2 km

7 MSP Scenarios Apply ZOIs, identify overlap
Interaction intensity is variable, and can go both ways No overlap (or no effect): Beach/eelgrass Beach/lobster Lobster/eelgrass

8 Initial Focus Changes in Atmosphere Ocean Interactions
Sustainable Aquaculture Marine Safety Ocean Data Analytics Shifting Ecosystems Sustainable Fisheries

9 Marine Institute Galway AWI GEOMAR
International Partners LabexMER IMR Marine Institute Galway AWI GEOMAR

10 OFI Module M Case study area

11 OFI Module K Ocean sensors

12 data driven sustainable farming Continuous Monitoring Wireless Sensors Central Hub data driven sustainable farming

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