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Chambers and Vessels.

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1 Chambers and Vessels

2 First Things First Four chambers Four valves Lots of vessels
Two on each side of heart Four valves One between each chamber One leaving the chamber Lots of vessels Coming into and leaving the heart

3 Cardiac Chambers Right Atrium Left Atrium Right Ventricle
Left Ventricle

4 Atria Located in the base of the heart
Base is positioned superior, posterior and rightward direction Both atria have appendage (finger like attachment) Protrudes outside the heart Increases the atrial surface and aids in contraction Divided by IAS Fossa Ovalis in center Separated from ventricles by AV Groove(coronary sulcus)

5 LA Appendage

6 Right Atrial Appendage


8 Fossa Ovalis 1. Sinus venarum 2. Terminal crest 3. Fossa ovalis
4. Rim or limbus of the fossa ovalis 5. Musculi pectinati 6. Valve of the inferior vena cava

9 Sinus Venarum Part of the embryonic heart
Found between the two vena cava Becomes part of the smooth muscle of right atrium

10 Coronary Sinus Collection of veins that form a large vessel that collects blood from the myocardium, Delivers deoxygenated blood to the right atrium along with the IVC and SVC Opens into the RA between the inferior vena cava and the atrio-ventricular orifice. Protected by a semicircular fold of the lining membrane of the auricle, the coronary valve (the valve of Thebesius).


12 Coronary Sulcus The Atria are separated from the ventricles by the coronary sulcus (also called coronary groove, auriculoventricular groove, atrioventricular groove, AV groove); this contains the trunks of the nutrient vessels of the heart, and is deficient in front, where it is crossed by the root of the pulmonary artery

13 This shows the circumflex artery which sits in the Coronary Sulcus

14 Ventricles Pumping Chambers Right Left Relaxes Receives blood from RA
Contracts and ejects blood out PA Left Receives blood from LA Contracts and ejects blood out Ao

15 Position of Ventricles
Located in inferior portion of heart Apex Blunt rounded end Inferior, anterior and leftward Divided by IVS Walls Septal, anterior, lateral inferior and posterior Great Vessels Attach at the superior aspect of ventricles Carry blood away from heart


17 (A) and (B) Two parts of the same heart sectioned longitudinally.
(A) and (B) Two parts of the same heart sectioned longitudinally. The broken lines divide the left ventricle into three portions. Note the cross-over relationship between right and left ventricular outflow tracts and the smooth upper part of the ventricular septum leading to the aorta. RVOT, right ventricular outflow tract Ho S Y Eur J Echocardiogr 2009;10:iii3-iii7 Published on behalf of the European Society of Cardiology. All rights reserved. © The Author For permissions please

18 (A) The papillary muscles in the left ventricle, fine apical trabeculations, a long false tendon (green arrows), and broad muscle bundles (triangles). (A) The papillary muscles in the left ventricle, fine apical trabeculations, a long false tendon (green arrows), and broad muscle bundles (triangles). The asterisk marks the membranous septum. Note the thin musculature at the apex (arrow). (B) Simulated ‘four-chamber’ cut through a heart with a dilated left ventricle. The bases of the papillary muscles are continuous with the trabeculations. This heart shows multiple fine strands of false tendons crossing the cavity, and trabeculations also on the posterior and postero-inferior walls. AL, anterolateral papillary muscle; PM, postero-medial papillary muscle. Ho S Y Eur J Echocardiogr 2009;10:iii3-iii7 Published on behalf of the European Society of Cardiology. All rights reserved. © The Author For permissions please


20 Great Vessels Includes veins and arteries Great Arteries
PA and Ao Superior Vena Cava (SVC) Inferior Vena Cava (IVC) Pulmonary Artery (PA) Pulmonary Veins (PV) Aorta (Ao)


22 SVC and IVC Carry deoxygenated blood from body to RA
SVC receives blood from brain and upper extremities IVC receives blood from abdomen and lower extremities


24 Pulmonary Artery Main PA NOTE:
Carries deoxygenated blood from RV to lungs Branches Right Pulmonary Artery (RPA) Left Pulmonary Artery (LPA) NOTE: PA is the only artery that carries deoxygenated blood Arteries carry blood away from heart



27 MRI of PA Heart

28 Pulmonary Veins Four Veins NOTE:
Right Upper(Superior), Right Lower (Inferior), Left Upper(Superior), Left Lower(Inferior) Carry oxygenated blood from lungs to the heart NOTE: PV are the only veins that carry oxygenated blood Veins carry blood toward the heart



31 Aorta Largest artery in body Carries blood from LV to body
Super highway of systemic circulation Many branches Feeds heart (coronary artery system)brain, abdomen, and limbs


33 Angiogram of Aorta

34 Abbreviations Ao-Aorta IAS- Interatrial Septum
IVS- Invertentricular Septum LA-Left Atrium LPA-Left Pulmonary Artery LV Left Ventricle PA- Pulmonary Artery PV4 Pulmonary Veins X4 RA- Right Atrium RPA- Right Pulmonary Artery RV- Right Ventricle SVC-Superior Vena Cava IVC- Inferior Vena Cava

35 The Crista Terminalis A vertical ridge of smooth myocardium within the right atrium On the lateral wall of the chamber. Extends between the right side of the orifice of the superior vena cava inferiorly to the right side of the valve of the inferior vena cava. It marks the dividing line between the posterior, smooth sinus venarum ( the remains of the developmental right horn of the sinus venosus) and the anterior, rough part of the right atrium (the original auricular chamber of the embryo). It forms from the superior part of the right venous valve where the sinus venosus enters the right atrium. The Sinoatrial node sits within the upper part of the crista terminalis. On the external surface of the heart, the crista terminalis occasionally is represented as the sulcus terminalis.

36 Opening of coronary sinus Valve of IVC valve of coronary sinus
Aortic Arch SVC R Auricle Limbus of Fossa Ovalis Crista Terminalis musculi pectinati Fossa Ovalis IVC Opening of coronary sinus Valve of IVC valve of coronary sinus

37 Review of Crista Terminalis
Runs between IVC and SVC Marks division between smooth Sinus Venarum and rough anterior part of atrium Contains SA Node Is Sulcus Terminalis on outside of heart Crista Terminalis

38 Heart Anatomy

39 Posterior View of the Heart




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