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Only miracle in all four gospels – important

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Presentation on theme: "Only miracle in all four gospels – important"— Presentation transcript:

1 Only miracle in all four gospels – important

2 Only miracle in all four gospels – important

3 Who is Jesus associating with?
Sort of people Jesus deals with – poor, 5 barley loaves – cheap bread! 90% of Galilee in poverty

4 Who is Jesus associating with?
those willing to cause rebellion…, Passover near – why not in Jerusalem? Following Jesus instead? Wanted to make him King…

5 Who is Jesus associating with?
people who got it wrong! – they wanted to make him king because he fed people

6 Who is Jesus associating with?
non-religious, ‘unclean’ Sea of Tiberius – built as a city in AD18 by Herod Antipas, son of Herod the Great in Galilee region – new administrative centre because Sepphoris destroyed because they rebelled when Herod the Great died, so destroyed. Built on a necropolis (cemetery) – so those there were unclean (so not Jews…? Or only unclean Jews) (in second century declare pure, and became significant theological school) Look around at who we relate to…

7 What happened? Responds to their need (but they don’t ask! – Jesus meets their wants) A test? – with Samaritan woman, disciples buying food – missed mission. Doing same again?

8 Went up a mountainside – like Moses?
5 barley loaves – cheap bread! (Elisha fed 100 on 20 barley loaves - !) Is presenting the boy with 5 loaves & 2 fish faith or fun?? Miracle or seeing boys example, gave of their own? 5,000 men – about size of a Roman legion – a Jesus legion? Eucharistic overtones – took, gave… Gather up … nothing wasted, left 12 basketfuls – the new Israel

9 Their response They see a prophet Jesus acting like Moses (linked to prophet) What did people think – a prophet, a king – someone who would meet their needs What did Jesus show – better than Moses, better than Elijah Wanting to make Jesus king is a revolutionary act! What should our response be? Trust – there is always enough with Jesus? (visas, food, work, money … people to do the job) Give what we have – things change! Time, energy, resources Take, thank, break, give Earth’s crammed with heaven, And every common bush afire with God; But only he who sees, takes off his shoes – The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries. — Elizabeth Browning

10 Their response Wanting to make Jesus king is a revolutionary act!

11 What should our response be?
Trust – there is always enough with Jesus? (visas, food, work, money … people to do the job)

12 What should our response be?
Give what we have – things change! Time, energy, resources

13 What should our response be?
Take, thank, break, give

14 What should our response be?
Earth’s crammed with heaven, And every common bush afire with God; But only he who sees, takes off his shoes – The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries. — Elizabeth Browning

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