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How to edit the title slide

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1 Joint Development of Technology with Industry Graham Appleby – European XFEL Facility
How to edit the title slide Upper area: Title of your talk, max. 2 rows of the defined size (36 pt) Lower area (subtitle): your name and affiliation, max. 1 rows of the defined size (28 pt)

2 Development of Technology at RIs
Large RIs are important technology drivers by themselves through their state-of-the-art equipment, technologies, and methodologies, and through the limited life cycles and frequent upgrades of their equipment. Components of beamline infrastructure at new facilities require a technical level not yet available from commercial suppliers or at other RIs For example optical systems (mirrors, lenses) which can create the beam-focusing required, while withstanding the ultrahigh radiation intensities generated by FELs or HPL facilities.

3 Development of Technology at RIs
To ensure realization of such demanding technologies, many RIs collaborate with industrial suppliers. The RI provides their requirements to the industrial supplier, and the supplier develops the new technology. In some cases, the RI provides further support in this development. The supplier could be later able to sell their newly developed product to other consumers.

4 EUCALL Survey Do you have joint high-tech developments with industrial suppliers? If yes, please give examples of a success story. Why was it a success? If not, can you describe areas where these would have been useful, but did not realize? Reasons why they did not realize. Do you still foresee such joint developments for the next years?

5 Development of Technology at RIs
Most RIs have examples of industrial collaboration in which a company has developed its existing product/s or created a new commercialized technology following the RI’s input or requirements. Often it involves a simple transfer of know-how to the industry, and the RI doesn’t receive any financial gain or other benefit from this, which has been the case at DESY.

6 Development of Technology at RIs
Elettra, has for 10 years received royalties for the know-how developed internally and provided to an industrial collaborator HZDR’s co-development of a few technologies with a laser started with a purchase order that initiated the contact, and now HZDR jointly develops future products of the company and receives royalties.

7 Development of Technology at RIs
PSI developed a component of their on-site proton therapy centre with an industrial supplier. The supplier sells the product to other proton therapy centres, while PSI receives royalties. A contract from European XFEL allowed a supplier to significantly expand its own expertise and capabilities, to produce advanced vacuum systems which can be of value to other research facilities (not only for light sources).

8 Hidden Technology Transfer at RIs
DESY reported that hidden transfer of knowledge occurs between beam scientists, beam engineers and industrial suppliers of instrumentation (the supplier company receives free advice from synchrotron staff about how to develop their products). It is hard for DESY’s Technology Transfer Office to control/regulate this. It is becoming more clear to DESY’s scientists that their knowledge can be used to generate profit for a private company, and non-disclosure agreements are implemented.

9 Economic Impact of RIs Entire RI contribution to economic development may not always be specifically recognised by policy makers/funding bodies Enabling recognition of which RIs have contributed to new/improved commercial products, in the case when the RI contributed know-how (but does not own any IP or share of the company) might improve this

10 Development of Technology at RIs
In many cases, detailed information of the collaboration between the RIs and the industrial partner (company names, exact description of the technology, and precise financial terms of the agreement) were not disclosed due to confidentiality restrictions Recognised limitation if RIs do not have the right to tell with whom they are working on in what general field Especially if the facilities are paid from the same national funding agency (DESY, BESSY, MBI laser, …) Benefit for EUCALL to make the facilities aware of this limitation and that they should insure in future contracts that they reserve the right to exchange this general information with other facilities. Further: EUCALL could encourage a database to exchange this information. So that the same company is not developing the same thing twice with different facilities. At least once the project is complete this information could be shared actively

11 On-site Expertise ESRF and ELI-Beamlines report that all of their development is done on site by their own staff, for example ESRF has its own undulator manufacturing laboratory, so joint development with industry does not occur. Suggestion: if they have such a great undulator lab, they could/should build undulators for other RIs, too Such knowledge about location of such expertise is probably common knowledge within one community, but probably not between lasers and accelerators. Exchanging this expertise knowledge could be a starting point for stimulation of innovation.

12 Thank you for your attention /
How to edit the title slide Upper area: Title of your talk, max. 2 rows of the defined size (36 pt) Lower area (subtitle): your name and affiliation, max. 1 rows of the defined size (28 pt)

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