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Blood Plasma - the liquid portion of the blood
A complex mixture of cells, enzymes, proteins & inorganic substances Plasma - the liquid portion of the blood Cellular portion of blood contains red cells (erythrocytes, RBCs) – carry O2 white cells (leukocytes, WBCs) – fight infection Platelets (thrombocytes) – used for clotting
Blood Properties Blood: Accounts for about 8 % of total body weight.
5 to 6 liters of blood for males. 4 to 5 liters of blood for females. A 40 percent blood volume loss, internally or/and externally, is required to produce irreversible shock (death)
Red Blood Cells Most abundant cells in the blood
Give blood its characteristic red color. Account for 40 to 45% of the blood. The percentage of blood made up of RBCs is often measured and is called the hematocrit. The ratio in normal blood is: 600 RBCs for every 1 white blood cell and 40 platelets. There are several things about RBCs that make them unusual: Has a strange shape Has no nucleus. Can change shape to an amazing extent, without breaking, as it squeezes single file through the capillaries. Contains hemoglobin
Erythrocytes (RBC) Red cells possess chemical structures on their surfaces called antigens or agglutinogens Impart blood type characteristics
White Blood Cells Platelets
Part of the immune system and fight infection. Circulate in the blood to be transported to an infection site. In a normal adult body there are 4,000 to 10,000 WBCs per microliter of blood. Platelets The clotting factors that are carried in the plasma They clot together in a process called coagulation to seal a wound and prevent a loss of blood.
Plasma Clear, yellowish fluid
Can sometimes appear milky after a very fatty meal or when people have a high level of lipids in their blood. Contains electrolytes, nutrients and vitamins, hormones, clotting factors, and proteins such as antibodies to fight infection. Plasma is 90-percent water. The rest is protein.
Blood Clotting Blood Clot Formation (blood cells, platelets, fibrin clot)
What is Serology? The study of the proteins found in blood, used in forensics will focus on the antigen / antibody protein connection to determine blood typing
Blood Types Karl Landsteiner, 1900
Noted that when blood from different people was mixed it sometimes forms a precipitate - deadly if mixed in body. Explored why. Blundell's blood transfusion apparatus, 19th century
Genetics of Blood Types
Your blood type is established before you are BORN, by specific GENES inherited from your parents. You inherit one gene from your MOTHER and one from your FATHER. These genes determine your blood type by causing proteins to exist on the surface of all of your red blood cells.
AA or AO = Type A BB or BO = Type B OO = Type O AB = Type AB
What are blood types? (ABO system) There are 3 alleles or genes for blood type: A, B, & O. Since we have 2 genes, there are 6 possible combinations (genotypes) Blood Types AA or AO = Type A BB or BO = Type B OO = Type O AB = Type AB
Blood Types - Paternity
And the Father Is: A B AB O If the Mom is: A or O A, B, AB, or O A, B, or AB The Child Must Be: A, B, AB or O B or O A, B or AB A or B
Antibodies Proteins that are present in the serum
Responsible for ensuring that the only blood cells that can survive in a person are cells of the correct blood type Antibodies produced by the A alleles remove cells containing B antigens by clumping them together Antibodies produced by the B alleles remove cells possessing A antigens
Immunoassay: A technique utilizing antibodies to bind specifically to targeted substances in order to identify their presence
Type O Blood Possessed by people whose genotype is OO
both parents passed on the O gene have no antigens can be introduced into a person with Type A or Type B because the cells are not attacked by antibodies have both A & B antibodies can only have other O type cells mixed with this blood
Type A Possessed by people with genotype AA AO A is dominant to O
Possesses antibody B will destroy any Type B red cells
Type B Possessed by people with genotype BB BO B is dominant to O
Possesses antibody a will destroy any Type A red cells
Type AB Possessed by people with genotype AB A & B are co-dominant
Possesses no antibody can have A, B, AB, or O cells added Can’t be added to any other blood type without being destroyed by an antibody
Blood Typing Blood typing is done by reacting whole blood with antibody A and antibody B
Blood Typing
Rh Factors A+ A- B+ B- AB+ AB- O+ O-
While studying Rhesus monkeys, a certain blood protein was discovered. This protein is also present in the blood of some people. Other people, however, do not have the protein. The presence of the protein, or lack of it, is referred to as the Rh (for Rhesus) factor. If your blood does contain the protein, your blood is said to be Rh positive (Rh+). If your blood does not contain the protein, your blood is said to be Rh negative (Rh-). A+ A- B+ B- AB+ AB- O+ O-
How common is your blood type?
46.1% 38.8% 11.1% 3.9%
Blood Transfusions O A B AB
A blood transfusion is a procedure in which blood is given to a patient through an intravenous (IV) line in one of the blood vessels. Blood transfusions are done to replace blood lost during surgery or a serious injury. A transfusion also may be done if a person’s body can't make blood properly because of an illness. A B O AB Universal Donor Universal Recipient
Who can give blood? Type O- called the universal donor because it can be given to anybody; it has no protein to cause clumps (coagulation). Type AB+ is the universal receiver because the recipient has all of the proteins and so will not form clumps (coagulation). Rh + Can receive + or - Rh - Can only receive -
Forensic Blood Analysis
Identification (“Is it blood”?) Blood origin (human or other source?) Blood Type Blood Spatter Analysis
Identification (“Is it blood”?)
Hemoglobin has peroxidase-like activity (enzymes that accelerate oxidation of organic compounds). Kastle-Meyer Test - uses phenolphthalein (an acid/base indicator) Blood + phenolphthalein + peroxide (H2O2) → deep pink color Can give false positives (horseradish, some vegetables, potatoes, etc.)
Identification (“Is it blood”?)
Luminol Test: Reaction of luminol w/ blood produces a complex which can be seen by luminescence. Very sensitive Detects unseen samples and patterns. Does not interfere with later DNA testing.
Blood origin (human or other source?)
Precipitin Test Animals are injected with human blood to form antibodies Isolate human antiserum (antibodies to human blood) Human antiserum will react with human blood. Antiserum can be made similarly for many other animals Works on old (dried for many years) and small samples of blood
Blood Spatter Analysis
The examination of the shapes, locations, and distribution patterns of bloodstains, in order to provide an interpretation of the physical events which gave rise to their origin. Used to: Confirm or refute assumptions concerning events Position of victim (standing, sitting, lying). Evidence of a struggle. (blood smears, blood trails) Confirm or refute statements made by people involved in the case: Are stain patterns on a suspects clothing consistent with his reported actions? Are stain patterns on a victim or at a scene consistent with accounts given by witnesses or the suspect?
Bloodstain Evidence Direction from which blood originated
Angle of impact Location or position of a victim when wound was inflicted Movement of a bleeding individual Number of blows that struck a bleeding victim Approximate location of an individual delivering blows
Bloodstains – 3 patterns
Projected Passive Transfer
Passive Bloodstains Drops created or formed solely by the force of gravity. Can be subdivided: Drops Drip patterns Pools Clots
Surface Bloodstains (Passive)
Type of surface the blood strikes affects the spatter pattern. Blood droplets that strike a hard smooth surface will have little distortion around the edges Blood droplets that strike linoleum flooring will often show small distortion around the edges Blood droplets striking wood, carpeting or concrete are distorted to a larger extent (ex. spines, satellites spatter) Smooth Linoleum Concrete
Effect of Target Surface
. . Effect of Target Surface . Spreads out smoothly ST of spreading edge is broken by irregular surface
Transfer Bloodstains Created when a wet, bloody surface comes in contact with another surface Occasionally, a recognizable image of the original surface may be observed, such as a hand or shoe pattern. Subdivided: Contact bleeding Swipe or Smear Wipe Smudge.
Projected Bloodstains
Created when a blood source is subjected to an action greater than the force of gravity The size, shape, and number of resulting stains will depend on the amount of force utilized to strike the blood source
Types of Projected Bloodstains
Arterial Spurt / Gush - from blood spurt under pressure from a cut artery Cast-off Stains - blood released or thrown from a blood-soaked object in motion Impact Spatter - created when a blow or force results in the random dispersion of smaller drops of blood Arterial Cast-Off
Projected Bloodstains - Impact
Low Velocity - Gravitational pull. Relatively large stains 4 mm and greater. Medium Velocity - Stain size 1 to 4 mm. High Velocity - Stain size 1 mm and smaller (Mist like appearance). Low Medium High
. Wave Cast-off Tail of elongated stain points in direction of travel
Tail of wave cast-off points back to parent drop Parent drop wave cast-off
Downswing of Hammer
Cast-off from Weapon ceiling
Cast off Pattern Sequence
1 (4 spots) 2 (3 spots) 3 (2 spots) If weapon does not pick up more blood, spatter from subsequent backswings becomes progressively less. In practice weapon picks up more blood with each successful blow.
When a droplet of blood strikes a surface perpendicular (90 degrees) the resulting bloodstain will be circular. Blood that strikes a surface at an angle less than 90 degrees will be elongated or have a tear drop shape. Directionality is usually obvious as the tail will always point in the direction of travel.
ANGLE of IMPACT (AOI) is the acute angle formed between the direction of the blood drop and the plane of the surface it strikes By utilizing trigonometric functions its possible to determine the impact angle for any given blood droplet. SIN θ = opposite hypotenuse
Blood Spatter SIN Ө = Width (a) = 1.5 cm Length (c) cm
Point of Convergence (origin determination)
2 Dimensional Analysis
Point of Convergence (origin determination)
3 Dimensional Analysis – String method
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