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PowerPoint Automation

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Presentation on theme: "PowerPoint Automation"— Presentation transcript:

1 PowerPoint Automation
Marquee can automate one or more PowerPoint presentations running on PCs on your LAN More instructions follow…

2 Marquee’s macro editor has five PowerPoint specific macros you can assign to cues or buttons:
NOTE: The last character of your slide show’s file name must match the Machine ID used by the PowerPoint macro in Marquee. (i.e. this show is named Marquee1.ppt so it will respond to machine_id 1)

3 In your version of PowerPoint, you may need to go into TOOLS|MACROS|SECURITY and set the Security Level to Medium or Low.You must do this before loading and saving your presentation.

4 You may need to edit the “hosts” file and add a line that specifically calls out the IP address of your Marquee processor.

5 Delete all the slides in this presentation and insert your own (including transition or video clips). When you are ready to run your show, choose TOOLS|MACROS|Macros… and RUN the macro called PPAutomation. Check the Machine_ID then press the Run button. When the presentation is done, press the End button.

6 The first time you run the Marquee macro in PowerPoint, you may be presented with a Windows Security Alert: This is Windows telling you that it notices you want to listen to Marquee. Choose Unblock.

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