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Development of communication support and mentoring for

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1 Development of communication support and mentoring for
intellectual able people within the spectrum of learning differences. Louise Zandian, Chief Executive Officer Lifeworks Staffordshire. MA Autistic Spectrum. BEd(Hons).

2 What is not recognised?


4 Tip of the Iceberg Professor Angela Fawcett stated at the Singapore Dyslexia Association Conference in June 2017 that , “co-morbidity is the rule not the exception.” OCD’s often appear alongside Asperger syndrome. Thomsen (1999) Tourette’s syndrome and Asperger syndrome high level of co-occurrence. Taylor (2003) ADHD co-occurs in 50% of cases with other SpLD’s. Bird et al (1993)

5 Impact Autism Act (2009) The Equality Act (2010)
NICE guidelines for ADHD and Autism Local, regional, national

6 SIAM Identified need –clients, carers
Communication support- on a one to one basis Befrienders Mentoring- developing strategies Independent

7 Course Development Who is it for? Teaching assistants
Assistant social workers Care workers Probation workers Charity workers Family members? Others?

8 Course Development Content? Theory and practice
Core modules, advocacy, mentoring, professional development including critical thinking /reflective practice Elective modules e.g. Autism, ADHD, etc Bolt –on minimum of 6 modules

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