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Declaration Vocabulary

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1 Declaration Vocabulary
A.P.U.S. History Mrs. Civitella

2 unalienable- not capable of being separated 
 impel- to move forward or force   prudence- wise thought before action  disposed- inclined to do something usurpation- the act of seizing power wrongfully 

3 evince- to show clearly, make evident 
naturalization- the process of a foreign born person becoming a citizen  tenure- length or term of office (position)  civil- of or having to do with citizens   quarter(ing)- housing  arbitrary- judgment contingent on one person’s discretion abdicate- to formally relinquish an office or title mercenaries- foreign soldiers for hire

4 perfidy- deliberate breach of trust or faith
insurrection- resistance against civil authority or established government redress- compensate, correct, amend emigration- to leave one country and settle in another

5 magnanimity- just, unselfish (usually applies to a leader)
consanguinity- of the same ancestry acquiesce- to submit or comply without protest rectitude- moral virtue

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