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New Perspectives, New Means, New Motives

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1 New Perspectives, New Means, New Motives
Chapter 19 WHAP

2 Introduction Nations that had previously been on the rise or in power were facing new threats from the west, especially Europe.

3 Introduction They faced the military might and political ambitions of European states. Colonies were enmeshed in networks of trade, investment, and migration from Europe.

4 Introduction Colonies and countries were being inundated with European culture, language, Christianity, technology and European thought. The “isms” affect the colonies and their relationships with their colonizers: scientific rationalism, nationalism, socialism, feminism, individualism.

5 New Motives Industrialization: Economic needs:
Europe needs raw materials and agricultural goods. They also need markets for their manufactured goods. Investment in foreign places returns high yields for investors.

6 New Motives Imperialism:
Imperialism, or taking over other countries, provides raw materials, markets, and places for migration. Prevents class warfare as a “safety valve”


8 New Motives Nationalism:
Everyone is interested in “Great Power” status. Colonies and spheres of influence provide great power status and sources of pride for countries.


10 New Means Technology helps to drive these ambitions:
Steam driven ships Canals Underwater telegraph Quinine Weaponry: rifles and machine guns


12 New Perspectives Old view: Christian vs. heathen
Europeans mixed and mingled with others Adapted new ideas and techniques from other places

13 New Perspectives New View: Racial Superiority All others are primitive
Phrenology, craniology, racial classification Germ theory “White Man’s Burden” Civilizing mission – Christianity, good government, work discipline, basic education, clothing and healthcare. Suppress native customs “Progress and Civilization”

14 The “White Man’s burden”

15 Uncle Sam Teaching his Unruly Students how to behave

16 New Perspectives: Native Americans and Assimilation

17 Social Darwinism

18 New Perspectives Social Darwinism

19 Outcome: Remember the “MAIN”!

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