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The analyst view: Gartner

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1 The analyst view: Gartner
Description Veracode is a U.S.-based, well-established and rapidly growing provider of SAST and DAST cloud services, software supply chain testing and mobile AST. For SAST, Veracode has been a pioneer in the analysis of binary code, not requiring the source code for testing. Its 2012 acquisition of Marvin security accelerated its mobile AST capabilities where it was also an early innovator. In 2014, Veracode added integrated software composition analysis capabilities into its AST services for the identification of vulnerable open source components. Veracode's AST services will meet the requirements of organizations looking for a broad set of AST services — SAST, DAST and mobile AST — that want to delegate their AST and SCA to a third-party expert with a strong reputation for the quality of its services and demonstrated innovation in application security. We moved up in execution significantly!

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