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Mrs. Remenick’s Goal: For the students at VCE to be HAPPY most of the time!! To be happy most of the time students must know… HOW TO DO THEIR BEST IN SCHOOL.

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Remenick’s Goal: For the students at VCE to be HAPPY most of the time!! To be happy most of the time students must know… HOW TO DO THEIR BEST IN SCHOOL."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Remenick’s Goal: For the students at VCE to be HAPPY most of the time!! To be happy most of the time students must know… HOW TO DO THEIR BEST IN SCHOOL. HOW TO GET ALONG WITH OTHERS. HOW TO STAY SAFE.

2 Why do we have Safety Rules?

3 What are some safety rules
you know about…

4 Sexual Abuse When someone tries to force a child or trick a child so they can touch a child on the parts of their body that are private OR when someone forces a child into touching the private body parts of the other person's body.

5 Force

6 Private Body Parts The parts of your body that are
covered by your bathing suit.

7 Trick Another word for trick could be a LURE
When someone fools you, lies to you, pretends, or calls something a game that really isn't a game. Another word for trick could be a LURE

8 What is a Stranger?

9 True OR False? All Strangers are bad.

10 Lure

11 Pet Lure Beware of strangers offering the chance to see cute pets
Do not help strangers look for a lost pet

12 Always ask your parents or a trusted adult first!
Name Lure Just because someone knows your name, does not mean it is okay to talk or go with them Do not share your name when playing games, using , or chatting online Always ask your parents or a trusted adult first!

13 Assistance Lure Adults should ask other adults for help, not Kids!
Stay 3 Giant steps back from the driver of any car It’s okay to say NO! Always ask parents or a trusted adult before helping!

14 Emergency Lure Some people might try to trick a child into thinking there is an emergency to get a child to go with them Do not go with any person, even if you know them, unless your parent tells you it is okay

15 Affection Lure Remember body ownership!
It’s okay to say no to hugs, kisses, tickles, & cuddles that make you uncomfortable. Trusted adults DO NOT ask children to keep secrets Always TELL a trusted adult if your inner siren turns on

16 Games Lure Be alert when playing games that involve body contact
Follow body ownership rules when playing games Playing games should be fun! No hurting or inappropriate contact is allowed! It is okay to quit the game and tell a trusted adult

17 Friendship Lure Friends don’t ask friends to do anything inappropriate , dangerous, scary, unsafe, or uncomfortable I will not tolerate inappropriate or disrespectful behavior by a friend I will leave immediately if a friend’s actions make me feel scared or confused. Then, I will tell a trusted adult

18 Bribery Lure Bribery is when someone offers us something and expects something in return Do not accept gifts without parental permission I will not keep gifts or treats a secret from my parents

19 Sexual Abuse (review) When someone tries to force a child or trick a child so they can touch a child on the parts of their body that are private OR when someone forces a child into touching the private body parts of the other person's body.

20 5 Safety Rules for Body Safety

21 1. It's My Body!

22 2. Listen to your "Uh-oh" feeling.

23 3. I say NO! in a great big voice! I get away!

24 4. I will tell an adult who will believe me.

25 5. It's NEVER MY FAULT!

26 5 Body Safety Rules It's My Body! 2. Listen to your "Uh-oh" feeling.
3. I say NO! in a great big voice! I get away! 4. I will tell someone who will believe me. 5. It's NEVER MY FAULT!

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