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He aha te hau He aha te hau e wawara mai He tiu, he raki Nāna i a mai te pū- pū-tarakihi ki uta E tikina atu e au te kōtiu Ko ia te pou, te pou whakairo.

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Presentation on theme: "He aha te hau He aha te hau e wawara mai He tiu, he raki Nāna i a mai te pū- pū-tarakihi ki uta E tikina atu e au te kōtiu Ko ia te pou, te pou whakairo."— Presentation transcript:

1 He aha te hau He aha te hau e wawara mai He tiu, he raki Nāna i a mai te pū- pū-tarakihi ki uta E tikina atu e au te kōtiu Ko ia te pou, te pou whakairo ka tū ki Waitematā I ōku wairangi ee Kōkiri! This prophetic moteatea was created by Titaha a rangatira from Ngati Whatua. Matua Doug brought this waiata from Unitec for us to learn and appreciate the rich history that relates back to this area.

2 Translation What is that murmuring sound Upon the north wind That cast my paper nautilus ashore Which I plucked from the north wind And thus claimed? It is the carved pillar that stands in the Waitematā Harbour That I see in my distressed state

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